ボヤージ M813
2018年3月27日 ( 火 ) 日の出 : 5 : 52am 日の入り : 6 : 02pm
ドレスコード : インフォーマル 天気予報 : 35℃ 晴れ時々曇り
プーミー ( ベトナム )
日本語デイリープログラム プーミー ( ベトナム ) へようこそ !
プーミー ( ベトナム ) 入港時間7 : 00am 全員乗船時間 7 : 30pm
今夜のドレスコード ( 6pm 以降 )
インフォーマル 男性はジャケット着用 、 ネクタイはオプショナル 。 女性はカクテルドレス 、 スタイリッシュな装い 。
緊急連絡先 : ISS - Gemadept Co . , Ltd - Phu My 8 Nguyen Hue Avenue , District 1 , Hochiminh City , Vietnam 8 + 84 - 909826999 EX - operations . vungtau @ iss - gemadept . com
停泊地 : SSIT Berth 香港までの航海距離907 . 2海里 ( 1海里 = 1 . 85キロ ) クイーンメリー2衛星電話 : 00870773235723
両替 現地通貨 : ベトナム ・ ドン ( VND )
・ パーサーズオフィスでは ベトナムドンを取り扱っていません 。 観光エリアでは小額の米ドル紙幣が
使えるところもあります 。
上陸について クルーズカードとベトナム上陸カードを必ずご携帯下さい 。 上陸カードは入国時審査官が押印します 。 船にお戻りの際 、 乗船口に設置されている回収箱に ご返却ください 。 お客様のパスポートは出入国審査の ため船側でお預かりしています 。
本日のテーマ : アジア料理
お一人様 $ 19 . 50 ご予約は内線 25400 ( 8am - 6pm ) キングスコートオルタナティブ デッキ7 ・ C階段 ・ 右舷側
本船主催のツアーに参加されるお客様 集合場所 : ゴールデンライオンパブ ( デッキ2 、 C階段 ) 集合時間 番号 ツアー名 7 . 10am 006A Countryside & Cu Chi Tunnels 7 . 40am 004A Ho Chi Minh City On Your Own 8 . 10am 005A Vung Tau Views
客室内テレビ 30チャンネル
ドリスの恋愛妄想適齢期 4 : 00am , 5 : 45am , 7 : 30am ,
9 : 15pm , 11 % 3B00am サロゲート 危険な誘い 12 : 45pm , 2 : 45pm , 4 : 45pm パーフェクトガイ ( 完璧な男 ) 6 : 45pm , 8 : 30pm , 10 : 15pm , 00 : 00am
集合場所 : ロイヤル ・ コート ・ シアター ( デッキ2 、 B階段 、 右舷側入口 ) 」 集合時間 番号 ツアー名 7 . 10am 011A Mekong River Experience 7 . 40am 001A Highlights of Ho Chi Minh 8 . 10am 007A Ho Chi Minh Shopping Experience
※ツアーチケットは封筒から出しツアースタッフにご提示下さい 。 ご家族 、 グルー プなど同じバスで行動を希望される場合はグループごと一緒にチェックインして下 さい 。 同じバス番号のシールを貼ります 。 チケットは客室に届き次第 、 ツアー 名 、 実際ツアーに行かれる方の氏名 ( ローマ字 ) と客室番号を必ずご確認下さい 。
2日本語デスク 日本人ホステスのお手伝いが必要な際は パーサーズオフィス22200
までお電話の上 、 「 ジャパニーズホステスプリーズ 」 と
お伝え下さい 。
入場チケット配布 3月28日 、 10 : 30am ~ と 11 : 30am 〜 の2回 厨房見学ツアーを開催いたします 。
それぞれ限定25名様につき 、 事前に入場チケットを配布いたします 。 ご希望の方は受け取りにお越しください 。 グループでのまとめ取りはご遠慮ください
無料シャトルバスのご案内 港からBa Ria Coopmart ( スーパー ) への無料シャトルバスが運行されます 。 スーパーの隣には午後早くに閉まるローカルマーケットもあります 。 港からの始発 8 : 30am 港への最終バス出発時間 : 3 : 30pm
00000 片道の所要時間は片道約50分程度 ( 交通状況により 、 遅れが生じる場合もございます ) 時間帯によっては混雑が予想されますので 、 お時間に余裕を持ってご計画下さ い 。 なおこのシャトルバスには車椅子の方向けではございません 。
配布 : 3月27日8 : 00pm - 先着順
コネクションズ前デスク ( デッキ2前方 、 左舷側 )
禁止されています 。 船にお戻りの際も 、 許可のない車両をご利用の場合 、 船付近まではお越しいただけず 、 港のゲート入口で下車いただくことになりま すのでご了承ください 。
本日のおすすめエンターテイメント 出港パーティー 。 今夜のショータイム
サックス奏者 「 ジュリアン ・ スミス 」
DJクリスの選曲で 出港風景を楽しみましょう !
時間 7 : 30pm テラスプール
デッキ8 、 D階段 ※悪天候時にはパビリオン プール ( デッキ12 、 B階段 ) に
変更となります 。
時間 8 : 45pm & 10 : 30pm ロイヤルコートシアター デッキ2 & 3 、 B階段
レストランオープン時間 プリンセス & クイーンズグリル ( デッキス 、 D階段 ) 朝食
8 : 00am ~ 9 : 30am ランチ
12 : 00pm ~ 1 : 30pm ディナー
6 : 30pm ~ 9 : 00pm ブリタニア ・ レストラン ( デッキ2 & 3 、 C & D階段 ) 朝食
8 : 00am ~ 9 : 30am ランチ
12 : 00pm ~ 1 : 30pm ディナー1回目 6 : 00pm ( ラストオーダー6 : 30pm ) ディナー2回目 8 : 30pm ( ラストオーダー9 : 00pm ) ワインライン 10 : 00am ~ 1 : 00pm ( 事前オーダーは巻22062 ) ベランダ ・ レストラン ( デッキ8 、 D階段 ) ディナー
6 : 30pm ~ 9 : 00pm ( $ 49 . 95 )
ご予約は 8am ~ 6pmの間 、 ②25400まで キングスコート ・ ブッフェ ( デッキフ 、 B階段 ) コンチネンタル朝食
5 : 00am ~ 6 : 30am 朝食ブッフェ
6 : 00am ~ 11 : 30am ヘルシーコーナー朝食
6 : 00am ~ 10 : 30am ランチ
11 : 30am ~ 3 : 00pm ハンバーガー & ホットドック 。 11 : 30am ~ 3 : 00pm 午後のスナック
3 : 30pm ~ 5 : 30pm ディナーブッフェ ( 前方左舷 ) 6 : 00pm ~ 10 : 30pm ピザ & パスタステーション 6 : 00pm ~ 9 : 30pm お夜食 ( 後方 )
11 : 00pm ~ 2 : 00am キングスコート ・ オルタナティブ ( デッキ7 、 C階段 、 右舷 ) バンブー ( アジア料理 ) 7 : 00pm ~ 9 : 00pm ( $ 19 . 50 )
ご予約は 8am ~ 6pmの間 、 空25400まで
社交 & ラテンダンス音楽
時間 10 : 00pm ~ 遅くまで ゴールデンライオンパブ ( デッキ2 、 C階段 )
クイーンズルーム オーケストラの生演奏 、 マイケル ・ バークの歌声を
お楽しみ下さい 。 時間 9 : 45pm ~ 12 : 00am クイーンズルーム ( デッキ3 、 D階段 )
ボードウォーク ( デッキ 12 、 D階段 、 屋外※天候次第 ) ファーストフード ( グリル ) 12 : 00pm ~ 4 : 30pm
コモドアー ・ クラブのカクテル試飲会 歴代のコモドアーをイメージして作られた オリジナルカクテルをお試し下さい 。 本クルーズ一回限定イベント ! 料金 : お一人様 $ 246 . 00 ご予約はバースタッフまたは コモドアークラブ巻23066まで 明日3月28日 時間2 : 00pm コモドア ・ クラブ ( デッキ9 、 A階段 )
キュナード限定お酒のギフトボックス販売 キュナード限定酒ギフトボックスを販売中 。 酒米の王者といわれる山田錦をより厳選して 作られた明石鯛をお土産にいかがですか ? $ 28 ( サービス料込み ) 詳しくはソムリエまたはバースタッフに お問い合わせ下さい 。
バー ・ ラウンジオープン時間 カリンシア ・ ラウンジ
7 : 00am ~ 11 : 00pm 軽食8 : 00am ~ 10 : 00am , 12 : 00pm ~ 2 : 30pm , 3 : 30pm ~ 5 : 00pm シャンパンバー
4 : 00pm 〜 遅くまで チャートルーム 。
4 : 00pm 〜 遅くまで コモドアークラブ
4 : 00pm 〜 遅くまで ゴールデン ・ ライオン ・ パブ 10 : 00am 〜 遅くまで
パブランチ 12 : 00pm ~ 2 : 30pm G32 ( 18歳以上 )
9 : 30pm 〜 遅くまで パビリオン ・ プール ・ バー 10 : 00am ~ 7 : 00pm サー ・ サミュエルズ
9 : 00am ~ 11 : 00pm テラスプール ・ バー ( 天候次第 ) 10 : 00am ~ 10 : 00pm グリル専用ラウンジ 11 : 00am ~ 2 : 30pm , 6 : 00pm ~ 12 : 00am
香港お勧めツアー 「 夕方の湾内遊覧クルーズ 」
" Evening Harbour Cruise in Hong Kong . " 中国式の船に乗船し 、 ヴィクトリア ・ ハーバーを遊覧 。 遊覧クル ーズ中は九龍の賑やかな港の見どころをご覧ください 。 船のバー でご自由に飲み物を片手に 、 過ぎ行く景色と町の明かりをお楽し みください 。 ツアー ・ オフィス ( デッキ2 、 B階段 )
船内施設オープン時間 ブック ・ ショップ
7 : 30pm ~ 9 : 00pm 図書室
9 : 00am ~ 11 : 00am , 3 : 00pm ~ 8 : 00pm キャニオンランチ
8 : 00am ~ 8 : 00pm アートギャラリー
8 : 00pm ~ 10 : 00pm エンパイアカジノ
9 : 30pm 〜 遅くまで フォトギャラリー
5 : 00pm ~ 11 : 00pm メイフェア ・ ショップス
7 : 30pm ~ 10 : 00pm 医務室
8 : 00am ~ 10 : 00am , 4 : 00pm ~ 6 : 00pm ※緊急時は ・ 999 または 911 までお電話下さい ツアー ・ オフィス
5 : 00pm ~ 7 : 00pm ボヤージセールス 8 : 00am ~ 11 : 00am , 4 : 00pm ~ 7 : 00pm
寄港地での時間を 最大限に活用するために
プーミー / ホーチミン ( ベトナム )
ベトナムのシーサイドリゾートであるプーミーは 、 ベトナム最大の都市ホーチミンへの玄関口として 多くの観光客が訪れます 。 ホーチミンは1975年までサイゴンと呼ばれ 、 市内にはロマネスク様式の聖 堂や仏教寺院 、 ホーチミン大学 ( 1917 ) をはじめとする高等教育機関 、 博物館 、 劇場 、 植物園など 、 歴史的建築物や文化施設が多く立ち並んでいます 。
情報 ・ 北ベトナムの大統領 ( 1945 ~ 69 ) ホーチミン氏は1915 ~ 1917年の間ロンドンに住んでいた 。 ・ ホーチミンを訪れる観光客はアメリカ人が一番多い 。 ・ 首都のハノイはかつての南ベトナムの首都の北 1060マイルに位置している 。 ・ 街にはフランス植民地時代の建築物が多く残っている 。 ・ 住民および観光客は未だに以前の呼び名である 「 サイゴン 」 と呼ぶことが多い 。 ・ 上海とサンフランシスコはホーチミン市の姉妹都市である 。
ホーチミンの見どころ ・ ノートルダム大聖堂 ( Notre Dame Cathedral )
フランス統治時代の例となるネオ ・ ロマネスク調ノートルダム大聖堂 。 ホーチミン博物館 ( Ho Chi Minh City Museum ) フランス 、 アメリカとの闘争に関連する稀な展示物があります 。 【 開館時間 】 8 : 00am ~ 4 : 00pm 統一会館 ( Reunification Hall ) 前大統領公邸であった統一会館は 、 1975年4月30日 、 ベトナム戦争終了時にベトナム社会主義国 の国旗が掲げられたところです 。 【 開館時間 】 8 : 00am ~ 11 : 00am 、 1 : 00pm ~ 4 : 00pm 戦争博物館 ( The War Remnants Museum ) フランスやアメリカ軍によって行われた残虐行為に偏った展示となっています 。 戦車 、 爆弾 、 飛 行機 、 ヘリコプター 、 武器の展示もあり 。 【 開館時間 】 7 : 30am ~ 11 : 30am 、 1 : 30pm ~ 5 : 15pm サーロイ寺 ( XaLoi Pagoda ) 1956年建立 、 巨大な仏道と1960年代初頭に当時の大統領であったゴー ・ ディン ・ ディエムの政策 に抗議して焼身自殺した僧侶が祀られています 。 歴史博物館 ( Historical Museum ) 1930年代初頭から14世紀の武器や陶器を展示 。 【 開館時間 】 8 : 00am ~ 11 : 20am 、 1 : 30pm ~ 4 : 20pm
お食事 ホーチミンはベトナムの食文化の中心地といわれ 、 あらゆるお食事が楽しめます 。 主食はCom ( お米 ) とPho ( フォー麺 ) 、 ソースもベトナム特有のヌックマム ( 魚醤 ) が人気 。 おすすめ料理 ・ Pho ( フォー ) : 米麺 、 ビーフやチキンが入る Nem rau ( ネムザウ ) : 野菜入り春巻き ・ Bun bo ( ブンボー ) : ビーフ入りスパイシーな麺スープ ・ Cha ca ( チャーカー ) : 雷魚入り米麺
・ Banh khom ( バインコム ) : パイナップルケーキ
・ Thit kho ( ティッコー ) : ポークの甘煮 ・ Che ( チェー ) : ココナッツプリンやフルーツ入りカキ氷 ・ Banh lam dua ( バインラムドゥア ) : ココナッツ風味のもち
おすすめのショッピング 漆の箱 、 シルク 、 Tシャツ 、 木製品 、 ベトナムの郵便切手 、 挨拶状 、 陶器 、 戦争記念品
基本情報 郵便局 POST OFFICE 中央郵便局 パリ広場 ( ノートルダム大聖堂近く )
通貨 LOCAL CURRENCY 現地通貨 : ベトナムドン ( VND 、 またはd ) 紙幣 : 500 , 1000 , 2000 , 5000 , 10 , 000 , 20 , 000 ,
50 , 000 , 100 , 000d 硬貨 : 200 , 500 , 1000 , 2000 , 5000d
お金関係 MRIT : HSBC ( 225 Dong Khoi Street ) , ANZ MTT ( 11 Me LinhSquare ) , ベトコンバンク ( 8 Nguyen Hue ) 【 通常営業時間 】 月 ~ 金7 : 30am ~ 11 : 30am 、
1 1 : 00pm ~ 4 : 30pm ホテルやショップ 、 銀行にはATMがあります 。 多くのレストラン 、 ショップでは米ドルでの支 払い可能 。 主要クレジットカードは大きなレス トランやショップでご利用いただけます 。 トラ ベラーズチェックは銀行で両替必要 。
ツーリストインフォメーション TOURIST INFORMATION 港に情報デスクあり 。 市内またはホテルからタンホン ・ ベットベンチ ャーに電話にてお問い合わせ可能 。
緊急連絡先 Emergency Contacts 警察113救急115
Ho Chi Minh City
Ion Duc Thang
a Thanh Ton
Nguyen Thi Minh KT
Nguyen Tan Cong Chua
1 . ベンタン市場
( Ben Thanh Market ) 2 . レックスホテル
( Rex Hotel ) 3 . 市劇場 」
( City Theatre ) 4 . カナベルホテル
( Canavelle Hotel ) 5 . 植物園
( Botanical Gardens ) 6 . ノートルダム大聖堂
( Notre Dame Church ) 7 . 統一会館
( Reunification Hall ) 8 . 旧アメリカ大使館
( Former US EMbassy )
trụ trong
Nguyen Du
KDuc Thang
Dong Kho
Nguyen Hue
Pasteur - - - 1
Nam Kỳ Khởi Nghĩa Ngh
an Hung Dao
Cholon District ( China Town )
Malaysia 0
Tonight ' s dress code : Informal Weather : 35°C ( 95°F ) Partly cloudy
Queen Mary 2 Voyage M813 Tuesday , 27 March 2018 Sunrise 5 . 52am Sunset 6 . 02pm
Daily Programme . M ) 2 2018
In the port of Phu My , Vietnam .
From the Navigator . After her day at sea , Queen Mary 2 started preparing for arrival into Phu My in the early hours of the morning . Standby was rung and the local pilot was picked up
shortly after . She then began her 2 hour , 25 mile pilotage towards her berth .
UK ' s Number 1 Soprano
Saxophonist . Julian Smith
Today ' s Movie .
" Music From The
Movies . UK ' s Julian Smith ' s beautiful haunting soprano saxophone sound earned him second runner up position in Britain ' s
Got Talent close behind Susan Boyle and Diversity with 700 , 000 telephone
votes . This is an opportunity to see and hear him perform stunning renditions of music made famous from being heard in
the Movies ' backed by the Royal Court Theatre Orchestra . He will also demonstrate
his technique , which allows him to hold a single note for over 10 minutes in one single
breath . Do not miss this !
At 8 . 45pm & 10 . 30pm Royal Court Theatre 7 , Decks 2 & 3 ,
Arrival Time : 700am All Aboard Time : 7 . 30pm Ho Chi Minh City is the larg at city in Vietnam and is located near the Mekong Delta . Under the name , Prey Nokor , it was the main port of Cambodia , before being annexed by the Vietnamese in the 17th century . Under the name Saigon , it was the capital of the French colony of Cochinchina , and later of the independent state of South Vietnam from 1954 to 1975 . In 1975 , Saigon was merged with the surrounding province of Gia Dinh and renamed Ho Chi Minh City . From an orthographic point of view , the Vietnamese name , Sai Gon , is written in two words . Some people , however , write the name of the city as SaiGon or Saigon in order to save space or
give it a more Westernised look .
The Bachelors
Starring J . K . Simmons , Julie Delpy ,
Josh Wiggins and Odeya Rush .
After the death of his wife , Bill and his 17 - year - old son , Wes ,
move from a small town to a big city for a fresh start . As they
begin to adjust to life in the city and seek ways to heal their wounds , they both find comfort in newfound romances . Although circumstances contribute to Bill
and Wes growing apart . At 2 . 00pm , 500pm
8 . 00pm & 10 . 30pm Illuminations 7 , Deck 3 , Stairway B
Ballroom & Latin
Dance to the Queens Room Orchestrain the majestic setting of our ballroom . Under the musical direction of Blake Waters , featuring vocalist Michael Burke .
From 9 . 45pm to 12 . 00 am Queens Room 1 , Deck 3 , D Stairway
Karaoke . Get in the mood with a pub sing - a long before throwing your inhibitions overboard singing your favourite karaoke classics . Hosted by the Entertainment Team .
At 10 . 00pm Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard )
Sailaway Celebration
with DJ Chris . Join DJ Chris and the Entertainment team , as Queen Mary 2 sets sail from
Phu My .
At 7 . 30pm Terrace Pool , Deck 8 , Aft
Inclement weather venue : Pavilion Pool , Deck 12 , Stairway B
Today ' s activities .
For Guests On Tour . Please check in with the tour staff and have your tour tickets ready to show the tour staff at check in . If you are travelling with friends , please meet beforehand and check in at the same time so that you are allocated the same group . Please make sure you have your Vietnamese Landing Card and your Ship Identification card with you . Tours meeting in the Golden Lion Pub . 7 . 10am 006A Countryside & Cu Chi Tunnels 7 . 40am 004A Ho Chi Minh City On Your Own 8 . 10am 005A Vung Tau Views
Tours meeting in the Royal Court Theatre . 7 . 10 am 011 A Mekong River Experience 7 . 30 am 001A Highlights of Ho Chi Minh 8 . 10 am 007A Ho Chi Minh Shopping Experience
Hotel Manager : David Shepherd , David Shepherd was born in Leicester and grew up on his parents ' farm in Shenton near Market Bosworth . You may wonder how did a farmer ' s son living in the middle of England as far from the sea as possible go to work on board ships ! It all started after a family holiday to the Norfolk Broads - the fascination of boats and water ! After completing his GCSEs , he undertook a BTEC National Diploma in Hospitality Management at North Warwickshire College followed by a HND in Hospitality Management at Leeds Metropolitan University which also took him out to Orlando , Florida working for six months in a leading hotel . In 1994 . David was selected and appointed to serve and look after Her Majesty The Queen at the Royal Chelsea Flower Show and again in 1995 at Jaguar Cars , Coventry at a distinguished event . Despite not travelling much in his younger years , he joined P & O ' s Oriana in 1995 as a Junior Assistant Purser on the Purser ' s Desk and began to travel the world . He was promoted through the ranks to Assistant Purser , Senior Assistant Purser and finally Passenger Services Manager before taking a break from sea life between 2001 and 2003 . Since returning in 2003 David has served on all P & O Cruises ' ships with the exception of Adonia . In 2009 David was appointed Executive Purser serving on board Oriana , Aurora , Ventura and Azura . In 2004 David met his wife Jade on board P & O Cruises ' Oriana and they were married in April 2012 in Burford in the Cotswolds where they moved to in February 2014 . Whilst on leave David enjoys helping out on the family farm and being out in the countryside , gardening , cooking as well as helping out with his family ' s individual equine and pet cremation business . With a love for the outdoors . David completed Alfred Wainwright ' s famous Coast to Coast walk in 14 days across the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales and Moors . David and Jade are proud parents of Harry and Toby . David ' s proudest moment to date was being appointed as Hotel Manager to Cunard in August 2012 Vith Queen Mary 2 being his first Cunard ship and becoming a part of the greatest and most famous shipping line in the world joining the Cunard family and traditions . As Hotel Manager David is responsible for the entire Hotel team on board of whom he is very proud of and works with them to ensure that our guests on board have a unique and memorable experience . After more than 20 years at sea , David works on the philosophy of expecting the unexpected and believing the unbelievable . You just never know what the next day is going to bring - which is part of the excitement and adrenaline rush he gets from working at sea .
Last minute tickets are available for shore excursions today . Please do not hesitate to contact the Tour Staff during tour dispatch hours at the check - in locations or on the pier ashore .
6 . 00 am Good Morning Queen Mary 2 Your guide to today ' s entertainment and activities . with Entertainment Director , Amanda Reid and guests . Stateroom TV , Channel 23 ( repeated continuously until 12 . 00pm )
6 . 00am Movie : ' Same Kind Of Different As Me Yesterday ' s theatre movie , repeated continuously . Stateroom TV Channel 24
7 . 00am Arrival Queen Mary 2 arrives at Phu My . Please listen to announcements for updated information on the location of the gangway . To go ashore , all guests are required to have their ship ' s identification card and their Vietnamese Landing Card with them .
9 . 00am Christian Fellowship Gathering ( unhosted ) Boardroom , Deck 9 , Stairway A ( Port )
9 . 00am Social Deck Quoits ( unhosted ) Deck 12 , Stairway B ( Outside , Port )
9 . 30am Solo Travellers ' Meet Point ( unhosted ) Meet other independent guests to plan your time ashore . Outside the Golden Lion Pub , by the Post Box , Deck 2 , Stairway C
10 . 30am Morning Trivia Who will be crowned today ' s trivia champions ? Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard )
Shuttle Bus Service , A complimentary shuttle service will be in operation from 8 . 30am to Ba Ria Coopmart ( near Ba Ria small local market which closes early afternoon ) , approximately 50 minutes drive each way , depending on traffic . Last departure from the market back to the ship will be at 3 . 30pm . Unfortunately no accessible vehicle is available for this service . At peak hours queues are expected , we kindly ask for your patience . Please be advised that Phu My port is a restricted area and taxis or private pick ups without special permission will not be allowed to drive to the ship , they will need to stop at the port gate .
11 . 00am Social Golf ( unhosted ) Sports Centre , Deck 13 , Stairway B
12 . 00pm Social Table Tennis ( unhosted ) Pavilion Pool , Deck 12 , Stairway B
2 . 00pm Movie : The Bachelors Please see the front page of the daily programme for more details . Illuminations , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway A
2 . 00pm Social Bridge and Whist ConneXions Rooms 4 & 5 , Deck 2 , Stairway A
3 . 00 pm Killer Darts Who will be crowned champion of the board ? Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard )
From the Purser ' s Desk . Ship ' s Agent : ISS - Gemadept Co . , Ltd - Phu My
8 Nguyen Hue Avenue , District 1
Hochiminh City , Vietname Telephone : + 84 - 909826999 E - Mail :
operations . vungtau @ iss - gemadept . com Berth :
SSIT Berth Queen Mary 2 Satellite Phone Number : 00870 7732 35723 Currency : Legal tender in Phu My , Vietnam is the Vietnamese Dong . Queen Mary 2 does not trade in Vietnamese Dong therefore the Purser ' s Office will not accept Vietnamese Dong at any time . Small denominations of US dollars are accepted in tourist areas . Postage : Postcards and letters can be posted via the Purser ' s Office .
3 . 30pm Queens Room Afternoon Tea Featuring pianist Andrew Cavendish - Grey . Queens Room , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 4 . 30pm )
4 pm
4 . 00pm Friends Of Bill W . Boardroom , Deck 9 , Stairway A ( Port ) ( until 5 . 00pm ) 4 . 15pm Afternoon Trivia Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard )
Today ' s Activities .
5 . 00pm Movie : The Bachelors Please see the front page of the daily programme for more details . Illuminations , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway A
9 . 45pm Live Music with Purple Haze G32 , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 10 . 45pm )
5 . 00pm LGBT Social Hour Commodore Club , Deck 9 , Stairway A ( Starboard ) ( until 6 . 00pm )
9 . 45pm Ballroom & Latin Dance Music Dance to the Queens Room Orchestra in the majestic setting of our ballroom . Under the musical direction of Blake Waters , featuring vacalist , Michael Burke . 7 Queens Room , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 12 . 00 am )
5 . 15pm Catholic Mass ( unhosted ) ConneXions Rooms 4 & 5 , Deck 2 , Stairway A
5 . 15pm Shuffleboard Tournament Sports Centre , Deck 13 , Stairway B
10 . 00pm Pianist Miklos Szabo Commodore Club , Deck 9 , Stairway A ( until 12 . 00am )
5 . 15pm Harpist Fiona McGee Carinthia Lounge , Deck 7 , Stairway B ( until 6 . 00pm )
5 . 15pm Imprezza String Quartet Chart Room , Deck 3 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) ( until 6 . 00pm ) 5 . 30pm Pub Duo Amethyst Join our resident pub duo ' Amethyst ' in the most traditional British pub on the seven seas . Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) ( until 6 . 00pm )
10 . 00pm Karaoke Throw your inhibitions overboard singing your favourite karaoke classics . Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) ( until late ) 10 . 30pm Showtime : Julian Smith Presented by your Entertainment Director , Amanda Reid . 7 Royal Court Theatre , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway B
10 . 30pm Movie : The Bachelors Please see the front page of the daily programme for more details .
Illuminations , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway A
7 . 00pm Pub Duo ' Amethyst Join our resident pub duo ' Amethyst ' in the most traditional British pub on the seven seas . Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) ( until 7 . 45pm )
10 . 45pm Swinging 60 ' s with DJ Chris G32 , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 11 . 30pm )
11 . 30pm Live Music with Purple Haze G32 , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 12 . 30 am )
7 . 30pm All Aboard ! All guests must be on board by this time . Shortly after the gangway is raised and Queen Mary 2 will depart for Hong Kong , a distance of 907 . 2 nautical miles ( 1 nautical mile equals 1 . 15 statute miles , or 1 . 85 kilometres ) .
12 . 00am Dance Music For Enthusiasts Recorded ballroom and latin music . 7 Queens Room , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 12 . 30am )
7 . 30pm Sailaway Celebration with DJ Chris Join DJ Chris and the Entertainment Team on Deck 8 . Aft as Queen Mary 2 sets sail from Phu My . Terrace Pool , Deck 8 , Stairway D ( Inclement weather venue : Pavilion Pool , Deck 12 , Stairway B )
12 . 30am All Request Express with DJ Chris Dance the night away in Queen Mary 2 ' s night club , with DJ Chris . G32 , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until late )
7 . 45pm Harpist Fiona McGee Carinthia Lounge , Deck 7 , Stairway B ( until 8 . 30pm ) 7 . 45pm Imprezza String Quartet Chart Room , Deck 3 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) ( until 8 . 30pm )
paClub ,
7 . 45pm Pianist Andrew Cavendish - Grey Commodore Club , Deck 9 , Stairway A ( until 8 . 30pm )
7 . 45pm Pianist Miklos Szabo Grand Lobby , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway B ( until 8 . 30pm )
7 . 45pm Sequence Dancing With Social Host . Tommi . * Queens Room , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 8 . 30pm )
8 . 00pm Early Evening Trivia Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard )
8 . 00pm Movie : The Bachelors Please see the front page of the daily programme for more details . * Illuminations , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway A
8 . 30pm Recorded Ballroom & Latin Dance Music
Queens Room , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 9 . 45pm )
Fitness classes . 7 . 30am Stretch and Relax - Full Body Stretch 8 . 00am Yoga - All Levels *
Queens Room , Deck 3 , D Stairway 9 . 00am Pilates - All Levels 4 . 00pm Yoga - All Levels 5 . 00pm Abs Express 5 . 30pm Fitness for Your Feet
Open Deck next to the Boardwalk Cafe , Deck 12 , C Stairway * $ 12 fitness pass and previous sign up required . Wellbeing seminars . 9 . 30am The Ultimate Oxygen Boost The Powerful Alternative to Plastic surgery ! Discover the latest breakthroughs in skincare treatments to achieve a younger , refined - looking skin . SpaClub , Deck 7 , Stairway A 10 . 30am Wellness Event : Healthy Feet , Healthy Posture SpaClub . Deck 7 , Stairway A 11 . 15am Acupuncture for Stress and Anxiety A proven medicine that helps release endorphins and serotonins within the body to give the relaxed peaceful feeling that we need . This can even help you get a better nights sleep . ConneXions Room 2 , Deck 2 , Stairway A 1 . 00pm Lazy Days and Mindful Dreams Find out how to treat anxiety , stress and insomnia in the most natural way . Connexions Room 2 , Deck 2 , Stairway A 2 . 00pm Walk in Comfort without Pain Seminar Join our fitness experts and learn to walk again without the pain . ConneXions Room 2 , Deck 2 , Stairway A 3 . 00pm Salon Showcase Join our hair and makeup professionals and discover hints and tips galore , looking fabulous just got that bit easier . Spa Salon , Deck 8 , Stairway A All wellbeing seminars take place in Connexions Room 2 , Deck 2 , Stairway A .
8 . 45pm Showtime : Julian Smith Presented by your Entertainment Director , Amanda Reid . 7 Royal Court Theatre , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway B
9 . 30pm Pianist Andrew Cavendish - Grey Grand Lobby , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway B
9 . 30pm Pub Duo ' Amethyst Join our resident pub duo " Amethyst in the most traditional British pub on the seven seas . Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) ( until 10 . 00pm )
9 . 30pm The Jazz Club With the Mark Hodgson Trio . Chart Room , Deck 3 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) ( until late )
9 . 45pm Harpist Fiona McGee Carinthia Lounge , Deck 7 , Stairway B ( until 10 . 30pm )
Dress requirement : Informal . Cocktail dress or stylish separates for ladies . Jacket required , tie optional for gentlemen . No jeans or shorts . Please note that after 6 . 00pm , shorts and blue or worn denim ( for men and women ) : sandals and sleeveless tops ( for men ) are not considered appropriate within the ship . Any guests wishing to dress more casually are welcome to dine in the Kings Court buffet on Deck 7 , relax in the Carinthia Lounge , and enjoy live / DJ music and dancing at our night club . G32 . However please do not use other areas within the ship , including our Verandah Restaurant and Alternative Dining Restaurant , out of respect for other fellow guests and the ambience of the evening ,
Your Security And Safety Ashore . Whilst we do not wish to restrict your movements ashore today and in our upcoming ports , we do suggest taking the following precautions : . Do not stray from the main tourist areas .
Do not wear any jewellery that is likely to attract attention . .
Be careful to secure personal possessions in pockets , wallets and handbags as pickpockets can operate in all cities . We advise you to be careful if you are taking any high value
items , including cameras ashore . • Maintain an awareness of your surroundings at all times .
Queens Grill , Princess Grill and Britannia Club . Breakfast . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . 8 . 00 am to 9 . 30am Lunoh . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . 12 . 00pm to 1 . 30pm Dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 30pm to 9 . 00pm Britannia Restaurant , Breakfast . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . 8 . 00am to 9 . 30am Lunch
. . . 12 . 00pm to 1 . 30pm First sitting dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 00pm . last order 6 . 30pm Second sitting dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . 30pm , last order 9 . 00pm Wine Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . 00am to 1 . 00pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pre - order your wine for the voyage by calling 22062 . Kings Court Buffet Deck 7 . Continental Breakfast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . 00 am to 6 . 30 am Full Breakfast Buffet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 30am to 11 . 30 am Chef ' s Galley Healthy Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 30am to 10 . 30 am Lunch Buffet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . 30am to 3 . 00pm Chef ' s Galley : Burger & Hot Dog Station . . . . . . . . . . 11 . 30am to 3 . 00pm Afternoon Snack , Forward Starboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . 30pm to 5 . 30pm Chef ' s Galley : Pizza & Pasta Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 00pm to 9 . 30 pm Dinner Buffet : Deck 7 , Forward Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 00pm to 10 . 30pm Late Snack , Buffet Aft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . 00pm to 2 . 00 am Gluten Free and Lactose Free items are available at the aft buffet from 7 . 00 am through to 3 . 00pm . Afternoon Tea and Dinner options are available on request at the forward main buffet , please ask the Head Waiter . Kings Court Alternative Dining C Stairway ) . A $ 19 . 50 cover charge applies . For reservations please dial 25400 between 8 . 00am & 6 . 00pm . Bamboo ( Pan - Asian cuisine ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . 00pm to 9 . 00pm The Verandah Restaurant . Dinner . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 30pm to 9 . 00pm Cover charge applies for Dinner $ 49 . 95 . For reservations please call 25400 between 8 . 00am & 6 . 00pm . Boardwalk Café . ( Outside on Deck 12 . D Stairway , open weather permitting ) Fast food grill items . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 . 00pm to 4 . 30pm Bars & Lounges . Carinthia Lounge . . . . . . . . . .
7 . 00 am to 11 . 00pm ( Light snacks from 8 . 00 am to 10 . 00am , 12 . 00pm to 2 . 30pm & 3 . 30pm to 5 . 00pm ) Champagne Bar . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . 00pm to late Chart Room . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . 4 . 00pm to late Commodore Club . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 . 00pm to late Empire Casino Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As per Casino opening hours Golden Lion Pub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . 00 am to late Pub Lunch . . . . .
12 . 00pm to 2 . 30pm G32
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 30pm to the wee small hours
( Guests under the age of 18 are not permitted in G32 ) Pavilion Pool Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . 00am to 7 . 00pm Sir Samuel ' s . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . 9 . 00 am to 11 . 00pm Terrace Pool Bar ( weather permitting ) . . . . . . . . . . 10 . 00 am to 10 . 00pm Grills Lounge ( Grills guests only please . )
. . . . . . . . . . 11 . 00am to 2 . 30pm & 6 . 00pm to 12 . 00 am Facilities and Retail . Book Shop
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . 30pm to 9 . 00pm Canyon Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . 00 am to 8 . 00pm Clarendon Fine Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . 00pm to 10 . 00pm Empire Casino
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . 30pm to late Images Photo Gallery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . 5 . 00pm to 11 . 00pm
( Interactive photo screens open 24 hours ) Internet Centre ( assistance ) 8 . 30am to 10 . 30am & 5 . 00pm to 9 . 00pm Library ( with assistance ) . . . 9 . 00 am to 11 . 00am & 3 . 00pm to 8 . 00pm Mayfair Shops . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . 7 . 30pm to 10 . 00pm Medical Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . 00am to 10 . 00am & 4 . 00pm to 6 . 00pm
( For medical emergencies only please dial 911 or 999 ) Sports . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 00am to 6 . 00pm Tour Office . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . 00pm to 7 . 00pm Voyage Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . 00 am to 11 . 00pm & 4 . 00pm to 7 . 00 pm
Vietnam Landing Card . All guests are required to present the Vietnamese landing card that was handed to you during the recent passport hand out or during check - in in Singapore to the Immigration Officials when leaving Queen Mary 2 in Phu My . Your landing card will be stamped upon presentation to immigration . Please note all landing cards must be returned when re - boarding Queen Mary 2 by placing it in the boxes provided at the gangway . Your passport will remain on board in order for Vietnamese immigration to finalise your inward / outward clearance of Vietnam .
Wheelchair Assistance Guests are kindly reminded that wheelchair assistance , if required , will be provided to assist guests on and off the gangway only . As per the terms and conditions stated in the Cunard brochure , guests must be able to make their own way to the transportation on the pier or be accompanied by a travel companion who is able to assist them .
. . . . . . . . . .
Alternative Dining Our alternative dining theme this evening is Bamboo offering traditional Pan Asian cuisine with dishes from Thailand , Vietnam and China amongst others . Bamboo is located within the Kings Court Restaurant , Deck 7 . Port Side open from 6 . 30pm to 9 . 00pm . Reservations can be made by dialling the Kings Court reservation line on 25400 between the hours of 8 . 00am and 6 . 00pm . Please note that a $ 19 . 50 cover charge per person will apply .
Smoking policy . For the safety , comfort and enjoyment of our guests , smoking ( including Electronic alternatives ) is not permitted in staterooms , on stateroom balconies or in public rooms . You will find a designated area on the open deck , Deck 7 . Aft , where smoking is permitted . Due to unpredictable weather conditions , we have opened up Deck 8 Aft , Port Side immediately outside the entrance onto the deck only for smoking . Smokers should not drift beyond this point . The only exception to this is Churchill ' s Cigar Lounge , which is reserved for cigar and pipe smokers only . This policy is designed through direct feedback from our guests and is for the safety and comfort of all guests .
Baby Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . 00pm to 5 . 00pm & 6 . 00pm to 11 . 00pm Play Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . 00pm to 5 . 00pm & 6 . 00pm to 11 . 00pm Kids Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . 00pm to 5 . 00pm & 6 . 00pm to 11 . 00pm Night Nursery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . 6 . 00pm to 11 . 00pm
Discover . . .
Getting the most from your voyage .
Tuesday , 27 March 2018 On board Queen Mary 2 . . .
A $ 19 . 50 cover charge applies . For reservations , please call 25400 ,
Kings Court Alternative Dining .
Evening Harbour Cruise in Hong Kong .
Admire the glittering harbour and sparkling skyscrapers by night on this evening cruise . Board an authentic Chinese - style cruiser and sail around Victoria Harbour passing the shimmering waterfronts of Central and the main banking and commercial area . Enjoy unlimited refreshments from the bar as you watch the sights and city lights pass by and witness the incredible Symphony of Lights Show .
Stop by the Tour Office to secure your reservation , Deck 2 , Grand Lobby
The Cunard Exclusive " Travel Diva " Watch .
Heads - up Hold ' em Poker
and Three Card Poker .
Visit Serena our special guest from Voila watches in the Jewellery Boutique this evening and take a look at the Travel Diva watch designed exclusively for Cunard . Featuring Swiss movement , a world map and Cunard logo on the dial as well as dual time zones . This watch is the
perfect keepsake of your Cunard voyage and the ideal gift for the frequent traveller . Serena has only produced 18 of these watches and as stocks are limited , they are available on a first come first served basis .
7 . 30pm to 10 . 00pm , Fine Jewellery Boutique , Deck 3
Enjoy playing the world ' s most popular game . Ultimate Heads Up Texas Hold ' em and Three Card Poker only here in the
Empire Casino . Empire Casino , Deck 2 , B Stairway
Looking for a new Hair Style ? or Just a Trim ?
Take this opportunity to have our International Stylists create a new look for you with todays
Fantastic Promotion . Complimentary Hair Cut with any Wash and
Blow - dry . Exclusively today only !
Call 27008 / 9 for bookings . Canyon Ranch SpaClube , Deck 7 . Forward
Purchase a portrait today and receive a complimentary black and white copy worth $ 34 . 95 .
Onboard Credit . Did you know that your on - board credit could be used towards a stunning piece of artwork from Clarendon Fine Art ? With paintings from some of the most innovative artists currently working on display , as well as a large digital library of both original artwork and hand signed limited edition prints , this is the perfect opportunity to
begin or expand your collection .
Clarendon Fine Art Gallery , Deck 3L , Cor D Stairway , Starboard Side
Cunard Commemorative Sake Gift Box .
Made with the utmost care , this Sake is the pinnacle of the craft . Being undiluted it retains the rich depth that typically is diluted to soften and smooth the natural
heartiness of Sake . Fruity nose of pears , green vanilla with hints of ripe melon and marzipan , this Sake
has a distinctive creamy texture with a well integrated umami , and mineral flavour enabling it to be enjoyed throughout the
meal . Single varietal Yamadanishiki Sake rice ,
polished to 40 % of the original grain size . $ 28 . 00 . Service charge is included . Speak to one of our friendly bar staff for more details .
Commodore Club . Signature Cocktail Tasting . Sample all of our signature cocktails & learn about our charismatic Commodores . This exclusive event takes place once a
voyage in the Commodore Club . Book in advance by calling 23066 or with
any member of your friendly bar team . Charge of $ 46 per person applies , service charge included . Limited spaces available .
Tomorrow , 28 March at 2 . 00pm Commodore Club , Deck 9 , A Stairway
MOVA Globes .
A winner for
beginners . We will add a $ 5 bonus to the first $ 20 played at the
slot machines . See you at the Empire Casino ,
Deck 2 , Grand Lobby
The MOVA globe is a world globe that turns
gently using solar energy and the earth ' s magnetic field . It creates the perfect focal point for any room or office and is the perfect gift for the traveller ! See the entire selection
at the promotional tables this evening . Mayfair Shops , Deck 3 , Grand Lobby
Baltic and Northern European Voyages .
Are you aware we have internet
onboard ? The following plans are available for
purchase by all guests :
120 Minute Plan 240 Minute Plan
480 Minute Plan Visit the Internet Contre in Connexions I for more
information .
The rugged beauty of Northern Europe offers an array of cultural riches and spectacular
landscapes to discover . With its startling landscapes , scenic cities and picture - postcard villages , the further north you venture , the more rugged and dramatic the scenery
becomes . Select your departure dates from Southampton between June to August in 2018 and 2019 to
explore the majestic scenic ports such as Amsterdam , Copenhagen , Skagen , Stockholm ,
St . Petersburg , Helsinki , Tallinn , Bergen , Gerianger , Flam , Stavanger , Oslo , Olden , Andalsnes , Trondheim , Akureyri , Isafjordur ,
Reykjavik , Gdansk , and Klaipeda . Reserve onboard with a small deposit and
receive generous on board credit of up to $ 400 . 00 per person . This offer is combinable with most promotions . In addition , you will also get insightful information on choosing your accommodation . Reservations made on board can be processed through your current Travel Agent or with Cunard directly . Terms and
conditions apply . Visit your Voyage Sales Specialists on Deck
2 ( Port Side ) or call 22339 ( Yoyo ) or Chris ( 22347 ) to arrange a private appointment
to book your next adventure .
Stay Connected .