Cruisemansトップ   >   ロイヤル・カリビアン   >   ブログ   >   【超速報】コロナウィルス関連【2/7シンガポール発着】


シリーズ  ロイヤルカリビアンのススメ


内容はコロナウィルス対策による乗船規制のお知らせです。 以下に該当する人は乗船できないor追加検査が必要とのことです。

■ 15日以内に中国本土&香港に行ったまたは来た方と接触したゲスト及びクルー

■ 中国及び香港のパスポート保持者

■ インフルのような症状が出てる方





Dear Guest,
We’re looking forward to welcoming you aboard our February 7th Quantum of the Seas sailing! Before we embark on our adventure, we have some important information to share with you.

After consultation with medical experts and public health authorities, we’ve decided that regardless of nationality, any guest or crewmember traveling from, to, or through mainland China or Hong Kong less than 15 days prior to their sailing will be unable to board any of our ships. We regret to have to do this, but due to the recent increase of coronavirus cases around the world, this precaution will help avoid the spread of this virus. We take this very seriously and have a responsibility to maintain a safe and healthy environment onboard our ships, as well as in the ports we visit. We take this very seriously and have a responsibility to maintain a safe and healthy environment onboard our ships, as well as in the ports we visit.

Additionally, we’ve tightened our secondary health screening requirements and the following guests will need to undergo extra screenings to ensure safety at the cruise terminal:

  • Guests or crewmembers that have been in contact with individuals that have traveled from, to, or through mainland China or Hong Kong in the last 15 days.
  • Anyone that holds a Chinese or Hong Kong passport – regardless of when they were there last.
  • Anyone that feels unwell or demonstrates flu-like symptoms.

While these measures are conservative, our responsibility is to reduce the spread of coronavirus, in an effort to keep our ships safe and to ensure you are able to enjoy your time with us.

Your vacation and your health are very important to us, so in an abundance of caution, we’ve taken numerous proactive steps to maintain high health standards onboard our ships. This includes:

  • Thoroughly sanitizing the cruise ship terminal before and after every sailing,
  • Special sanitizing of high traffic areas onboard multiple times a day,
  • Adding extra medical staff on each sailing,
  • Providing complimentary consultations with medical experts for all guests & crew,
  • Plus, the Captain will make two daily announcements during your cruise reminding everyone of how to stay healthy onboard.

And, you can do your part too! To ensure we all have an enjoyable cruise, here are some important tips to help keep you healthy and prevent colds, flus, and stomach viruses – both onboard and on land.

  • After using the bathroom and before any meal or snack (it’s a cruise; we know there’s lots of that), make sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds.
  • If you happen to sneeze, cover your nose and mouth with a tissue (or with your upper sleeve). Avoid sneezing or coughing into your hands or without covering your nose and mouth.
  • Use hand sanitizer as often as possible. Rub the gel thoroughly, and in-between your fingers, until your hands are dry. While we’re taking every precaution possible to avoid the spread of this virus and maintain a safe and healthy environment onboard all of our ships, it’s important to us that if you prefer to remain at home, you may do so. If you want to postpone your cruise and come back at a later time, we will provide you with a 100% Future Cruise Credit in hopes that you’ll join us again in the near future.

And remember, if you don’t feel well while you’re onboard, it’s imperative that you immediately visit our medical facility on Deck 2 for a complimentary checkup. Our onboard doctors and nurses are always ready to assist. Your safety and wellbeing are always our top priorities, but we also want you to have an amazing time. Stay clean, stay healthy, stay happy!

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Now, get ready for a wonderful vacation – see you onboard soon!




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