ボヤージ M813
2018年3月25日 ( 日 ) 日の出 : 6 : 17am 日の入り : 6 : 27pm
ドレスコード : インフォーマル
天気予報 : 32℃ 小雨 レムチャバン ( タイ )
日本語デイリープログラム レムチャバン ( タイ ) へようこそ !
・ レムチャバン ( タイ ) 今夜のドレスコード ( 6pm 以降 )
入港時間8 : 00am インフォーマル
全員乗船時間 8 : 30pm 男性はジャケット着用 、
緊急連絡先 : EAS Maritime Agencies - Laem ネクタイはオプショナル 。
Chabang 559 / 49 Soi Sathupradit 41 , Sathupradit 女性はカクテルドレス 、
Road , Bangkok , 10120 , Thailand8 + 662 681 6085 スタイリッシュな装い 。
EX - easbkk @ easmaritimeagencies . com 時差調整はお済みですか ?
停泊地 : Berth A1 Cruise Centre 明日3月25日 ( 日 ) の早朝に
プーミー ( ベトナム ) までの航海距離596海里 ( 1海里 = 1 . 85キロ ) 船の時間が1時間戻ります 。
クイーンメリー2衛星電話 : 008707732 35723 3月24日 ( 土 ) お休み前に 時計の針を1時間戻しましたか ? 例 10 : 00pmの場合 9 : 00pm となります
下記集合場所にお集まりください 。 集合後 、 ターミナルビルでの入国審査にご案内 両替
いたします 。 審査後ツアーのバスにご乗車いただきます 。 クルーズカード ( お部屋 現地通貨 : タイ ・ バーツ ( THB )
の鍵 ) 、 パスポート原本 、 記入済みタイ出入国カード 、 パスポートコピーを忘れず パーサーズオフィスでは
ご持参ください 。 タイバーツを取り扱っていません 。 レムチャバンでは小額のアメリカドル紙幣が 集合場所 : ゴールデンライオンパブ ( デッキ2 、 C階段 ) ] 使えるところもあります 。
集合時間 番号 ツアー名
8 . 45am 023A Bangkok in a Day - Small Group 上陸について
9 . 00am 004A Bangkok On Your Own ターミナルにて対面式入国審査が行われま
9 . 15am 021A A Glimpse of Bangkok す 。 お届けしました別紙ご案内を
9 . 30am017A Sea Turtle Conservation Centre 再度ご一読ください 。 また下記書類を忘れずにご携帯ください 。 集合場所 : ロイヤル ・ コート ・ シアター ( デッキ2 、 B階段 、 右舷側入口 ) 1 . クルーズカード ( お部屋の鍵 )
集合時間 番号 ツアー名 2 . パスポート原本
8 . 45am 001A Bangkok in a Day 3 . 記入済みタイ出入国カード 4 . パスポートコピー
9 . 00am 006A Grand Palace & Shopping 9 . 15am 011A Local Lifestyles 9 . 45am 012A Sanctuary of Truth 10 . 00am 022A Poolside Retreat
※ツアーチケットは封筒から出しツアースタッフにご提示下さい 。 ご家族 、 グルー プなど同じバスで行動を希望される場合はグループごと一緒にチェックインして下 さい 。 同じバス番号のシールを貼ります 。 チケットは客室に届き次第 、 ツアー 名 、 実際ツアーに行かれる方の氏名 ( ローマ字 ) と客室番号を必ずご確認下さい 。
まだお席のあるツアーもございます 。 ご興味がある方は上記ツアー集合時間に 、 待機しているツアー ・ スタッフ ( 赤いポロシャツ着用 ) にお問い合わせ下さい 。
客室内テレビ 30 チャンネル
・ ザ ・ ウォーク
4 : 00am , 6 : 15am , 8 : 30am ザ ・ マミー 呪われた砂漠の王女 10 : 45am , 12 : 45pm , 2 : 45pm , 4 : 45pm
最高の家族の見つけ方 6 : 45pm , 8 : 15pm , 9 : 45pm , 11 : 15pm
無料シャトルバスのご案内 港からパタヤへの無料シャトルバスが運行されます 。 港からの始発 10 : 00am
n0000 港への最終バス出発時間 : 7 : 00pm 片道の所要時間は片道約45 ~ 60分 ( 交通状況により 、 遅れが生じる場合もございます ) 乗下車ポイントはサイアム ・ ベイビューホテル ( Siam Bayview Hotel ) 時間帯によっては混雑が予想されますので 、 お時間に余裕を持ってご計画下さ い 。 なおこのシャトルバスには車椅子の方向けではございません 。
日本語デスク 日本人ホステス 、 山本悦代の
お手伝いが必要な際は パーサーズオフィス 22200
までお電話の上 、 「 ジャパニーズホステスプリーズ 」 と
お伝え下さい 。
車椅子のアシスタント 車椅子での移動 、 乗下船の補助は乗下船口のみとなります 。 乗下船時以外の本船乗組員の補助はございません 、 予めご了承下さい 。
本日のおすすめエンターテイメント 出港パーティー 今夜のショータイム
「 マーク ・ ショートランド 」
レムチャバンの 出港風景を楽しみましょう !
時間 8 : 30pm テラスプール デッキ8 、 D階段 ※悪天候時にはパビリオン プール ( デッキ 12 、 B階段 ) に
変更となります 。
時間 8 : 45pm & 10 : 30pm ロイヤルコートシアター デッキ2 & 3 、 B階段
レストランオープン時間 プリンセス & クイーンズグリル ( デッキ 、 D階段 ) 朝食
8 : 00am ~ 9 : 30am ランチ
12 : 00pm ~ 1 : 30pm ディナー
6 : 30pm ~ 9 : 00pm ブリタニア ・ レストラン ( デッキ2 & 3 、 C & D階段 ) 朝食
8 : 00am ~ 9 : 30am ランチ
12 : 00pm ~ 1 : 30pm ディナー1回目 6 : 00pm ( ラストオーダー6 : 30pm ) ディナー2回目 8 : 30pm ( ラストオーダー9 : 00pm ) ワインライン 10 : 00am ~ 1 : 00pm ( 事前オーダーは22062 ) ベランダ ・ レストラン ( デッキ8 、 D階段 ) ディナー
6 : 30pm ~ 9 : 00pm ( $ 49 . 95 )
ご予約は 8am ~ 6pmの間 、 ド25400 まで キングスコート ・ ブッフェ ( デッキフ 、 B階段 ) コンチネンタル朝食
5 : 00am ~ 6 : 30am 朝食ブッフェ
6 : 00am ~ 11 : 30am ヘルシーコーナー朝食
6 : 00am ~ 10 : 30am ランチ
11 : 30am ~ 3 : 00pm ハンバーガー & ホットドック 。 11 : 30am ~ 3 : 00pm 午後のスナック
3 : 30pm ~ 5 : 30pm ディナーブッフェ ( 前方左舷 ) 6 : 00pm ~ 10 : 30pm ピザ & パスタステーション 6 : 00pm ~ 9 : 30pm お夜食 ( 後方 )
11 : 00pm ~ 2 : 00am キングスコート ・ オルタナティブ ( デッキス 、 C階段 、 右舷 ) スモークハウス ( アメリカ料理 ) 7 : 00pm ~ 9 : 00pm ( $ 19 . 50 )
ご予約は 8am ~ 6pmの間 、 ⑧25400まで
ジャズ ・ ジャム
♪クイーンズルーム オーケストラによる
時間 9 : 30pm ~ 遅くまで
チャートルーム デッキ3 、 C階段
インターナショナルバンド ・ パープルヘイズの演奏でダンス
を楽しみましょう ! 時間 9 : 45pm ~ 12 : 00am クイーンズルーム デッキ3 、 D階段
ボードウォーク ( デッキ12 、 D階段 、 屋外※天候次第 ) ファーストフード ( グリル ) 12 : 00pm ~ 4 : 30pm
テーマレストランのご紹介 本日のキングスコート 、 有料テーマレストランは 、 “ スモ ークハウス ” ( アメリカ料理 ) です 。 お口の中でとろけるお 肉やケジャン料理など 、 様々なスタイルが融合したユニーク な料理をお楽しみ下さい 。 お一人様 $ 19 . 50
SMOKEHOUSE 営業時間7 : 00pm ~ 9 : 00pm ご予約は電話 25400 ( 8 : 00am ~ 6 : 00pm ) キングスコート ・ オルタナティブ ( デッキフ 、 C階段 、 右舷 )
スパ本日限定スペシャル ディープティシューカイロプラティック 80分 $ 2143 . 00 - ( 通常 $ 2286 . 00 - ) 船内でゆっくり過ごされたいは是非 ! ご予約は827008 / 9またはスパへ直接お越し下さい 。 キャニオンランチ ・ スパ ( デッキ7 、 A階段 )
バー ・ ラウンジオープン時間 カリンシア ・ ラウンジ
7 : 00am ~ 11 : 00pm 軽食8 : 00am ~ 10 : 00am , 12 : 00pm ~ 2 : 30pm , 3 : 30pm ~ 5 : 00pm シャンパン ・ バー
4 : 00pm 〜 遅くまで チャートルーム
4 : 00pm 〜 遅くまで コモドアークラブ
4 : 00pm 〜 遅くまで 、 ゴールデン ・ ライオン ・ パブ 10 : 00am ~ 遅くまで
パブランチ 12 : 00pm ~ 2 : 30pm G32 ( 18歳以上 )
9 : 30pm 〜 遅くまで パビリオン ・ プール ・ バー 10 : 00am ~ 7 : 00pm サー ・ サミュエルズ
9 : 00am ~ 11 : 00pm テラス ・ プールバー ( 天候次第 ) 10 : 00am ~ 10 : 00pm グリル専用ラウンジ 11 : 00am ~ 2 : 30pm , 6 : 00pm ~ 12 : 00am
プーミー ( 3月27日寄港 ) でのお勧めツアー Highlights of Ho Chi Minh City ホーチミン市終日観光 サイゴン川の河口に位置するホーチミン市は 活気に満ちています 。 国立歴史博物館で 古代の陶器 、 伝統衣装 、 石器や青銅器時代の 出土品を見学します 。 その後 、 ベトナムの 珍しい水上人形劇のショーをご覧ください 。 詳細はツアー ・ オフィスまでどうぞ 。 ツアー ・ オフィス ( デッキ2 、 B 階段 )
食 & 学 “ ランチ & ラーン " 本船チーフソムリエのサラヴが厳選した フランスと新世界のワインの試飲会を 行います 。 総料理長クラウスが考案した 最適の美味しいお料理をご堪能下さい 。 料金 : お一人様 $ 275 . 00 ご予約はレストランのソムリエまたは内線22062まで 開催日3月26日 時間 12 : 00pm ( 正午 ) ベランダ ・ レストラン ( デッキ8 、 D階段 )
船内施設オープン時間 ブックショップ 図書室
9 : 00am ~ 11 : 00am , 3 : 00pm ~ 8 : 00pm キャニオンランチ
8 : 00am ~ 8 : 00pm アート ・ ギャラリー
7 : 00am ~ 10 : 00pm エンパイアカジノ 」
9 : 30pm 〜 遅くまで フォトギャラリー |
5 : 00pm ~ 11 : 00pm メイフェア ・ ショップス
クローズ 医務室
8 : 00am ~ 10 : 00am , 4 : 00pm ~ 6 : 00pm ※緊急時は999または911までお電話下さい ツアー ・ オフィス
5 : 00pm ~ 7 : 00pm ボヤージセールス 8 : 00am ~ 11 : 00am , 4 : 00pm ~ 7 : 00pm
寄港地での時間を 最大限に活用するために
レムチャバン ( バンコク 、 タイ )
レムチャバンは魅惑の都市バンコクの玄関口として知られます 。 微笑みの国と言われるほど 、 優しい 雰囲気の漂う国 、 タイで黄金に輝く寺院やブッダ像をご覧にお出かけください 。
バンコクの見どころ ・ 国立博物館 ( The National Museum )
1000点以上を展示する東南アジアでも有数の博物館 。 【 開館時間 】 水 ~ 日 9 : 00am ~ 4 : 00pm サナムルアン ( 王宮前広場 ) ( Sanam Luang ) 王宮の前にある緑豊かで広大な広場 。 王族の誕生祝いや葬儀 、 迎賓式典 、 新年の祝いなど国家 行事が催されるほか 、 特に3月と4月の4 : 00pm には凧揚げ大会の場所としても有名 。 王宮 ( Royal Grand Palace ) 白く長い城壁に囲まれた広大な敷地内に立つタイの象徴的な建物 。 ワットポーとタイ式マッサージ ( Wat Pho and Thai Massage ) 4名の高さ16m高さ15mの釈迦の停像が安置されるバンコク最古の寺院 。 医学としてのタイ マッサージの総本山としても有名で 、 寺院内でマッサージを受けることができます 。 ワット ・ アルン ( Wat Arun ) 高さ79mの大仏塔の周りを小仏塔が囲むように配され 、 仏塔の表面にびっしりと埋め込まれて いる陶器のかけらが朝日に反射してきらきらと美しく輝くことから 、 「 暁の寺 」 と呼ばれます 。 中央にそびえる塔からは川と市内の素晴らしい景色を眺めることができます 。 王室御座船博物館 ( Royal Barge Museum ) タイ王国王室の御座船が展示がされています 。 【 開館時間 】 8 : 30am ~ 4 : 30pm
バンコク以外にも ・ パタヤ ( Pattaya )
タイのビーチで最も賑わうパタヤは 、 都市型リゾートとして知られ 、 その華やいだ雰囲気から 「 東海岸の宝石 」 と呼ばれるほど 、 手軽に楽しめる観光スポットとして高い人気を誇っています 。
基本情報 GENERAL INFORMATION バンコク郵便局 POST OFFICE Charaoen Krung Road ( New Road ) Oriental と Royal Orchid Sheraton ホテルの間 【 営業時間 】 月 ~ 金8 : 00am ~ 6 : 00pm
土日 9 : 00am ~ 1 : 00pm
パタヤ郵便局 POST OFFICE Soi Post Office , South Pattaya 【 営業時間 】 月 ~ 金 8 : 30am ~ 4 : 00pm
土 9 : 00am ~ 12 : 00pm
緊急連絡先 Emergency Contacts 警察 191 英語を話す観光客向け警察 1699
通貨 LOCAL CURRENCY タイ ・ バーツ ( TBH ) 紙幣 : B10 , 20 , 50 , 100 , 500 , 1000 硬貨 : B1 , 5 , 10 ,
25 , 50satang
おすすめのグルメ トムカーガイ ( スパイスと酸味の効いたココナッツミルクのスープ ) トムヤムクン ( 辛味と酸味が絡み合った海老のスープ ) トォーマンプラ ( カレー風味の魚揚げ ) ガイヤーン ( バーベキューチキン 、 もち米 、 グリーンパパイヤのサラダ ) パッタイ ( タイ風の焼きそば ) カオナペット ( 鴨肉のロースト 、 白米 ) クルアイブアットチ ( ココナッツミルクで調理したバナナ )
おすすめショッピング 造花 、 タイ民俗衣装の人形 、 宝石 ( ルビー 、 サファイア ) 、 シルク 、 綿製品 、 木彫り製品 店舗は通常毎日 10 : 00am ~ 12 : 00amに営業 。
Chao Phraya
da Na
11 . 1
2010 - HEIO
- Quan Bình
1 . 国立図書館 ( National Library ) 2 . ウィマンメーク宮殿 ( Wimanmek Palace ) 3 . タイ国会議事堂 ( National Assembly )
ドゥシット動物園 ( Dusit Zoo ) 5 . チットラダー離宮 ( Chitlada Palace ) 6 . タイ銀行 ( Bank of Thailand ) 7 . ラーマ5世像 ( King Chulalogkorn Statue ) 8 . ワット ・ スワンナラム ( Wat Suwannaram ) 9 . ワット ・ インドライハーン ( Wat Indrawihan 10 . ワット ・ ベンチャマボーピット
( Wat Benchamabophit )
戦勝記念塔 ( Victory Monument ) 12 . 王室御座船 ( Royal Barges ) 13 . バンコク国立博物館 ( National Gallery ) 14 . トンブリー駅 ( Thomburi Station ) 15 . 国立劇場 ( National Theatre ) 16 . 観光案内所 ( Tourist Office ) 17 . タンマサート大学 ( Thammasat University
国立博物館 ( National Museum )
スワン ・ パッカード宮殿 ( Suan Pakkard ) 20 . ワット ・ マハータート ( Wat Mahathat )
ラック ・ ムアン ( Lak Muang Shrine ) 22 . Wat Rajanada 23 . ワット ・ サケット ( Golden Mount ) 24 . 宮殿 ( Grand Palace ) 25 . Wat Rajabophit 26 . ワット ・ スタット ( Wat Suthat ) 27 . ジム ・ トンプソンの邸宅 ( Jim Thompson ' s 28 . ワット ・ ルアン / 暁の寺 ( Wat Arun )
ワット ・ ポー ( Wat Pho ) エーラーワンの祠 ( Erawan Shrine ) ワット ・ カラヤマミトル ( Wat Kalayanimi ワット ・ トライミット ( Wat Traimit )
フワランポーン駅 ( Hualamphong Station ) 34 . スネークファーム ( Snake Farm ) 35 . ラマ6世像 ( King Rama VI Statue ) 36 . 中央郵便局 ( General Post Office )
9 500 metres
SCAP . sfacess
TO Slam Country Club & Golf Course GRedHorse Ranch
1901 . 8 10 . 2
SQ1 . 11
1 . 鉄道駅 ( Railway Station ) 2 . SS ビラ ・ ホテル ( SS Villa Hotel ) 3 . 郵便局 、 電話局 ( Post Office & Telephone Office ) 4 . 電話交換局 ( Telephone Exchange ) 5 . ワット ・ チャイモンコン ( Wat Chai Mongkhon ) 6 . Pk 3 ( PK Villa ) 7 . ロイヤルクリフビーチ ( Royal Cliff Beach 8 . 大仏 ( Big Buddha ) 9 . ボート貸し所 ( Boat Hire ) 10 . ビューポイント ( View Point ) 11 . TAT オフィス ( TAT Office )
観光ポリス ( Tourist Police ) 警察署 ( Police Station )
パームガーデン ( Palm Garden ) 15 . バス停留所 ( Bus Station ) 16 . パタヤパークホテル ( Pattaya Park Hotel ) 17 . サイアム ・ ベイショア ・ ホテル ( Siam Bayshore Hotel )
To Nong Nooch Vitape Panaya Circut
Tonight ' s dress code : Informal Weather : 32°C ( 89°F ) Scattered Showers
Queen Mary 2 Voyage M813 Sunday , 25 March 2018 Sunrise 6 . 17 am Sunset 6 . 27pm
World Voyage
Daily Programme . M ) 2 2018
In the port of Laern Chabang , Thailand .
From the Navigator . Early this morning Queen Mary 2 commenced slowing down to embark our local pilot on the final approaches to the busy cargo port of Laem Chabang , carefully
navigating the small channel , which can be particularly busy with small fishing vessels .
Tonight ' s Entertainment . Mark Shortland . With " the most original
opening to a show ever seen " British Magical
Champion Mark Shortland
engages his audience with
a mixture of magic , mirth
Id audience participation .
His winning personality and " unique brand of comedy "
are blended with an individual style of magic , in an act that the edge of your seat
was made for ! !
At 8 . 45pm & 10 . 30pm Royal Court Theatre 7 , Decks 2 & 3
Arrival Time : 8 . 00am All Aboard Time : 8 . 30pm Laem Chabang is a township in Chonburi Province , Thailand . It is home to Thailand ' s largest port by the same name , about 25 kilometres north of Pattaya , and south of the city Chon Buri . As of 2005 Laem Chabang is the 20th busiest port in the world . Much of the international shipping reaching Thailand
goes through Laem Chabang .
Today ' s Movie . “ Murder On The Orient Express
Starring Johnny Depp , Daisy Ridley , Michelle
Pfeiffer , Kenneth Branagh , Judi Dench .
Jazz Jam . Enjoy an evening of Jazz music with the
Queens Room Orchestra . 9 . 30pm , Chart Room , Deck 3 , Stairway C
Renowned detective Hercule Poirot investigates the murder of a wealthy American travelling on the most famous
train in the world .
Rated : PG - 13 ( Duration : 116 minutes )
At 2 . 00pm ,
8 . 00pm & 10 . 30pm Illuminations 7 , Deck 3 , Stairway B
Party Night With Purple Haze . Continue your voyage in style , join us for an evening of music and dancing with our
International Band Purple Haze . Party the night away in the majestic setting of the Queens Room with fellow guests and the Entertainment Team in an
evening to remember . Presented by Social Host , Tommi Hill .
9 . 45pm Queens Room , Deck 3 , Stairway D
Joker ' s Wild .
Will you choose the correct category to double your
points ? Join the Entertainment Team and find out !
10 . 00pm , Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2
Sail Away Celebration
With DJ Chris . Soak up the atmosphere of this beautiful
part of the world . Come and join the Entertainment Team and DJ Chris to celebrate our departure from Laem
Chabang .
From 8 . 30pm , Terrace Bar , Deck 8 ( aft )
Today ' s activities .
For Guests On Tour . All guests booked on a Cunard shore excursion in the morning please meet in the Royal Court Theatre or the Golden Lion Pub as per the schedule below . From here , you will be escorted by ships staff through the immigration inspection in the terminal before proceeding directly ashore to your tour bus . At the inspection , you will be required to present the following documentation : Guest Identification Card ; Passport ; Completed and signed Thailand Arrival and Departure Card ; Copy of your passport .
Tours meeting in the Golden Lion Pub . 8 . 45am 023A Bangkok in a Day - Small Group 9 . 00am 004A Bangkok On Your Own 9 . Jan 021A A Glimpse of Bangkok 9 . 30 en 017A Sea Turtle Conservation Centre
Captain Peter Philpott . Captain Peter Philpott grew up in Folkestone , Kent in England and first went to sea on the cargo ships of London and Overseas Freighters Ltd as a Navigating Cadet at the age of 17 . He subsequently progressed up the Officer ranks attaining Chief Officer rank by the age of 27 with a cargo shipping company named Louis Dreyfus Lines . At this time he switched to the cruise industry , joining what was then P & O Princess Cruises as Second Navigating Officer in 1989 . His first P & O ship was the Sea Princess ( later named Victoria ) and he went on to serve in several Princess Cruises vessels before being promoted to Staff Captain on Oceana in 2002 . Captain Philpott ' s first command was the Artemis in March 2007 and he has since had spells on Oceana . Pacific Sun ( for P & O Australia ) , Ocean Village Two and in 2010 Aurora . For 2011 and the early part of 2012 he was in command of Arcadia . He is the first and only Cunard or P & O Captain to sail a company vessel ( Artemis ) down into Antarctic waters , when that vessel spent three days cruising there early in 2008 , during the South American sector of her annual Grand Voyage . For the past five years Captain Philpott has had the pleasure of commanding Queen Victoria including taking her 900 miles up the Amazon River in January 2017 , when she famously became the largest ever vessel to transit the river all the way to the port of Manaus . However the greatest honuur is the command of Queen Mary 2 and Captain Philpott welcomes our guests aboard the finest and most famous passenger liner in the world today . When at home on leave with his wife Dawn - Marie in the beautiful Cotswolds in the South West of England , Captain Philpott likes to spend time enjoying the house and garden , catching up with family , going for walks and exploring more of the attractions and history that his own country has to offer and is also a keen follower of most sports .
Tours meeting in the Royal Court Theatre . 8 . 45am 001A Bangkok in a Day 9 . 00am 006A Grand Palace & Shopping 9 . 15am 011 A Local Lifestyles 9 . 45am 012A Sanctuary of Truth 10 . 00 am 022A Poolside Retreat
Last minute tickets are available for shore excursions today . Please do not hesitate to contact the Tour Staff during tour dispatch hours at the check - in locations or on the pier ashore .
6 . 00am Good Morning Queen Mary 2 Your guide to today ' s entertainment and activities , with Entertainment Director , Amanda Reid , and guests Stateroom TV , Channel 23 ( repeated continuously until 12 . 00pm )
6 . 00am Movie : ' Daddy ' s Home 2 Yesterday ' s theatre movie , repeated continuously . Stateroom TV Channel 24
8 . 00 am Arrival Queen Mary 2 arrives at Laem Chabang . Please listen to announcements for updated information on the location of the gangway . To go ashore , all guests are required to have their ship ' s identification card with them .
9 . 00am Christian Fellowship Gathering ( unhosted ) Boardroom , Deck 9 , Stairway A ( Port )
9 . 00 am Social Deck Quoits ( unhosted ) Deck 12 , Stairway B ( Outside , Port )
Shuttle Bus Service . A complimentary shuttle service will be in operation from 10 . 00am to Pattaya , 45 to 60 minutes drive each way , depending on traffic . Last departure from Pattaya will be at 7 . 00pm . Drop of point is at Siam Bayview Hotel . Unfortunately no accessible vehicle is available for this service . At peak hours queues are expected , we kindly ask for your patience . As an alternative taxis will be available .
9 . 30am Solo Travellers ' Meet Point ( unhosted ) Meet other independent guests to plan your time ashore . Outside the Golden Lion Pub , by the Post Box , Deck 2 , Stairway C
10 . 00am Social Shuffleboard ( unhosted ) Sports Centre , Deck 13 , Stairway B
10 . 30am Morning Trivia Who will be crowned today ' s trivia champions ? Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard )
11 . 00am Social Baggo ( unhosted ) Pavilion Pool , Deck 12 , Stairway B
101 )
2 . 00pm Movie : Murder On The Orient Express Please see the front page of the daily programme for more details . 7 Illuminations , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway A
From the Purser ' s Desk . Ship ' s Agent : EAS Maritime Agencies - Laem Chabang
559 / 49 Soi Sathupradit 41 , Sathupradit Road
Bangkok , 10120 , Thailand Telephone : + 662 681 6085 E - Mail :
easbkk @ easmaritimeagencies . com Berth :
Berth A1 Cruise Centre Queen Mary 2 Satellite Phone Number : 00870 7732 35723 Currency : Legal tender in Thailand is the Thai Baht ( THB ) . Queen Mary 2 does not trade in Thai Baht therefore the Purser ' s Office will not accept Thai Baht at any time . Please be advised that small denominations of US dollars are also accepted in Laem Chabang . Postage : Postcards and letters can be posted via the Purser ' s Office .
2 . 00pm Social Bridge and Whist ConneXions Rooms 4 & 5 , Deck 2 , Stairway A
3 . 00pm Killer Darts Who will be crowned champion of the board ? Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) 3 . 30pm Queens Room Afternoon Tea Featuring pianist Miklos Szabo .
Queens Room , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 4 . 30pm )
oday ' s Activities .
4 . 00pm Friends Of Bill W . Boardroom , Deck 9 , Stairway A ( Port ) ( until 5 . 00pm ) 4 . 15pm Afternoon Trivia With a member of the Entertainment Team . Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard )
9 . 45pm Party Night wih Purple Haze Continue your voyage in style , join us for an evening of music and dancing with our International Band Purple Haze . Party the night away in the majestic setting of the Queens Room with fellow guests and the Entertainment Team in an evening to remember . Hosted by Social Host , Tommi Hill .
Queens Room , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 12 . 00 am )
4 . 30pm Catholics Palm Sunday Service With Father William Gold . 7 Illuminations , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway A
10 . 00pm Jokers Wild Will you choose the correct category to double your points ? Come along to the Golden Lion Pub to find out ! Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard )
4 . 30pm Protestant Palm Sunday Service With Reverend James Conn .
7 Royal Court Theatre , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway B 5 . 00pm LGBT Social Hour Commodore Club , Deck 9 , Forward ( Starboard ) ( until 6 . 00pm )
10 . 00pm Pianist Andrew Cavendish - Grey Commodore Club , Deck 9 , Stairway A ( until 12 . 00 am )
5 . 15pm Beat The Board Competition Pavilion Pool , Deck 12 , Stairway B
10 . 30pm Showtime : Mark Shortland Presented by your Entertainment Director , Amanda Reid .
7 Royal Court Theatre , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway B 10 . 30pm Movie : Murder On The Orient Express Please see the front page of the daily programme for more details .
7 Illuminations , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway A 10 . 45pm Music Your Way with DJ Chris G32 , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until late )
5 . 15pm Harpist Fiona McGee Carinthia Lounge , Deck 7 , Stairway B ( until 6 . 00pm ) 5 . 15pm Imprezza String Quartet Chart Room , Deck 3 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) ( until 6 . 00pm )
10 . 45pm Pub Duo ' Amethyst Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) ( until late ) 12 . 00am Dance Music For Enthusiasts Recorded ballroom and latin music .
7 Queens Room , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 12 . 30 am ) 12 . 00am Party Night Continues with DJ Chris G32 , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until late )
5 . 30pm Solo Guitarist Paul Garthwaite Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) ( until 6 . 00pm ) 7 . 00pm Pub Duo ' Amethyst Join our resident pub duo ' Amethyst ' in the most traditional British pub on the seven seas . Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) ( until 7 . 45pm ) 7 . 45pm Dixeland Jazz With the Royal Court Theatre Orchestra . Carinthia Lounge , Deck 7 , Stairway B ( until 8 . 30pm ) 7 . 45pm Imprezza String Quartet Chart Room , Deck 3 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) ( until 8 . 30pm ) 7 . 45pm Pianist Miklos Szabo Commodore Club , Deck 9 , Stairway A ( until 8 . 30pm ) 7 . 45pm Sequence Dancing With Social Host , Tommi .
7Queens Room , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 8 . 30pm ) 8 . 00pm Early Evening Trivia Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard )
8 . 00pm Movie : Murder On The Orient Express Please see the front page of the daily programme for more details . 7 Illuminations , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway A
Fitness classes 7 . 30am Stretch and Relax - Full Body Stretch
Queens Room , Deck 3 , D Stairway 8 . 00am Pilates - All Levels
Queens Room , Deck 3 , D Stairway 9 . 00am Yoga - All Levels
Open Deck next to the Boardwalk Cafe , Deck 12 , C Stairway 4 . 00pm Pilates - All Levels
Open Deck next to the Boardwalk Cafe , Deck 12 , C Stairway 5 . 00pm Abs Express
Open Deck next to the Boardwalk Cafe , Deck 12 , C Stairway 5 . 30pm Fitness for Your Feet
Open Deck next to the Boardwalk Cafe , Deck 12 , C Stairway * $ 12 fitness pass and previous sign up required . Wellbeing seminars . 9 . 45am Reflexology 101 Release life ' s tension by working on the soles of your feet . ConneXions Room 2 , Deck 2 , Stairway A
8 . 30pm All Aboard ! All guests must be on board by this time . Shortly after , the gangway is raised and Queen Mary 2 will depart for Phu My , a distance of 596 nautical miles ( 1 nautical mile equals 1 . 15 statute miles , or 1 . 85 kilometres ) .
8 . 30pm Sailaway Celebration with DJ Chris Join our DJ Chris and the Entertainment team on Deck 8 , Aft as Queen Mary 2 sets sail from Laem Chabang , Terrace Pool , Deck 8 , Stairway D ( Inclement weather venue : Pavilion Pool , Deck 12 , Stairway B )
10 . 30am Wellness Event : How to Biohack your Metabolism ConneXions Room 2 , Deck 2 , Stairway A
8 . 30pm Recorded Ballroom & Latin Dance Music Queens Room , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 9 . 45pm )
11 . 15am Spinal Health for Life Join Dr Luchelle and discuss back pain , sciatica and arthritis A complimentary consultation will be given for all those who attend . ConneXions Room 2 , Deck 2 , Stairway A
8 . 45pm Showtime : Mark Shortland Presented by your Entertainment Director , Amanda Reid .
7 Royal Court Theatre , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway B 9 . 30pm Pub Duo Amethyst Join our resident pub duo ' Amethyst ' in the most traditional British pub on the seven seas . Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) ( until 10 . 00pm ) 9 . 30pm Jazz Jam With the Queens Room Orchestra . Chart Room , Deck 3 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) ( until late )
1 . 00pm How To Boost Your Lymphatic System Join Joeli our onboard Massage Therapist and find out massage techniques that will regulate and improve the lymphatic system ConneXions Room 2 , Deck 2 , Stairway A
1 . 45pm Dare To Change Your Look ? Hair can be a nightmare , especially when it comes to choosing the right treatment . Join Claire and discuss the easiest ways to look after your hair and what to look out for when choosing your hair care program . ConneXions Room 2 , Deck 2 , Stairway A
9 . 45pm Dixeland Jazz With the Royal Court Theatre Orchestra . Carinthia Lounge , Deck 7 , Stairway B ( until 10 . 30pm )
2 . 30pm Wellness Event : Cleanse the Liver , Trim the Fat ConneXions Room 2 , Deck 2 . Stairway A All wellbeing seminars take place in ConneXions Room 2 , Deck 2 , A Stairway .
Dress requirement : Informal . Cocktail dress or stylish separates for ladies . Jacket required , tie optional for gentlemen . No jeans or shorts . Please note that after 6 . 00pm , shorts and blue or worn denim ( for men and women ) ; sandals and sleeveless tops ( for men ) are not considered appropriate within the ship . Any guests wishing to dress more casually are welcome to dine in the Kings Court buffet on Deck 7 , relax in the Carinthia Lounge , and enjoy live / DJ music and dancing at our night club , G32 . However please do not use other areas within the ship , including our Verandah Restaurant and Alternative Dining Restaurant , out of respect for other fellow guests and the ambience of the evening .
Your Security And Safety Ashore Whilst we do not wish to restrict your movements ashore today and in our upcoming ports , we do suggest taking the following precautions :
Do not stray from the main tourist areas . Do not wear any jewellery that is likely to attract attention . Be careful to secure personal possessions in pockets , wallets
and handbags as pickpockets can operate in all cities . . We advise you to be careful if you are taking any high value
items , including cameras ashore . • .
Maintain an awareness of your surroundings at all times . Me
Wheelchair Assistance Guests are kindly reminded that wheelchair assistance , if required , will be provided to assist guests on and off the gangway only . As per the terms and conditions stated in the Cunard brochure , guests must be able to make their own way to the transportation on the pier or be accompanied by a travel companion who is able to assist them .
Dinner . . . . . . .
Queens Grill , Princess Grill and Britannia Club . Breakfast . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . 00am to 9 . 30 am Lunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . 12 . 00pm to 1 . 30pm Dinner . . . . . . . . .
. . 6 . 30pm to 9 . 00pm Britannia Restaurant . Breakfast . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . 8 . 00am to 9 . 30am Lunch . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . 12 . 00pm to 1 . 30pm First sitting dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 00pm , last order 6 . 30pm Second sitting dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . 30pm , last order 9 . 00pm Wine Line . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . 10 . 00am to 1 . 00pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pre - order your wine for the voyage by calling 22062 . Kings Court Buffet Deck 7 . Continental Breakfast . . . . . . . . .
. . . . 5 . 00 am to 6 . 30am Full Breakfast Buffet . . . . . . . . . .
. 6 . 30am to 11 . 30am Chef ' s Galley Healthy Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 30 am to 10 . 30am Lunch Buffet . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . 30 am to 3 . 00pm Chef ' s Galley : Burger & Hot Dog Station . . . . . . . . 11 . 30am to 3 . 00pm Afternoon Snack , Forward Starboard . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . 30pm to 5 . 30pm Chef ' s Galley : Pizza & Pasta Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 00pm to 9 . 30pm Dinner Buffet : Deck 7 , Forward Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 00pm to 10 . 30pm Late Snack , Buffet Aft . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . 00pm to 2 . 00am Gluten Free and Lactose Free items are available at the aft buffet from 7 . 00am through to 3 . 00pm . Afternoon Tea and Dinner options are available on request at the forward main buffet , please ask the Head Waiter . Kings Court Alternative Dining C Stairway ) . A $ 19 . 50 cover charge applies . For reservations please dial 25400 between 8 . 00am & 6 . 00pm . Smokehouse . . . . .
. . . 7 . 00pm to 9 . 00pm The Verandah Restaurant .
. . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 30pm to 9 . 00pm Cover charge applies for Dinner $ 49 . 95 . For reservations please call 25400 between 8 . 00am & 6 . 00pm . Boardwalk Café . ( Outside on Deck 12 , D Stairway , open weather permitting ) Fast Food Grill Items
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 . 00pm to 4 . 30pm Bars & Lounges . Carinthia Lounge
7 . 00am to 11 . 00pm ( Light snacks from 8 . 00 am to 10 . 00am , 12 . 00pm to 2 . 30pm & 3 . 30pm to 5 . 00pm ) Champagne Bar . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . 00pm to late Chart Room .
. . . . . . . . . . . 4 . 00pm to late Commodore Club . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . 00pm to late Empire Casino Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As per Casino opening hours Golden Lion Pub . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . 10 . 00am to late Pub Lunch . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . 12 . 00pm to 2 . 30pm G32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 30pm to the wee small hours
( Guests under the age of 18 are not permitted in G32 ) Pavilion Pool Bar . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . 10 . 00am to 7 . 00pm Sir Samuel ' s . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 00 am to 11 . 00pm Terrace Pool Bar ( weather permitting ) . . . . . . . . . . 10 . 00 am to 10 . 00pm Grills Lounge ( Grills guests only please . )
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . 00am to 2 . 30pm & 6 . 00pm to 12 . 00am Facilities and Retail . Book Shop . . . . . . . . . .
Closed Canyon Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . 8 . 00 am to 8 . 00pm Clarendon Fine Art . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . 7 . 00pm to 10 . 00pm Empire Casino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 30pm to late Images Photo Gallery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . 00pm to 11 . 00pm
( Interactive photo screens open 24 hours ) Internet Centre ( assistance ) 8 . 30am to 10 . 30am & 5 . 00pm to 9 . 00pm Library ( with assistance ) . . . 9 . 00am to 11 . 00 am & 3 . 00pm to 8 . 00pm Mayfair Shops . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Closed Medical Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . 00am to 10 . 00am & 4 . 00pm to 6 . 00pm
( For medical emergencies only please dial 911 or 999 ) Sports . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 00 am to 6 . 00pm Tour Office
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . 00pm to 7 . 00pm Voyage Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . 00am to 11 . 00am & 4 . 00pm to 7 . 00pm
Important Information : Laem Chabang Immigration Inspection Upon arrival it is a requirement of Thai Immigration Authorities to inspect all guests face to face against their passport . This inspection will take place in the Terminal Building ashore .
All guests booked on a Cunard shore excursion should meet in the Royal Court Theatre or the Golden Lion Pub as per the schedule advertised in the Daily Programme . From here , you will be escorted by ships crew through the immigration inspection before proceeding directly to your tour bus .
All guests not booked on a Cunard shore excursion and therefore going ashore independently should attend the below allocated time slots . Decks 4 , 6 and 11
9 . 00am to 9 . 30am Decks 2 , 3 , 5 and 8
9 . 30am to 10 . 00am Decks 9 , 10 , 12 and 13
10 . 00am to 10 . 30am
The above timings are guidelines , however if you have made pre arrangements ashore , please attend any one of the allocated time slots . All guests regardless of nationality , whether intending to spend time ashore or not are required to participate in this mandatory inspection . Once you are ready , please proceed to the gargway and towards the Terminal Building . Those guests planning to remain on board should wait for the final call asking all remaining guests to proceed ashore to complete the immigration formalities .
. .
At the inspection , you will be required to present the following documents .
Guest Identification Card . 2 . Passport . 3 . Thailand Arrival and Departure Card . ( This was handed to you during the recent passport handout or during check - in at Singapore . ) 4 . Photocopy of your passport . Once you have been seen by the Thai Authorities your passport will be collected by the Purser ' s Office where you will be issued with a passport receipt . You will then be able to remain ashore or return back on board for the day .
Baby Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . 00pm to 5 . 00pm & 6 . 00pm to 11 . 00pm Play Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . 00pm to 5 . 00pm & 6 . 00pm to 11 . 00pm Kids Zone .
2 . 00pm to 5 . 00pm & 6 . 00pm to 11 . 00pm Night Nursery . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . 6 . 00pm to 11 . 00pm
Discover . . .
Getting the most from your voyage .
Sunday , 25 March 2018 On board Queen Mary 2 . . . Highlights of Ho Chi Minh City .
Quick Hil - Machines . Come try our interactive Platinum Quick Hit machines and get the chance to walk away with $ 7 , 500 . To find out more speak
to the Casino Team for more details . Empire Casino , Deck 2 , Grand Lobby
Located on the banks of the
Saigon River , Ho Chi Minh City is a vibrant city full of contrasts . Visit the National History Museum filled with ancient ceramics , traditional
costumes and relics crafted in stone and bronze .
Afterwards . Watch a short performance of the uniquely Vietnamese spectacle - Water
puppetry . Stop by the Tour Office to secure your reservation . Deck 2 . Grand Lobby
P @ 20
) Wine Academy
Lunch and Learn .
Scratch cards .
Purchase a $ 5 or $ 10 Scratch card and you can win up to $ 50 , 000 . Buy $ 20 worth of scratch cards and
receive a prize . Available at the Casino Cash Desk
CUNARD Join our Chief Sommelier Sarav Srinivasan and finally get to grips with France ! At this tasting we will decode French wines for you and give you the keys to understanding where they use the most common grape varieties and the
wines that have made them famous . Our Executive Chef Klaus Kremer will play
his part , with a superb menu perfectly matched to the wines . Don ' t miss out on
this great opportunity . This promises to be a sensational
afternoon ! There will be a nominal fee of $ 75 . 00 per person . Please sign up with your Restaurant
Sommelier or phone the wine line on 22062 . 26 March at 12 . 00pm , Verandah Restaurant , Deck 8
Did you know ?
Save 20 % on all portraits captured
last night .
All purchases from the art gallery come framed
and can be delivered to your door in the UK for only $ 32 . 50 and Australia and the USA from $ 120 . Each piece is quality checked before being sent via courier to your door using a fully insured service so that the artwork arrives ready to hang on your wall ;
it couldn ' t be easier . Clarendon Fine Art Gallery , Deck 3L , C or D
Stairway , Starboard Side
Tanzanite Jewellery .
SpaClub ,
Did you know that the Mayfair shops feature a large selection of Tanzanite jewellery including
rings , earrings , bracelets and pendants . Set in white or yellow gold and with savings of up to 20 % on ticketed prices , see the entire selection in store when we re - open on Monday morning at 9 . 00am .
Mayfair Shops , Deck 3 , Grand Lobby
Ageless Oxygen Boost
Facial - The Ultimate ! Enjoy this amazing pressurised pure Oxygen Facial but with an added bonus . 80 minutes for the price of 50 minutes .
Deep Tissue Chiropractic
Grand Alaska 2019 .
Join us in exploring glaciers , wildlife , national parks and dramatic scenery on our Grand Alaska voyage beginning from Vancouver and ending in Fort Lauderdale ,
New York or Southampton .
Experience muscle soothing and
relaxation on a new level . This complete treatment includes all the benefits of a full chiropractic
consultation ( assessment and treatment ) and a 30 minute deep
tissue massage . Normally $ 286 . 00
Today $ 143 . 00 Save a massive 50 % exclusively today .
Q918C : Vancouver to Southampton
20 June to 8 August 2019 Vancouver , Ketchikan , Juneau , Skagway , Sitka , Victoria , Vancouver , San Francisco , Los
Angeles , Cabo San Lucas , Puerto Quetzel , Puntaernas . Panama City , Transit Panama Canal . Aruba , Fort Lauderdale , New York , Halifax , St John ' s NF , Isafjordur , Reykjvik ,
Glasgow , Dublin , Southampton .
Call 27008 / 9 for bookings Canyon Ranch SpaClub , Deck 7 . Forward
( Terms & conditions apply )
Book on board with a small deposit and receive generous on board credit of up to $ 400 per person . This offer is combinable with most promotions . In addition , you will also get insightful information on choosing
your accommodation .
Bookings made on board can be processed
through your current Travel Agent or with Cunard directly . Terms and conditions apply .
Visit your Voyage Sales Specialists on Deck 2 ( Port Side ) or call 22339 ( Yoyo )
or Chris ( 22347 ) to arrange a private appointment to book your next adventure .
Are you aware we have internet
onboard ?
The Verandah .
The following plans are available for
purchase by all guests :
120 Minule Plan 240 Minule Plan 480 Minute Plan
The Verandah restaurant draws inspiration from the Verandah Grill on the original Queen Mary , and its contemporary décor playfully echoes the murals and Art Deco patterns . The menu is a celebration of fine , contemporary French cuisine with seasonal influences and specially selected ingredients chosen to evoke the flavours of great regional cooking from
southern France .
Visit the Internet Centre in Connexions 1 for more
information .
Lunch $ 20 . 00 Dinner $ 49 . 95 Please call 25400 for reservations between 8 . 00am and 6 . 00pm .
The Verandah Restaurant , Deck 8 , Stairway D
Stay Connected