ドレスコード : フォーマル
2 ボ ヤージ M813 018年3月24日 ( 土 ) の出 : 7 : 15am の入り : 7 : 24pm
World Voyage
日本語デイリープログラム ( M ) 2 : 2018
レムチャバン ( タイ ) に向けて航海中 船長主催 ・ 乗船歓迎カクテルパーティー
今夜のドレスコード ( 6pm以降 )
船長ピーター ・ フィルポットとシニアオフィサーが 、 パーティーにご招待します 。
会場 : クイーンズルーム ( デッキ3 、 D階段 ) 男性はディナージャケット 、 タキシード 、 スーツにネクタイ 。
ドレスコード : フォーマル 女性はイブニングドレス 、
◆ブリタニア 1回目のご夕食のお客様5 : 15pm開始 - 6 : 00pm終了 - カクテルドレス 、 着物等 。
◆グリルクラスで夕食のお客様 ( 招待状 * ) 6 : 30pm 開始 - 6 : 15pm 終了 テーマ 「 ブラック & ホワイト 」
●ブリタニア2回目のご夕食のお客様7 : 45pm 開始 - 8 : 30pm 終了
船長との写真撮影をご希望のお客様は 、 右舷側アート ・ ギャラリーからご入場下さい 。 時差調整のお知らせ
長との写真撮影がご不要のお客様は 、 左舷側の入り口からお入りになると 、 混雑を 明日3月25日 ( 日 ) の早朝に 船の時間が1時間戻ります 。
避けることができます 。 混みあいますので 、 お早めにお越し頂く事をお勧めします 。 3月24日 ( 土 ) お休み前に
本日のおすすめユンターテイメント 時計の針を1時間戻して下さい 。
今夜のショータイム 「 ザ ・ ピアノ ・ ブラザーズ 」 列 10 : 00pm の場合 9 : 00pm となります
今まで見たこともないようなピアノの連弾をお楽しみください 。 オルタナティブレストラン
バック演奏 : ロイヤルコートシアターオーケストラ 時間8 : 45pm & 10 : 30pm ロイヤル ・ コート ・ シアター ( デッキ2 & 3 、 B階段 )
ブラック & ホワイトボール 本日のテーマ : メキシコ料理
クイーンズルーム ・ オーケストラの生演奏で 本日特別価格 お一人様 $ 19 . 50
エレガントなダンスの夜をお楽しみ下さい 。 ご予約は25400 ( 8am - 6pm )
10 : 00pm ロイヤルキュナードダンサーズがオープニング 、 キングスコートオルタナティブ
10 : 45pm 頃ダンスカップルユージン & ダリアによるパフォーマンスあり デッキ7 ・ C階段 ・ 右舷側
時間9 : 45pm ~ 12 : 00am 日本語映画
| クイーンズルーム ( デッキ3 、 D階段 )
本日のおすすめアクティビティー 日本語バーチャル ラインダンス教室
社交ダンス教室 船内ツアー
「 初級スローワルツ 」
客室内テレビ 30チャンネル
天国からの奇跡 4 : 00am , 6 : 00am , 8 : 00am , 10 : 00am
ドクター ・ ストレンジ 12 : 00pm , 2 : 00pm , 4 : 00pm
インフェルノ 6 : 00pm , 8 : 15pm , 10 : 30pm
クイーンメリー2に始めて 乗船されたお客様向け 、
公共施設をご紹介 ! 時間 9 : 30am ~ 10 : 00am G32 - クイーンズルーム奥
( デッキ3 、 D階段 )
踊りましょう !
時間11 : 00am クイーンズルーム ( デッキ3 、 D階段 )
ダンスカップル ユージン & ダリアによる 初心者向けスローワルツ教室
- - 時間 12 : 15nm クイーンズルーム / ( デッキ3 、 D 階段 )
船上プラネタリウム " Stars over the Atlantic "
日本語デスク 時間10 : 30am - 11 : 00am コネクションズ前デスク
( デッキ2前方左舷側 ) 緊急時には不在の場合もございます
上記時間外で日本人ホステス ・ 山本悦代のお手伝いが必要な際は パーサーズオフィス 222 : 00
までお電話の上 、 「 ジャパニーズホステスプリーズ 」
とお伝え下さい 。 乗組員避難訓練のお知らせ 本日 10 : 00amに乗組員の避難訓練の アラームと船内放送が流れます 。 訓練の過程には客室をチェックする 項目が含まれます 。 訓練中に船内で お静かにお過ごしになられたい方は “ Privacy Please " の札をドアの外に お掛け下さい 。 また屋外デッキから
離れていただけますよう 松岡由1Lぜます
整理券を各ショー配布しま スコアはエンターテイメント
す 。 整理券は当日9 : 00am ~ スタッフがカウントするので コネクションズ ( デッキ2 、 簡単 !
A階段 ) のデスクより 、 お一
人様一枚ずつお取り下さい 。 時間11 : 15am
※英語のみ 、 ゴールデンライオンパブ時間 1 : 30pm , 2 : 00pm , 2 : 30pm ( デッキ2 、 C階段 )
デッキ3 、 A - B 階段 右舷側入口 * 開始 15分前まで
勝負です ! ( 参加無料 ) 参加人数に限りがあるため 事前にご登録ください 。 ( 9 : 30am ~ 受付開始 )
時間 3 : 30pm フェアウェイズ ( デッキ12 、 B階段 )
食 & 学 “ ランチ & ラーン 本船チーフソムリエのサラヴが厳選した フランスと新世界のワインの試飲会を 。 行います 。 総料理長クラウスが考案した 最適の美味しいお料理をご堪能下さい 。 料金 : お一人様 $ 75 . 00 ご予約はレストランのソムリエまたは内線22062 まで 開催日3月26日 時間 12 : 00pm ( 正午 ) ベランダ ・ レストラン ( デッキ8 、 D階段 )
写真館プロモーション 今夜本船のカメラマンが撮影したポートレイト 写真が全て20 % オフでご購入頂けます 。 クイーンメリー2でのクルーズの 思い出にいかがですか ? フォトギャラリー ( デッキ2 、 C階段 )
レストランオープン時間 プリンセス & クイーンズ ・ グリル ( デッキ7 、 D階段 ) ブリタニアクラブ ( デッキ2 、 D階段 ) 朝食
8 : 00am ~ 9 : 30am ランチ
12 : 00pm ~ 1 : 30pm ディナー
6 : 30pm ~ 9 : 00pm ブリタニアレストラン ( デッキ2 & 3 、 C & D階段 ) 朝食
8 : 00am ~ 9 : 30am ランチ
12 : 00pm ~ 1 : 30pm ディナー1回目 6 : 00pm ( ラストオーダー6 : 30pm ) ディナー2回目 8 : 30pm ( ラストオーダー9 : 00pm ) ワインライン 10 : 00am ~ 1 : 00pm ( 事前オーダーは22062 ) ベランダ ・ レストラン ( デッキ8 、 D階段 ) ランチ
12 : 00pm ~ 1 : 30pm ( $ 20 . 00 ) ディナー
6 : 30pm ~ 9 : 00pm ( $ 49 . 95 )
ご予約は 8am ~ 6pm の間 、 恋25400 まで キングスコート ・ ブッフェ ( デッキ7 、 B階段 ) コンチネンタル朝食
5 : 00am ~ 6 : 30am 朝食ブッフェ
6 : 30am ~ 11 : 30am ヘルシーコーナー朝食
7 : 00am ~ 10 : 30am
11 : 30am ~ 3 : 00pm ハンバーガー & ホットドック 。 11 : 30am ~ 3 : 00pm アフタヌーンスナック
3 : 30pm ~ 5 : 30pm ディナーブッフェ ( 前方左舷 ) 6 : 00pm ~ 10 : 30pm ピザ & サラダステーション 6 : 00pm ~ 9 : 30pm お夜食 ( 後方 )
11 : 00pm ~ 2 : 00am キングスコート ・ オルタナティブ ( デッキプ C階段 、 右舷 ) アズテック ( メキシコ料理 ) 7 : 00pm ~ 9 : 00pm ( $ 19 . 50 )
ご予約は 8am ~ 6pm の間 、 ©25400まで
カジノ無料テーブルゲームレッスン 10 : 30am ~ 11 : 00am の間テーブルゲームの遊び方を学びながら 、 無料でゲームをお試し頂けます 。 この機会に是非ご参加下さい 。 スノーボール ・ ジャックポット ・ ビンゴ ビンゴで現金があたるチャンス ! チケットはゴールデン ・ ライオン ・ パブにて 1 : 00pm ~ 3 : 00pmの時間帯に販売しております 。 時間 3 : 00pm 〜 ゴールデン ・ ライオン ・ パブ ( デッキ2 、 C階段 )
2019 - 2020年のクルーズ販売スタート クイーンエリザベスは2020年4月 11日から5月15日 、 東京発着で 広島 、 済州島 、 長崎 、 宮崎 、 高知と 。 クルーズします ! 船内で予約されると 5 % 割引に加え 、 次回船内で利用できる オンボードクレジットの特典あり ! 詳しくは内線番号22339 ( ヨーヨー ) に事前ご予約をお取りの上 、 お問い合わせください 。 ボヤージュセールス ( デッキ2 、 B階段 、 左舷側 )
スパ ・ プロモーショ 本日8 : 00am - 10 : 00amまたは5 : 00pm - 7 : 00pmの間にシグネチ ャースパサービスをお受けになると追加で20分サービスいた します 。 全てのボディーまたはフェイシャルマッサージを受け るとその日はアクアセラピーセンターも 無料でご利用いただけます 。 ご予約はスパ受付または色27008 / 27009まで キャニオンランチ ・ スパ ( デッキ7 、 A階段 )
バー ・ ラウンジオープン時間 カリンシア ・ ラウンジ
7 : 00am ~ 11 : 00pm - 軽食8 : 00am ~ 10 : 00am , 12 : 00pm ~ 2 : 30pm , 3 : 30pm ~ 5 : 00pm シャンパンバー
11 : 00am ~ 遅くまで チャートルーム 、
10 : 00am ~ 遅くまで コモドアー ・ クラブ
10 : 00am ~ 遅くまで ゴールデン ・ ライオン ・ パブ 10 : 00am 〜 遅くまで
パブランチ 12 : 00pm ~ 2 : 30pm G32 ( 18歳以上 )
9 : 30pm 〜 遅くまで パビリオン ・ プールバー 10 : 00am ~ 7 : 00pm サー ・ サミュエルズ
9 : 00am ~ 11 : 00pm テラス ・ プール ・ バー ( 天候次第 ) 10 : 00am ~ 10 : 00pm グリル専用ラウンジ11 : 00am ~ 2 : 30pm , 6 : 00pm ~ 12 : 00am
デッキ7 、 屋外デッキ前方封鎖 デッキ7前方のプロムナードデッキ ( 屋外 ) は日暮れから夜明 けまでの間 、 封鎖され 、 通り抜けできませんのでご注意くださ い 。 この付近では明かりが十分でない小さな漁船が多く 、 夜間 の操舵室からの見張り番が 、 デッキの灯りの障害なしに 、 監視 できるようにするためです 。 ご理解 、 ご協力よろしくお願いい たします 。 ベトナム入国のための VISA ( 査証 ) について 本船では 2018年3月 27 日ベトナム ・ プーミーに寄港す るための準備を行っております 。 日本国のパスポートを お持ちのお客様は一度目の訪越でビザは不要ですが 、 4 月2日のニャチャン寄港する方は1度目の入国から30 日以内のため ) ビザ ( 有料 ) が必要となります 。 手続き は本船側にてアライバルビザを申請し 、 ビザ料金 $ 33は 船内会計に加算されます 。 上陸する 、 しないに関わらず 皆様取得する必要があります 。 もし有効なベトナムビザ をお持ちの場合はパーサーズオフィスまでご提出くださ い 。 その場合料金は発生いたしません 。
RuSch loyal me
船内施設オープン時間 ブック ・ ショップ 9 : 00am ~ 1 : 00pm , 2 : 00pm ~ 6 : 00pm キャニオンランチ
8 : 00am ~ 8 : 00pm アート ・ ギャラリー
10 : 00am ~ 4 : 00pm エンパイアカジノ 会計 10 : 00am / テーブル 11 : 00am フォトギャラリー
9 : 00am ~ 3 : 00pm 図書室
9 : 00am ~ 6 : 00pm メイフェアショップス
9 : 00am ~ 9 : 00pm 医務室
9 : 00am ~ 11 : 00am , 4 : 00pm ~ 6 : 00pm ※緊急時はⒸ999 または911までお電話下さい スポーツ
9 : 00pm ~ 6 : 00pm ツアー ・ オフィス 9 : 00am ~ 12 : 00pm , 2 : 00pm ~ 6 : 00pm ボヤージセールス 9 : 30am ~ 12 : 30pm , 3 : 00pm ~ 6 : 00pm
Tonight ' s Dress Code : Formal
Queen Mary 2 Voyage M813 Saturday , 24 March 2018 Sunrise 7 . 15am Sunset 724pm
World Voyage
Daily Programme . M ) 2 2018
Time Change Notice ,
Please be advised that early tomorrow morning , the ship ' s time will be SET BACK ONE HOUR . Please set your watches BACK before retiring this evening , 24 March
At sea en route to Laem Chabang , Thailand .
Tonight ' s Entertainment . The Piano Brothers .
Captain ' s Welcome Reception .
Captain Peter Philpott
cordially invites all guests who dine in the Britannia Restaurant to join him and his Officers for cocktails in the
Queens Room . Guests dining on the
early seating
5 . 15pm to 6 . 00 pm Guests dining on the late seating
7 . 45pm to 8 . 30pm . The Captain will be receiving guests on the
starboard side entrance , please enter via the Clarendon Fine Art Gallery . Alternatively ,
guests not wishing to join the receiving line may enter the party via the port side entrance
to the Queens Room .
Dress code : Formal Queens Room 1 Deck 3 , D Stairway
Direct from Abbey Road Studios London , having provided the piano recordings for the brand new Elvis Presley album with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra topping the UK and iTunes charts , The Piano Brothers demonstrate an explosive roller - coaster ride of cutting edge duo playing like you
have never seen before !
At 8 . 45pm & 10 . 30pm Royal Court Theatre 1 , Decks 2 & 3
INSIGHTS Celebrity Lecture :
Jim Kennedy ' 50 Years of Space Exploration . . . Imagine
the next 50 Join , Jim Kennedy ,
Former Director of NASA ' s Kennedy Space Centre for an overview of space exploration .
At 11 . 00 am Royal Court Theatre 1 , Decks 2 & 3
Pamela Chen . ' The Relentless Asian Learners . Pamela grew up in Taiwan but has lived her
entire adulthood in the UK . Having had a Taiwanese childhood herself and seen the British childhood of her children , Pamela experienced the conflicts between these two very different values and understands
how the values instilled in her from the Taiwanese upbringing has shaped her life .
At 11 . 00 am Illuminations , Deck 3 , Stairway B Dr Denny Whitford .
' Shipwrecks . Join Professor , and retired U . S . Navy Captain ,
Dr . Denny Whitford , for an informative presentation discussing how ships are wrecked , what happens to them on the bottom , how we find lost shipwrecks , and shipwrecks in our cruising area .
At 12 . 15pm Illuminations , Deck 3 , Stairway B Anne Marie Harrison .
" A Tale Of Two Countries :
An Overview Of Vietnam This talk covers the history of Vietnam and highlights some of the differences between
the North and the South .
At 3 . 30pm Illuminations , Deck 3 , Stairway B
Port Presentation :
| Phu My . Join our Port Lecturer , Graham Howell for his
informative port talk on Phu My . At 10 . 00am , Illuminations , Deck 3
Black and White Ball .
Premiere Movie . ' Daddy ' s Home 2
Starring Will Ferrell , Mark Wahlberg , Linda Cardellini , John Cena , John
Lithgow and Mel Gibson .
Don your black and white finery for an evening of elegance in the Queens Room . At 10 . 00pm enjoy a special dance performance from your Royal Cunard Dancers and then at 10 . 45pm a special dance exhibition by International Dance Couple Eugene and Darya . With the Queens Room Orchestra under the direction of Blake Waters ,
vocalist , Michael Burke . Presented by Social Host , Tommi Hill .
9 . 45pm
Queens Room , Deck 2
Father and stepfather Dusty and Brad join forces to make Christmas
time perfect for the children . Their newfound partnership soon gets put to the test when Dusty ' s old - school , macho dad and Brad ' s gentle father arrive to turn the holiday upside down .
800pm & 10 . 30pm Illuminations 7 , Deck 3 , Stairway B
Cooking Demonstration
With Pamela Chen . 2 . 00pm , Royal Court Theatre
oday ' s activities .
11 . 00am Deck Quoits Tournament Deck 12 , Stairway B ( Outside , Port ) 11 . 15am Killer Darts Who will be crowned champion of the board ? Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) 12 . 00pm Eight Bells Grand Lobby , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway B
6 . 00 am Good Morning Queen Mary 2 Your guide to today ' s entertainment and activities , with Entertainment Director , Amanda Reid , and guests . Stateroom TV , Channel 23 ( repeated continuously until 12 . 00pm ) 6 . 00am Movie : ' Passengers Yesterday ' s theatre movie , repeated continuously . Stateroom TV Channel 24 8 . 30am Christian Fellowship Gathering ( unhosted ) Boardroom , Deck 9 , Stairway A ( Port ) 9 . 00am Foil Fencing : Class A Introduction to Fencing . Class A . Spaces limited to 12 per class . With Sports Host , Richie . Queens Room , Deck 3 , Stairway D 9 . 30am Paddle Tennis Tournament Sports Centre , Deck 13 , Stairway B 9 . 30am Beginners Bridge Lesson Classes run in sequence . Connexions Rooms 4 & 5 , Deck 2 , Stairway A 10 . 00am Full Crew Drill This morning the crew will be exercised in their emergency duties . No action is required from guests , however guest services will be limited for the duration of the drill Shipwide 10 . 00am Guest Safety Briefing For guests who did not attend the Guest Emergency Drill held yesterday . Please note that the Grills Lounge will be closed for the duration of this briefing . Grills Lounge , Deck 7 , 0 Stairway ( Approximate duration : 30 minutes ) 10 . 00 am Port Presentation : Phu My With Port Lecturer , Graham Howell , Illuminations , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway A
12 . 00pm Navigational Announcement Information from the Bridge over the public address system . 12 . 00pm Snowball Jackpot Bingo Empire Casino , Deck 2 , Grand Lobby ( Port ) 12 . 00pm Social Baggo ( unhosted ) The Fairways , Deck 12 , Stairway B 12 . 15pm Insights Lecture : Dr Denny Whitford ' Shipwrecks . Join Professor , and retired U . S . Navy Captain , Dr . Denny Whitford , for an informative presentation discussing how ships are wrecked , what happens to them on the bottom , how we find lost shipwrecks , and shipwrecks in our cruising area . Illuminations , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway A 12 . 15pm Pianist Miklos Szabo Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) ( until 1 . 00pm ) 12 . 15pm Ballroom Dance Class : Beginners ' Slow Waltz With International Ballroom Instructors Eugene and Darya . Queens Room , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 1 . 00pm ) 12 . 30pm Solo Guitarist Paul Garthwaite Carinthia Lounge , Deck 7 , Stairway B ( until 1 . 15pm ) 12 . 30pm Poolside Music with Purple Haze Terrace Pool Deck 8 , Stairway D ( until 1 . 15pm ) ( Inclement weather venue : Pavilion Pool Deck 12 , Stairway B )
10 . 00am Watercolour Art Class Art kits are available for $ 35 . 00 . Places limited to 25 guests . Britannia Restaurant Upper , Deck 3 , Stairway C ( Port ) 10 . 00am Social Table Tennis ( unhosted ) The Fairways , Deck 12 , Stairway B 10 . 00am Craft Class Beginners welcome . Nominal fee applies . Places limited to 20 guests . Britannia Restaurant Upper , Deck 3 , Stairway C ( Port ) 10 . 00am Social Chess and Backgammon Belgravia Room , Deck 1 , Stairway B ( Port ) ( until 11 . 30 am ) 10 . 30am Morning Trivia Who will be crowned today ' s trivia champions ? Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) 10 . 30am A World of Art Talk : Jack Vettriano vs . Fabian Perez Clarendon Fine Art are proud to dedicate a talk and exhibition to the sensational works of Fabian Perez and Jack Vetrianno . Looking at a collection of paintings and hand signed limited e from each artist , we deliver a talk on their incredible lifes and the fascinating stories and inspiration behind the sensuality of the art . Clarendon Art Gallery , Deck 3L , Stairway C ( Starboard ) 10 . 30 am Complimentary Gaming Lessons Learn all about some of our exciting table games on offer and join in on the experience of free play . Following this , be sure to stick around for our introductory low limits . $ 1 Madness and play Blackjack for $ 1 for 30 minutes . Empire Casino , Deck 2 , Grand Lobby ( Port ) ( until 11 . 00 am ) 10 . 30am Solo Travellers ' Coffee Morning Meet other independent guests with your Social Host . Tommi , and the dance hosts for an informal get together , Carinthia Lounge , Deck 7 , Stairway B ( until 11 . 15am ) 10 . 30am Intermediate Bridge Lesson Classes run in sequence . ConneXions Rooms 4 & 5 , Deck 2 , Stairway A 10 . 30am Voila Watch Preview Jewellery Boutique , Deck 3 , Grand Lobby 70109 Grove con riceveroppi Jewellery Boutique , Deck 3 , Grand Lobby 11 . 00 am Celebrity Lecture : Jim Kennedy * 50 Years of Space Exploration . . . Imagine the next 50 . Royal Court Theatre , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway B 11 . 00am Insights Lecture : Pamela Chen ' The Rolentos Asian Learners She will share her learning observations and reflections of the cultural differences in work ethics , education and the emotional impacts on the individuals . Illuminations , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway A 11 . 00am Line Dancing Hosted by a member of the Royal Cunard Dancers . Queens Room , Deck 3 , Stairway D
1 . 00pm Low Limit Afternoon Seadays Play your favourite Poker Games for $ 3 and Roulette for 50 cents . Empire Casino , Deck 2 , Grand Lobby ( Port ) ( until 5 . 00pm ) 1 . 30pm Planetarium : Stars Over The Atlantic Tickets are available from the Connexions desk , Deck 2 . A Stairway , at 9 . 00am . Please enter Illuminations on the Starboard side . Illuminations , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway A 1 . 30pm Poolside Music with Purple Haze Terrace Pool , Deck 8 , Stairway D ( until 2 . 15pm ) ( Inclement weather venue : Pavilion Pool , Deck 12 , Stairway B ) 2 . 00pm A World of Sculpture Talk The world of sculpture dates back to prehistoric times but some of the methods used to create them have barely changed . This talk will help you to tell the difference between a ' Bronze ' sculpture and a ' Cold Cast Bronze ' as well as explaining why a limited edition bronze sculpture is always unique . This talk may help those who are running out of space on the walls to continue their collections . Clarendon Art Gallery , Deck 3L , Stairway C ( Starboard ) 2 . 00pm Planetarium : ' Stars Over The Atlantic Tickets are available from the Connexions desk , Deck 2 . A Stairway , at 9 . 00am . Please enter Illuminations on the Starboard side . Illuminations , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway A 2 . 00pm Wipeout Trivia The trivia with a twist - will you keep all your points ? Chart Room , Deck 3 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) 2 . 00pm Watercolour Art Class Art kits are available for $ 35 . 00 . Places limited to 25 guests . This is a repeat of this morning ' s class , Britannia Restaurant Upper , Deck 3 , Stairway C ( Port ) 2 . 00pm Cooking Demonstration with Pamela Chen Royal Court Theatre , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway B 2 . 00pm Craft Class Beginners welcome . Nominal fee applies , Places limited to 20 gueses This is a repeat of this morning ' s class . Britannia Restaurant Upper , Deck 3 , Stairway C ( Port )
Britannia Restaurant Opber , Deck 3 , Stairway Export 2 . 00pm Social Bridge and Whist Belgravia Room , Deck 1 , Stairway B ( Port ) ( until 4 . 00pm ) 2 . 00pm Duplicate Bridge Tournament Connexions Rooms 4 & 5 , Deck 2 , Stairway A 2 . 30 pm Planetarium : ' Stars Over The Atlantic Tickets are available from the con at 9 . 00am . Please enter Illuminations on the
s e t Illuminations , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway A 2 . 30pm Shuffleboard Tournament Sports Centre , Deck 13 , Stairway B
Vy Today ' s Activities .
9 . 45pm Harpist Fiona McGee Carinthia Lounge , Deck 7 , Stairway B ( until 10 . 30pm ) 9 . 45pm Live Music with Purple Haze G32 , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 10 . 45pm ) 9 . 45pm Black & White Ball With the Queens Room Orchestra under the direction of Blake Waters , featuring vocalist , Michael Burke . Hosted by Social Host , Tommi . Queens Room , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 12 . 00 am )
3 . 00pm Masonic Brethren Get Together Informal meeting for all lodge members from around the world . Boardroom , Deck 9 , Stairway A ( Port ) 3 . 00pm Snowball Jackpot Bingo Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) 3 . 00pm Tanzanite Jewellery Seminar Join our onboard Tanzanite specialist Brian as he takes you on a journey of discovery of the unique gemstone that is known as the Crown of Africa . Jewellery Boutique , Deck 3 , Grand Lobby 3 . 00pm Host Corner : Needlework & Knitting Bring your own knitting and needlework projects for an informal gathering with Social Host , Tommi . Carinthia Lounge , Deck 7 , Stairway B ( until 4 . 00pm ) 3 . 30pm Insights Lecture : Anne Marie Harrison A Tale Of Two Countries : An Overview Of Vietnam This talk covers the history of Vietnam and highlights some of the differences between the North and the South Illuminations , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway A 3 . 30pm Complimentary Golf Competition 133 Yards , Closest To The Pin . Places are limited . Sign up from 9 . 30am . The Fairways , Deck 12 , Stairway B
10 . 00pm Karaoke Throw your inhibitions overboard singing your favourite karaoke classics . Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) 10 . 00pm Pianist Miklos Szabo Commodore Club , Deck 9 , Stairway A ( until 12 . 00 am ) 10 . 30pm Showtime : The Piano Brothers Presented by your Entertainment Director . Amanda Reid . Royal Court Theatre , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway B 10 . 30pm Movie : Daddy ' s Home 2 Please see the front page of the daily programme for more details . Illuminations , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway A
10 . 45pm Abba and More with DJ Chris G32 , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 11 . 30pm ) 11 . 30pm Live Music With Purple Haze G32 , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 12 . 45am ) 12 . 00am Dance Music For Enthusiasts Recorded ballroom and latin music . Queens Room , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 12 . 30am )
3 . 30pm Queens Room Afternoon Tea Featuring the imprezza String Quartet . Queens Room , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 4 . 30 pm ) 4 . 00pm Friends Of Bill W . Boardroom , Deck 9 , Stairway A ( Port ) ( until 5 . 00pm ) 4 . 15pm Afternoon Trivia With a member of the Entertainment Team . Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard )
12 . 30am All Request Express with DJ Chris Dance the night away in Queen Mary 2 ' s night club , with DJ Chris . G32 , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until late )
SpaClub .
4 . 45pm Catholic Vigil Mass Illuminations , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway A 5 . 00pm LGBT Social Hour Commodore Club , Deck 9 , Forward ( Starboard ) ( until 6 . 00pm ) 5 . 15pm Pianist Andrew Cavendish - Grey Carinthia Lounge , Deck 7 , Stairway B ( until 6 . 00pm ) 5 . 15pm Harpist Fiona McGee Chart Room , Deck 3 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) ( until 6 . 00pm ) 5 . 30pm History of the Electric Guitar - Gary Moore With Solo Guitarist Paul Garthwaite . Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) ( until 6 . 00pm ) 5 . 30pm Formal Portrait Studios Decks 2 & 3 , Between Stairways B and C 7 . 00pm Pub Duo ' Amethyst Join our resident pub duo ' Amethyst ' in the most traditional British pub on the seven seas . Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) ( until 7 . 45pm ) 7 . 30pm Formal Portrait Studios Decks 2 & 3 , Between Stairways B and C 7 . 45pm Pianist Miklos Szabo Carinthia Lounge , Deck 7 , Stairway B ( until 8 . 30pm ) 7 . 45pm Harpist Fiona McGee Chart Room , Deck 3 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) ( until 8 . 30pm ) 7 . 45pm Pianist Andrew Cavendish - Grey Commodore Club , Deck 9 , Stairway A ( until 8 . 30pm ) 8 . 00pm Early Evening Trivia Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) 8 . 00pm Movie : Daddy ' s Home 2 Please see the front page of the daily programme for more details . Illuminations , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway A 8 . 45pm Showtime : The Piano Brothers Presented by your Entertainment Director . Amanda Reid .
7 Royal Court Theatre , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway B 9 . 00pm Recorded Ballroom & Latin Dance Music Queens Room , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 9 . 45pm ) 9 . 30pm Pub Duo Amethyst Join our resident pub duo " Amethyst ' in the most traditional British pub on the seven seas . Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) ( until 10 . 00pm ) 9 . 30pm The Jazz Club With the Mark Hodgson Trio . Chart Room , Deck 3 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) ( until late ) 9 . 30pm Formal Portrait Studios Decks 2 & 3 , Between Stairways B and C
Fitness classes . 7 . 30am Stretch and Relax 8 . 00am Pilates - All Levels Queens Room , Deck 3 , D Stairway 9 . 00am Yoga - All Levels * 4 . 00pm Indoor Cycling * 5 . 00pm Total Body Conditioning 5 . 30pm Fitness for Your Feet Knightsbridge Room , Deck 1 , C Stairway * $ 12 fitness pass and previous sign up required . Wellbeing seminars . 8 . 00am Pain Clinic - Complimentary Health Check Join Dr Luchelle and Dr Ana in the spa this morning . Address any pain concerns you may have and learn about the possible solutions for you . 9 . 30am The Science of Life and Healing - Ayurveda The Powerful Alternative to Plastic surgery ! Discover the latest breakthroughs in skincare treatments to achieve a younger , refined - looking skin . 10 . 15am A Life Changing Intro To Acupuncture Atime tested health care system that heals problems naturally by Dr Ana Filipa . 11 . 00am Fitness After 50 Seminar It is never too late to get back into fitness and explore your health goals ! 12 . 00pm Make Up Tips and Tricks Learn how to get a professional , flawless look . Pick up some time - saving tricks too ! 1 . 00pm The ABCs and 123s to a Healthy Spine Join Dr . Luchelle and discuss common spinal problems , sciatica , arthritis and many more . 2 . 00pm Foot Doctor Orthotics Workshop Join our fitness experts and learn to walk again without the pain . 2 . 45pm The Science of Life and Healing Learn how to balance the mind and body . Treat anxiety , stress and insomnia , in the most natural way . 3 . 30pm Arrived Onboard In Pain ? Consult with our experienced Acupuncturist Ana Filipa and discover the solutions to a pain free voyage . All wellbeing seminars are in ConneXions Room 2 , Deck 2 , A Stairway
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Dress requirement : Formal . Evening or cocktail dress for ladies . Dinner jacket , tuxedo or Evening or cocktail dress for ladies . dark suit with tie for gentlemen . A range of gentlemen ' s formal wear is available to hire on board . Please note that after 6 . 00pm , shorts and blue or worn denim ( for men and women ) : sandals and sleeveless tops ( for men ) are not considered appropriate within the ship . Any guests wishing to dress more casually are welcome to dine in the Kings Court Buffet on Deck 7 , relax in the Carinthia Lounge , and enjoy live / DJ music and dancing at our night club , G32 . However please do not use other areas within the ship , including our Verandah Restaurant and Alternative Dining Restaurant , out of respect for other fellow guests and the ambience of the evening .
Tel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Queens Grill , Princess Grill & Britannia Club Restaurants . Breakfast . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . 00am to 9 . 30am Lunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 . 00pm to 1 . 30pm Dinner . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 30pm to 9 . 00pm Britannia Restaurant . Breakfast . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . 8 . 00am to 9 . 30am Lunch . . . . . . . .
. . . . 12 . 00pm to 1 . 30pm First sitting dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 00pm , last order 6 . 30pm Second sitting dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . 30pm , last order 9 . 00pm Wine Line . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . 10 . 00am to 1 . 00pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pre - order your wine for the voyage by calling 22062 . Kings Court Buffet Deck 7 ( B Stairway ) . Continental Breakfast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . 5 . 00am to 6 . 30am Full Breakfast , Buffet
. . . 6 . 30am to 11 . 30am Chef ' s Galley : Healthy Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 30am to 10 . 30am Lunch , Buffet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . 30am to 3 . 00pm Chef ' s Galley : Burger & Hot - Dogs Station . . . . . . . 11 . 30am to 3 . 00pm Afternoon Tea , Forward Starboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . 30pm to 5 . 30pm Chef ' s Galley : Pizza & Salad Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 00pm to 9 . 30pm Dinner Buffet : Deck 7 Forward Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 00pm to 10 . 30pm Late Snack , Buffet Aft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . 00pm to 2 . 00am Gluten Free and Lactose Free items are available at the aft buffet from 7 . 00am through to 3 . 00pm . Afternoon Tea and Dinner options are available on request at the forward main buffet , please ask the Head Waiter . Kings Court Alternative Dining C Stairway ) . A $ 19 . 50 cover charge applies . For reservations please dial 25400 between 8 . 00am & 6 . 00pm . Aztec ( Mexican cuisine )
. . . . . . . . . . 7 . 00pm to 9 . 00pm The Verandah Restaurant . Lunch . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 . 00pm to 1 . 30pm Dinner . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 30pm to 9 . 00pm Cover charges apply Lunch $ 20 . 00 / Dinner $ 49 . 95 . For reservations please call 25400 between 8 . 00am & 6 . 00pm . Bars and Lounges . Carinthia Lounge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . 7 . 00am to 11 . 00pm ( Light snacks 8 . 00am to 10 . 00am , 12 . 00pm to 2 . 30pm & 3 . 30pm to 5 . 00pm ) Champagne Bar . .
. . 11 . 00am to late Chart Room . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . 00am to late Commodore Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . 10 . 00am to late Empire Casino Bar
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As per casino opening Golden Lion Pub
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . 00am to late Pub Lunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 . 00pm to 2 . 30pm G32 . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 30pm to the wee small hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( Guests under the age of 18 are not permitted in G32 ) Pavilion Pool Bar . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . 10 . 00am to 7 . 00pm Sir Samuel ' s
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 00am to 11 . 00pm Terrace Pool Bar ( Weather permitting ) . . . . . . . . . . 10 . 00am to 10 . 00pm Grills Lounge - Grill guests only please
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . 00am to 2 . 30pm & 6 . 00pm to 12 . 00am
VISA requirements : Vietnam . In preparation for our call to Phu My , Vietnam on 27 March 2018 we are applying for visas on arrival for all those nationalities requiring one . The passport holders of the following nationalities are exempt from the Vietnamese Visa : Thailand , Singapore , Malaysia , Philippines , Laos , Myanmar , Cambodia , Indonesia and Chile . Below nationalities are also exempt for our first call to Vietnam , Phu My on 27 March . However a Visa is required ( charges applicable ) for our second call on 2 April to Nha Trang , Vietnam as a visa free entry for our second call is only applicable with 30 days between our calls . Norway , Denmark , Sweden , Japan , South Korea , Russia , Finland , Germany , Italy , France , Spain , United Kingdom , Belarus A charge of $ 33 applies , if your nationality is not listed above and you are not in possession of a valid Vietnamese Visa , for the processing of the Visa on arrival , regardless of whether you intend to go ashore or stay on board . If you are already in possession of a Vietnamese Visa , please present it to the Purser ' s Office . In this instance we will not charge your on board account .
Promenade Deck , Partially Closed . The forward section of Deck 7 , external promenade deck will be fully closed from dusk to dawn and guests will not be allowed access to this area during this period . The reason for closing this area is to allow our Watchkeepers on the Bridge to maintain full night vision without any backscatter of deck lighting as there are a significant number of smaller fishing vessels which are poorly lit in these waters .
Alternative Dining Our select dining theme this evening is Aztec offering authentic regional Mexican cuisine exploring the variety of spices and ingredients native to the country . Aztec is is located within the Kings Court Restaurant , Deck 7 , Port Side open from 6 . 30pm to 9 . 00pm . Reservations can be made by dialling the Kings Court reservation line on 25400 between the hours of 8 . 00am and 6 . 00pm . Please note that a $ 19 . 50 cover charge per person will apply .
Facilities and Retail . Book Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 00am to 1 . 00pm & 2 . 00pm to 6 . 00pm Canyon Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . 00am to 8 . 00pm Clarendon Art Gallery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . 00am to 4 . 00pm Empire Casino Cashier : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . 00am / Tables : 11 . 00am Images Photo Gallery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 00am to 3 . 00pm Internet Centre ( 24 hours ) Assistance : . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . 30am to 12 . 00pm ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . 00pm to 5 . 00pm & 6 . 30pm to 9 . 00pm Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 00am to 6 . 00pm Mayfair Shops . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 00am to 9 . 00pm Medical Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 00am to 11 . 00am & 4 . 00pm to 6 . 00pm
. . . . . . . . ( For medical emergencies only , please dial 911 or 999 ) Sports . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 00am to 6 . 00pm Tour Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 00am to 12 . 00pm & 2 . 00pm to 6 . 00pm Voyage Sales Appointments Only 9 . 30am to 12 . 30pm & 3 . 00pm to 6 . 00pm Baby Zone 10 . 00am to 12 . 00pm , 2 . 00pm to 5 . 00pm & 6 . 00pm to 11 . 00pm Play Zone 10 . 00am to 12 . 00pm , 2 . 00pm to 5 . 00pm & 6 . 00pm to 11 . 00pm Kids Zone 10 . 00am to 12 . 00pm , 2 . 00pm to 5 . 00pm & 6 . 00pm to 11 . 00pm Night Nursery 6 . 00pm to 11 . 00pm
Crew Emergency Drill . At 10 . 00am this morning , alarms will be sounded and broadcasts made as the crew are exercised in their Emergency Duties . During this exercise , limited passenger services will be provided . You are advised that part of the exercise involves checking guest staterooms to ensure that they have been evacuated . If you prefer not to be disturbed . please display the " Privacy Please " notice prior to the start of the drill . For the duration of the crew drill , we kindly request that guests please keep clear of the outside area of the boat deck .
Activity Reward Programme Simply collect stamps on an Activity Reward log available at any of the events showing this logo and your stamps are then redeemable for prizes of increasing value relative to the number of stamps you accumulate . Easy and fun .
Discover . . .
Getting the most from your voyage .
Saturday , 24 March 2018
On board Queen Mary 2 . . . Internet
Too Good to Miss :
Grand Palace & Shopping . Embarkation special .
530 minutes for $ 167 . 95 265 minutes for $ 89 . 95 135 minutes for $ 47 . 95
Upon arrival in Bangkok , one of the first incredible sights on your tour will be the wonderful Emerald Buddha Temple . Take
some time to explore the Grand Palace and experience the grandeur of an ancient Siamese court . Afterwards , enjoy free time exploring the City of Angels ' on your own . You ' ll be dropped off at the MBK Shopping Arcade that offers local brand apparel ,
electronics , music , and a food court . For more information visit the Tour Office
Keep in touch with friends and family .
Purchase by 6 . 00pm on 24 March to receive the embarkation special .
Log in to the ships wifi or visit Connexions Room I ,
Deck 2 , A Stairway
Bar Events .
Queen Mary 2 bar team . proudly present the
following events for your enjoyment .
Stay Connected .
Cocktails Around The Globe : Time limited bar event with different types of cocktails for you to enjoy .
Champagne Afternoon Tea : An enhanced afternoon tea where the two finest combine ( Laurent - Perrier and Twinings Tea ) , for an
afternoon to remember . Commodore Club Signature Cocktail Tasting : Sample our signature serves & learn the history
of our past Commodores . Lion Share : A tasteful event in the Golden Lion Pub with a variety of beers and ales paired with delicious canapés , a Cunard twist on afternoon tea . Please contact any of the bar staff for further
information ; date of event and booking .
Save 20 % on any portrait captured
tonight .
A World Of Art Talk : Jack Vettriano Vs . Fabian Perez .
Clarendon Eine Artare proud to dedicate a talk and exhibition to the sensational works of Fabian Perez and Jack Vetrianno . Looking at a collection of paintings and hand signed limited edition prints from each artist , we deliver a talk on their incredible lives and the fascinating stories and inspiration behind the
sensuality of the art .
10 . 30am Clarendon Art Gallery , Deck 3L , Stairway C
Voila Watch Preview . Seize this exclusive opportunity to meet Serena Khemlani , Co founder and Artistic Director of the house of VOILA , for an exclusive preview of her one of a kind watch and jewellery collection , artistically created with a timeless appeal .
11 . 00am , Jewellery Boutique , Deck 3 , Grand Lobby
Snowball Jackpot Bingo Come and try your luck ! Our Snowball Jackpot continues to grow , could this be your lucky day ? Tickets are on sale from
1 . 00pm at the Golden Lion . 3 . 00pm , Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2
Complimentary Gaming Lessons
Come in at 10 . 30am to learn all about some of our exciting table games on offer and join in on the experience of free play . Followed by $ 1 Madness , Play Blackjack for $ 1 for 30 minutes .
1 . 30pm , Empire Casino , Deck 2 , Forward
SpaClub .
Early Bird and Twilight
Special .
Queen Mary 2 Book Club .
Wish Lanterns by Alec Ash . This humane and revelatory book takes us beyond the stereotypes and news headlines to show what it ' s really like to be young in China now . By describing day - to - day dramas and romances , Ash illuminates the larger fears and hopes , challenges and dreams of the people who are
destined to define China ' s future - and the world ' s . Please register your interest with our Librarian , Deck 8
Today only from 8 . 00am to 10 . 00am and 5 . 00pm to 7 . 00pm book and receive any signature spa service and enjoy a 20 minute complimentary upgrade added to your
treatment . At Canyon Ranch , our mission is to give you the best possible start to your wonderful vacation . All Body and Facial treatments
include complimentary access to our Aquatherapy Centre on the day of your
treatment . Call 27008 / 9 for bookings . Canyon Ranch SpaClub , Deck 7 , Forward
Lunch and Learn .
Wine Academy
Join our Chief Sommelier Sarav Srinivasan and finally get to grips with France ! At this tasting we will decode French wines for you and give you the keys to understanding where they use the most common
grape varieties and the wines that have made them famous . Our Executive Chef Klaus Kremer will play his part , with a superb menu perfectly matched to the wines . Don ' t miss out on this great opportunity . There will be a nominal fee of $ 75 . 00 per person . Please sign up with your Restaurant Sommelier or
phone the wine line on 22062 . 26 March at 12 . 00pm , Verandah Restaurant
New 2019 - 2020 Voyages : On Sale Now !
Tokyo to Tokyo - 7 or 9 nights : 11 April 2020 to 15 May 2020
The futuristic city of Tokyo is a thrilling place to begin . Grand is indeed the word for these voyages , with an ambitious itinerary of rich culture and spectacular scenery interspersed with blissful time
aboard Queen Elizabeth .
2012 : 11 April 2020 - 9 nights Tokyo , Hiroshima , Jeji Island South Korea , Nagasaki , Miyazaki , Kochi , Tokyo
Q013 : 20 April 2020 - 9 nights Tokyo , Aomori , Akita , Kanazawa , Sakaiminato , Busan - South Korea , Shimizu , Tokyo
2014 : 29 April 2020 - 7 nights Tokyo , Kagoshima , Jeju Island - South Korea , Fukuoka , Nagasaki , Tokyo
2015 : 6 May 2020 - 9 nights Tokyo , Akita , Kanazawa , Maizuru , Sakaiminato , Busan - South Korea , Nagasaki , Tokyo Enjoy 5 % Cunard World Club member discount before 30 June 2018 and receive onboard credits of up to US $ 200 per person when you reserve these voyage onboard . The earlier you book the more
choice of staterooms or suites for you to choose from for your World Voyage . Visit your Voyage Sales Specialists on Deck 2 ( Port Side ) or call 22339 ( Yoyo ) to arrange a private
appointment to book your next adventure .