ボヤージ M813
ドレスコード : フォーマル
QUEEN MARY 2 2018年3月28日 ( 水 ) 日の出 : 5 : 45am 日の入り : 5 : 47pm
World Voyage
日本語デイリープログラム ( M ) 2 2018
今夜のドレスコード ( 6pm 以降 ) フォーマル
本日のおすすめエンターテイメント お料理実演
台湾生まれ 、 ロンドン育ちのパメラ ・ チャンによるお料理実演 。 男性はディナージャケット 、
その後劇場入口 ( デッキ2 、 右舷側 ) にて本のサイン会開催 。 タキシード 、 スーツにネクタイ 。 女性はイブニングドレス 、
時間 2 : 00pm カクテルドレス 、 着物等 。
ロイヤル ・ コート ・ シアター ( デッキ 2 & 3 、 B階段 ) テーマ 「 狂騒の20年代 」
今夜のショータイム オルタナティブレストラン
歌手 「 ステファニー ・ パーカー 」 数々の有名アーティストと共演したラスベガスの歌姫 。
| ホイットニー ・ ヒューストンなど力強い歌声を披露します 。 本日のテーマ : アジア料理 バック演奏 : ロイヤルコートシアターオーケストラ 本日特別価格お一人様 $ 19 . 50 時間 8 : 45pm & 10 : 30pm ご予約は電25400 ( 8am - 6pm ) ロイヤル ・ コート ・ シアター ( デッキ2 & 3 、 B階段 ) キングスコートオルタナティブ
今夜のクイーンズルーム デッキ7 ・ C階段 ・ 右舷側
Roaring Twenties ( 狂騒の20年代 ) ボール キャニオンランチスパ 今夜のボールルームは 1920年代がテーマです 。
クイーンズルーム ・ オーケストラの生演奏と CANYONRANCH
マイケル ・ バークの歌声で 、 エレガントな夜をお楽しみ下さい 。 JpaClub .
10 : 00pm 頃 、 キュナードダンサーズによる20年代風ダンス 、
11 : 00pm 頃 、 ユージンとダリアの特別ダンスパフォーマンスあり 。 7 : 30am - ストレッチ & リラックス
時間 9 : 45pm ~ 12 : 00am 8 : 00am - ヨガ ( 有料 * ) クイーンズルーム 。
クイーンズルーム ( デッキ3 、 D階段 ) ( デッキ3 . D階段 )
- - - 本日のおすすめアクティビティー 9 : 00am - ピラティス ( 有料 * ) 4 : 00pm - 屋内サイクリング ( 有料 * ) クラフト教室
卓球大会 5 : 00pm - 足のフィットネス
ビーズでジュエリー ナイトブリッジルーム ( デッキ1 、 C階段 )
* $ 12 . 00 - / 1回 事前登録必要 登録はジム ( デッキ7 、 A階段 ) に
設置されている用紙に 。
日本語映画 客室内テレビ 30 チャンネル スティーブ ・ ジョブズ 4 : 00am , 6 : 15am , 8 : 30am ,
・ ローグワン スター ・ ウォーズ ・ ストーリー 10 : 45am , 1 : 00pm , 3 : 15pm , 5 : 30pm
ベイビー ・ ドライバー 7 : 45pm , 9 : 45pm , 11 : 45pm
※チケットお持ちの方限定 ( 材料費実費 )
チケット配布 : 3月27日8 : 00pm 初心者歓迎 、 20名限定コネクションズデッキ2前方 時間 10 : 00am / 2 : 00pm 滑りにくい靴でお越しください 。 午前と午後は同内容 )
時間 10 : 30am ~ と 11 : 00am ~ ブリタニアレストラン
ブリタニアレストラン ( デッキ3 、 C階段 、
( デッキ2 、 C階段 ) 左舷側 )
アフタヌーンティー 社交ダンス教室
お客様同士の 卓球トーナメント !
時間11 : 00am パビリオンプール ( デッキ12 、 B階段 )
日本語デスク 時間 3 : 00pm - 3 : 30pm コネクションズ前デスク
( デッキ2前方左舷側 ) 日本人ホステスがお待ちしています 。
質問などがある方は お気軽にお越しください 。 ※緊急時不在になる場合もございます
上記時間外で日本人ホステス ・ 山本悦代のお手伝いが必要な際は パーサーズオフィス22200
までお電話の上 、 「 ジャパニーズホステスプリーズ 」
とお伝えください 。
ダンスカップル ユージン & ダリアによるインプレッツァ弦楽四重奏の 初級クイックステップ
アフタヌーンティー 時間 12 : 15pm ~ 1 : 00pm
時間 3 : 30pm ~ 4 : 30pm 中級クイックステップ
クイーンズルーム 時間 5 : 00pm ~ 5 : 45pm
( デッキ3 、 D階段 ) クイーンズルーム
※毎日開催しています ( デッキ3 、 D階段 )
ソーシャルホスト ・ トミーが 蝶ネクタイの結び方を
教えます ! ( 英語 ) 蝶ネクタイはショップでも 販売しています 。 時間 4 : 30pm
G32 ( デッキ3 、 D階段 )
パブでのアフタヌーンティー Lions Share パブでビール付 、 アフタヌーンティーは いかがですか ? スコーンもつきます 。 料金 : お二人様 $ 25 . 00 ( サービス費込み ) 毎日開催予約不要 12 : 00pm ~ 2 : 30pm ゴールデンライオンパブ ( デッキ2 、 B階段 )
ゴディバ ・ チョコレートカフェで贅沢なひと時を 作りたてのゴディバ ・ ホワイトチョコレートスコーンに添えて ライムマーマレード & クロテッドクリーム 、 そしてゴディバの ペイストリー 、 ゴディバチョコレート二個 、 そして紅茶またはイ リーカフェクラシックがお召し上がりになれます 。 ご予約不要 。 お一人様 $ 15 . 50 ( サービス料込み ) 航海日 時間 2 : 00pm ~ 5 : 00pm サー ・ サミュエルズ ( デッキ3 、 C階段 )
レストランオープン時間 プリンセス & クイーンズ ・ グリル ( デッキフ 、 D階段 ) ブリタニアクラブ ( デッキ2 、 D階段 ) 朝食
8 : 00am ~ 9 : 30am ランチ
12 : 00pm ~ 1 : 30pm ディナー
6 : 30pm ~ 9 : 00pm ブリタニア ・ レストラン ( デッキ2 & 3 、 C & D階段 ) 朝食
8 : 00am ~ 9 : 30am ランチ
12 : 00pm ~ 1 : 30pm ディナー1回目 16 : 00pm ( ラストオーダー6 : 30pm ) ディナー2回目
8 : 30pm ( ラストオーダー9 : 00pm ) ワインライン 10 : 00am ~ 1 : 00pm ( 事前オーダーはⓇ22062 ) ベランダ ・ レストラン ( デッキ8 、 D階段 ) ランチ
12 : 00pm ~ 1 : 30pm ( $ 20 . 00 ) ディナー
6 : 30pm ~ 9 : 00pm ( $ 49 . 95 )
ご予約は 8am ~ 6pmの間 、 商25400 まで キングスコート ・ ブッフェ ( デッキ7 、 B階段 ) コンチネンタル朝食
5 : 00am ~ 6 : 30am 朝食ブッフェ
6 : 30am ~ 11 : 30am ヘルシーコーナー朝食
7 : 00am ~ 10 : 30am ランチ
11 : 30am ~ 3 : 00pm ハンバーガー & ホットドック 11 : 30am ~ 3 : 00pm アフタヌーンスナック 3 : 30pm ~ 5 : 30pm ディナーブッフェ ( 前方左舷 ) 6 : 00pm ~ 10 : 30pm ピザ & サラダステーション 6 : 00pm ~ 9 : 30pm お夜食 ( 後方 )
11 : 00pm ~ 2 : 00am キングスコート ・ オルタナティブ ( デッキフ 、 C階段 、 右舷 ) バンブー ( アジア料理 ) 7 : 00pm ~ 9 : 00pm ( $ 19 . 50 )
ご予約は 8am ~ 6pmの間 、 な25400まで
クイーンメリー2のお土産が20 % 割引 クイーンメリー2のロゴ入りグッズが お安くなります 。 ( 一部対象外あり ) 時間 10 : 00am ~ 4 : 00pm メイフェア ・ ショップ ( デッキ3 、 C階段 )
写真館プロモーション 本日フォーマルで撮影したポートレイトを 明日ご購入いただくと3枚で 2枚の値段になります ! フォトギャラリー ( デッキ2 、 B 階段 )
香港でのお勧めツアー The Grand Tour of Hong Kong 香港周遊ツアー 」 香港の見所を回り 、 ハーバークルーズ 、 飲茶ランチ 、 スタンレーマーケットなどを置いて お楽しみいただけます 。 詳細はツアー ・ オフィスまで 。 ツアー ・ オフィス ( デッキ2 、 B階段 )
デッキで 、 屋外デッキ前方封鎖 デッキ7前方のプロムナードデッキ ( 屋外 ) は日暮れから夜明 けまでの間 、 封鎖され 、 通り抜けできませんのでご注意くださ い 。 この付近では明かりが十分でない小さな漁船が多く 、 夜間 の操舵室からの見張り番がデッキの灯りの障害なしに 、 監視で きるようにするためです 。 よろしくお願いいたします 。 環境に関する注意 キュナード社は環境問題に対し最大限の努力をしており ます 。 寄港地でのゴミは指定の場所に投棄して下さい 。 万一捨てる場所がなかった場合には 、 船に持ち帰り船内 のゴミ箱にお捨て下さい 。 デッキチェアについて デッキチェアは先着順で 、 席取りはご遠慮下さい 。 デッ キチェアを離れる時には私物はお持ち帰り下さい 。 置か れたままのものは落し物としてパーサーズデスクに届け られます 。
バー ・ ラウンジオープン時間 カリンシア ・ ラウンジ
7 : 00am ~ 11 : 00pm 軽食8 : 00am ~ 10 : 00am , 12 : 00pm ~ 2 : 30pm , 3 : 30pm ~ 5 : 00pm シャンパン ・ バー
11 : 00am ~ 遅くまで 、 チャートルーム 、
10 : 00am 〜 遅くまで コモドアークラブ
10 : 00am ~ 遅くまで ゴールデン ・ ライオン ・ パブ 10 : 00am 〜 遅くまで
パブランチ 12 : 00pm ~ 2 : 30pm G32 ( 18歳以上 )
9 : 30pm 〜 遅くまで パビリオン プール ・ バー 10 : 00am ~ 7 : 00pm サー ・ サミュエルズ
9 : 00am ~ 11 : 00pm テラスプール ・ バー ( 天候次第 ) 10 : 00am ~ 10 : 00pm グリル専用ラウンジ 11 : 00am ~ 2 : 30pm , 6 : 00pm ~ 12 : 00am
チャリティーイベント 、 カントリーフェアへの寄付 ワールドボヤージの後半に 、 船内でチャリティーのために カントリーフェアが開催されます 。 沢山のお店やイベントの一 つとして中古品のお店を出します 。 中古本 、 バッグ 、 靴 、 土産 品 、 洗濯済みの洋服など 、 最終下船なさる前にスーツケースの お荷物を軽くなさりたいお客様は 、 パーサーズオフィスまで 物品をご寄付下さい 。 その際 、 カントリーフェア用の寄付品で あることを 、 わかり易くご明記下さい 。
船内施設オープン時間 ブック ・ ショップ 9 : 00am ~ 1 : 00pm , 2 : 00pm ~ 6 : 00pm キャニオンランチ
8 : 00am ~ 8 : 00pm アート ・ ギャラリー 10 : 00am ~ 4 : 00pm , 6 : 30pm ~ 9 : 00pm エンパイア ・ カジノ | 会計 10 : 00am / テーブル 11 : 00am フォトギャラリー
9 : 00am ~ 3 : 00pm 図書室
9 : 00am ~ 6 : 00pm メイフェアショップス
9 : 00am ~ 9 : 00pm 医務室
9 : 00am ~ 11 : 00am , 4 : 00pm ~ 6 : 00pm ※緊急時は個999または911までお電話下さい スポーツ
9 : 00pm ~ 6 : 00pm ツアー ・ オフィス 9 : 00am ~ 12 : 00pm , 3 : 00pm ~ 6 : 00pm ボヤージ ・ セールス 9 : 30am ~ 12 : 30pm , 3 : 00pm ~ 6 : 00pm
Tonight ' s Dress Code : Formal
Queen Mary 2 Voyage M813 Wednesday , 28 March 2018 Sunrise 5 . 45am Sunset 5 . 47pm
Daily Programme . M 2 2018
From the Navigator . Queen Mary 2 will be sailing along the Eastern Coastline of Vietnam , in the South China Sea , heading towards the Paracel Islands on a North Easterly course .
At sea en route to
Stephani Parker .
Tonight ' s Entertainment , The Las Vegas Diva of the Seas
Premiere Movie . The Karate Kid .
Starring Jaden Smith , Jackie Chan , Taraji P . Henson , Zhenwei Wang ,
Wenwen Han .
Celebrity Lecture : Jim Kennedy ' The Future of NASA and why we should
care . Where in this world are we going in space and why , as a taxpayer should we
care ? ' At 11 . 00am Royal Court Theatre , Decks 2 & 3
A young boy learns kung fu from a kindly maintenance man after
being forced to relocate from Detroit to China , where he becomes
the target of a school bully .
At 8 . 00pm & 10 . 30pm Illuminations 7 , Deck 3 , Stairway B
Stephani Parker is an international vocalist , songwriter , pianist , and guitarist whose gifts are out of this world . She has
worked with many different artists such as Michael Jackson , Kenneth " Babyface "
Edmonds , Jamie
Foxx , Faith Evans , Mo ' Nique , Johnny Gill , Eric Benet , Al Green , Chaka Khan , Tyler Perry , Oprah Winfrey and Yolanda Adams to name a few . Many people compare her powerhouse voice to that of
the late Whitney Houston .
At 8 . 45pm & 10 . 30pm Royal Court Theatre , Decks 2 & 3
Anne Marie Harrison . " Red Devils and Barbarian Tongued :
Westerners in Southeast Asia . The quest for spices and how it led to
Western colonization .
At 11 . 00am Illuminations , Deck 3 , Stairway B
Port Presentation : Nha Trang Join our Port Lecturer , Graham Howell for his informative port talk on
Nha Tran .
At 10 . 00am Illuminations , Deck 3 ,
Stairway B
Dr Joe Golden ' The Art and Science of Hurricane
Forecasting . Dr . Golden will describe in layman ' s terms how modern hurricane forecasting utilizes
Calling all flappers ! Take a step back to the computer models and new technologies . 1920 ' s in the Queen ' s Room tonight and dance such as weather satellites and data from the night away to the Queen Room Orchestra . hurricane - hunter aircraft to produce
At 10 . 00pm watch a 20 ' s themed dance improved forecasts of hurricane track and spectacular by the Royal Cunard Dancers
intensity ( including the Caribbean ) . This is and singer Philippa . Then at 11 . 00pm enjoy a truly a " man - machine mix " ! Forecasts issued dance performance by Ballroom Dance Couple during the recent devastating 2017 Atlantic
Eugene & Darya . Featuring vocalist Michael hurricane season will be highlighted for major hurricanes HARVEY , IRMA and MARIA .
Burke and the Queens Room Orchestra .
Presented by your Social Host , Tommi Hill . At 3 . 30pm Illuminations , Deck 3 , Stairway B
From 9 . 45pm Queens Room , Deck 2 , Midships
Art Talk : L . S Lowry - An Unlikely Hero .
L . S Lowry is one of the most celebrated artists to come from the UK and his style
has influenced generations of artists . Hear more about his humble beginnings ,
journey through the art world and his outstanding achievements . Then take the opportunity to own something truly historic with our collection of rare , hand
signed limited editions . At 2 . 00pm , Clarendon Art Gallery , Deck 3L , Stairway C ( Starboard )
Cooking Demonstration With Pamela Chen .
2 . 00pm , Royal Court Theatre 7 , Decks 2 & 3 Followed by a Book Signing with Pamela Chen Moore . Outside Royal Court Theatre , Deck 2 ,
Stairway B , Starboard side entrance
Today ' s activities .
2 om
6 . 00 am Good Morning Queen Mary 2 Your guide to today ' s entertainment and activities , with Entertainment Director , Amanda Reid and guests . Stateroom TV Channel 23 ( repeated continuously until 12 . 00pm ) 6 . 00am Movie : ' The Bachelors Yesterday ' s theatre movie , repeated continuously . Stateroom TV Channel 24 8 . 30am Catholic Mass With Father Gold , Illuminations , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway A 9 . 00am Christian Fellowship Gathering ( unhosted ) Boardroom , Deck 9 , Stairway A ( Port ) 9 . 00am Foil Fencing : Class A Introduction to Fencing . Class A . Spaces limited to 12 per class . With Sports Host , Richie . Queens Room , Deck 3 , Stairway D 9 . 30am Social Paddle Tennis ( unhosted ) Sports Centre , Deck 13 , Stairway B 9 . 30am Beginners Bridge Lesson Classes run in sequence . ConneXions Rooms 4 & 5 , Deck 2 , Stairway A 10 . 00am Port Presentation : Nha Trang Illuminations , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway A 10 . 00am Chairobics Join Entertainment Host , Cordelia , for a light , fun workout you can do while sitting down ! Queens Room , Deck 3 , Stairway D 10 . 00 am Watercolour Art Class Britannia Restaurant Upper , Deck 3 , Stairway C ( Port ) 10 . 00am Craft Class : Beaded Jewellery Beginners welcome . Nominal fee applies . Places limited to 20 guests . Britannia Restaurant Upper , Deck 3 , Stairway C ( Port ) 10 . 00 am Social Chess and Backgammon Belgravia Room , Deck 1 , Stairway B ( Port ) ( until 11 . 30am ) 10 . 15am Interest Corner : Chinese Drawing With fellow guest Nancy Silver . Britannia Restaurant Upper , Deck 3 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) 10 . 30am Morning Trivia Who will be crowned today ' s trivia champions ? Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) 10 . 30am Solo Travellers ' Coffee Morning Meet other independent guests with your Social Host , Tommi , and the dance hosts for an informal get together . Carinthia Lounge , Deck 7 , Stairway B ( until 11 . 15am ) 10 . 30am Intermediate Bridge Lesson Classes run in sequence . Connexions Rooms 4 & 5 , Deck 2 , Stairway A 11 . 00am Insights Lecture : Anne Marie Harrison " Red Devils and Barbarian Tongued : Westerners in Southeast Asia . ' The quest for spices and how it led to Western colonization . Illuminations , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway A 11 . 00am Line Dancing Hosted by a member of the Royal Cunard Dancers . Queens Room , Deck 3 , Stairway D 11 . 00 am Celebrity Lecture : Jim Kennedy ' The Future Of NASA And Why We Should Care ! Where in this world are we going in space and why , as a taxpayer should we care ? Royal Court Theatre , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway B 11 . 00am Service Clubs Get Together An informal meeting for all Rotarians , Kiwanis or other Service Clubs members from around the world . Boardroom , Deck 9 , Stairway A ( Port ) 11 . 00am Roberto Coin Seminar Join our on board Roberto Coin Jewellery Representative , Arsh , as he talks you through the fascinating story of Roberto Coin , what inspires this iconic Italian jewellery brand and how it has evolved throughout the years . Chart Room , Deck 3 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) 11 . 00am Table Tennis Tournament Pavilion Pool Deck 12 , Stairway B 11 . 15am Killer Darts Who will be crowned champion of the board ? Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard )
12 . 15pm Pianist Miklos Szabo Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) ( until 1 . 00pm ) 12 . 15pm Ballroom Dance Class : Beginners ' Quick Step With International Ballroom Instructors Eugene and Darya . Queens Room , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 1 . 00pm ) 12 . 30pm Planetarium : ' Stars Over The Atlantic See back page for details . Illuminations , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway A 12 . 30pm Imprezza String Quartet Carinthia Lounge , Deck 7 , Stairway B ( until 1 . 15pm ) 12 . 30pm Poolside Music with Purple Haze Terrace Pool , Deck 8 , Stairway D ( until 1 . 15pm ) ( Inclement weather venue : Pavilion Pool Deck 12 , Stairway B ) 12 . 30pm Roulette Tournament Lots of fun with a cash prize to be won . Put your favourite numbers to the test , they could make you a winner . Qualifying rounds will run from 12 . 30pm until 3 . 00pm with the final immédiately after . Enter
e and get a third go free . No expertise required , just a bit of luck ! Empire Casino , Deck 2 , Grand Lobby ( Port ) ( until 3 . 00pm ) 1 . 00pm Planetarium : ' Stars Over The Atlantic ' See back page for details . Illuminations , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway A 1 . 00pm Low Limit Afternoon Seadays Play your favourite Poker Games for $ 3 and Roulette for 50 cents . Empire Casino , Deck 2 , Grand Lobby ( Port ) ( until 5 . 00pm ) 1 . 30pm Planetarium : ' Stars Over The Atlantic See back page for details . Illuminations , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway A 1 . 30pm Poolside Music with Purple Haze Terrace Pool , Deck 8 , Stairway D ( until 2 . 15pm ) ( Inclement weather venue : Pavilion Pool , Deck 12 , Stairway B ) 2 . 00pm Planetarium : ' Stars Over The Atlantic See back page for details . Illuminations , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway A 2 . 00pm Wipeout Trivia The trivia with a twist - will you keep all your points ? Chart Room , Deck 3 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) 2 . 00pm Watercolour Art Class Art kits are available for $ 35 . 00 . Places limited to 25 guests . This is a repeat of this morning ' s class . Britannia Restaurant Upper , Deck 3 , Stairway C ( Port ) 2 . 00pm A World of Art Talk : L . S Lowry - An Unlikely Hero
V is one of the most celebrated artists to come from the UK and his style has influenced generations of artists . Hear more about his humble beginnings , journey through the art world and his outstanding achievements . Then take the opportunity to own something truly historic with our collection of rare , hand signed limited editions . Clarendon Art Gallery , Deck 3L , Stairway C ( Starboard ) 2 . 00pm Cooking Demonstration with Pamela Moore Royal Court Theatre , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway B Followed by a Book Signing with Pamela Chen Moore Outside Royal Court Theatre , Deck 2 , B Stairway , Starboard entrance 2 . 00pm Craft Class : Beaded Jewellery Beginners welcome . Nominal fee applies . Places limited to 20 guests . This is a repeat of this morning ' s class . Britannia Restaurant Upper , Deck 3 , Stairway C ( Port ) 2 . 00pm Social Bridge and Whist Belgravia Room , Deck 1 , Stairway B ( Port ) ( until 4 . 00pm ) 2 . 00pm Duplicate Bridge Tournament Connexions Rooms 4 & 5 , Deck 2 , Stairway A 2 . 00pm Cartier Watch Seminar Join Shabbir our on board watch specialist for a fascinating insight into this classic watch brand which we are fortunate to featured here on board Queen Mary 2 . Fine Watch Boutique , Deck 3 , Grand Lobby , Stairway B 2 . 30pm Planetarium : Stars Over The Atlantic See back page for details . Illuminations , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway A 2 . 30pm Shuffleboard Tournament Sports Centre , Deck 13 , Stairway B 3 . 00pm Host Corner : Needlework & Knitting Bring your own knitting and needlework projects for an informal gathering with Social Host , Tommi . Carinthia Lounge , Deck 7 , Stairway B ( until 4 . 00pm ) 3 . 00pm Snowball Jackpot Bingo Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard )
12 . 00pm Eight Bells Grand Lobby , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway B
12 . 00pm Navigational Announcement Information from the Bridge over the public address system .
Vy Today ' s Activities .
3 . 00pm Book Club Discussion " Wish Lanterns " by Alec Ash . The Boardroom , Déck 9 , A Stairway ( unhosted ) ( until 3 . 45pm ) 3 . 30pm Insights Lecture : Dr Joe Golden The Art and Science of Hurricane Forecasting ! Dr . Golden will describe in layman ' s terms how modern hurricane forecasting utilizes computer models and new technologies , such as weather satellites and data from hurricane - hunter aircraft to produce improved forecasts of hurricane track and intensity ( including the Caribbean ) . This is truly a " man - machine mix " ! Forecasts issued during the recent devastating 2017 Atlantic hurricane season will be highlighted for major hurricanes HARVEY , IRMA and MARIA . Illuminations , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway A 3 . 30pm Complimentary Golf Competition 180 yards , closest to the pin . Places are limited . Sign up from 9 . 30am . The Fairways , Deck 12 , Stairway B 3 . 30pm Queens Room Afternoon Tea Featuring the imprezza String Quartet . Queens Room , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 4 . 30pm ) 4 . 00pm Friends Of Bill W . Boardroom , Deck 9 , Stairway A ( Port ) ( until 5 . 00pm ) 4 . 15pm Afternoon Trivia de With a member of the Entertainment Team . Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) 4 . 30pm Host Corner : Bow Tie Tying Learn how to create that James Bond look by learning to tie your own bowtie . Please note bowties will be available to purchase in the Mayfair Shops or at the event . With your Social Host , lommi G32 , Deck 3 , Stairway D
9 . 45pm Santana & Friends with Amethyst Take a trip to sunny Mexico in the Golden Lion with some cool Latin rhythms and a few suprises along the way . Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) 9 . 45pm Live Music with Purple Haze G32 , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 10 . 45pm ) 9 . 45pm Roaring 20s Ball Dance the Charleston , Fox Trot and Quickstep on one of the most glamorous dance floors at sea . Queens Room , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 12 . 00am ) 10 . 00pm Pianist Andrew Cavendish - Grey Commodore Club , Deck 9 , Stairway A ( until 12 . 00 am ) 10 . 30pm Showtime : Stephani Parker The Las Vegas Diva of the Seas , Stephani Parker presents * Remembering Whitney - The Greatest Voice of All ! Royal Court Theatre , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway B 10 . 30pm Movie : The Karate Kid Please see the front page of the daily programme for more details . Illuminations , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway A 10 . 45pm Disco Inferno with DJ Chris G32 , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 11 . 30pm ) 11 . 00pm Pub Duo ' Amethyst Join our resident pub duo ' Amethyst ' in the most traditional British pub on the seven seas . Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) 11 . 30pm Live Music With Purple Haze G32 , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 12 . 45am )
12 am
12 . 00am Dance Music For Enthusiasts Recorded ballroom and latin music . Queens Room , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 12 . 30am ) 12 . 30am All Request Express with DJ Chris G32 , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until late )
SpaClub .
5 . 00pm Ballroom Dance Class : Intermediate Quick Step With International Ballroom Instructors Eugene and Darya . Queens Room , Deck 3 , Stairway D 5 . 00pm Movie : Darkest Hour A thrilling true story at the precipice of World War II as Winston Churchill must face one of his most turbulent and defining trials : exploring a negotiated peace treaty with Nazi Germany , or standing firm to fight for the ideals , liberty and freedom of a nation . Starring Gary Oldman , Kristin Scott Thomas , Lily James , Stephen Dillane . Illuminations , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway A 5 . 00pm LGBT Social Hour Commodore Club , Deck 9 , Stairway A ( Starboard ) ( until 6 . 00pm ) 5 . 15pm Pianist Andrew Cavendish - Grey Carinthia Lounge , Deck 7 , Stairway B ( until 6 . 00pm ) 5 . 15pm Harpist Fiona McGee Chart Room , Deck 3 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) ( until 6 . 00pm ) 5 . 30pm Formal Portrait Studios Decks 2 & 3 , Between Stairways Band C 5 . 30pm History of the Electric Guitar - Peter Green ' s Fleetwood Mac With Solo Guitarist , Paul Garthwaite . Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) ( until 6 . 00pm ) 7 . 30pm Formal Portrait Studios Decks 2 & 3 , Between Stairways B and C 7 . 30pm Solo Guitarist Paul Garthwaite Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) ( until 8 . 00 pm ) 7 . 45pm Pianist Andrew Cavendish - Grey Carinthia Lounge , Deck 7 , Stairway B ( until 8 . 30pm ) 7 . 45pm Harpist Fiona McGee Chart Room , Deck 3 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) ( until 8 . 30pm ) 7 . 45pm Pianist Miklos Szabo Commodore Club , Deck 9 , Stairway A ( until 8 . 30pm ) 8 . 00pm Early Evening Trivia Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) 8 . 00pm Movie : The Karate Kid Please see the front page of the daily programme for more details . Illuminations , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway A 8 . 45pm Showtime : Stephani Parker The Las Vegas Diva of the Seas , Stephani Parker presents " Remembering Whitney - The Greatest Voice of All ! Royal Court Theatre , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway B 9 . 00pm Recorded Ballroom & Latin Dance Music Queens Room , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 9 . 45pm ) 9 . 30pm Formal Portrait Studios Decks 2 & 3 , Between Stairways B and C 9 . 30pm The Jazz Club With the Mark Hodgson Trio . Chart Room , Deck 3 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) ( until late ) 9 . 45pm Pianist Miklos Szabo Carinthia Lounge , Deck 7 , Stairway B ( until 10 . 30pm )
Fitness classes . 7 . 30 am Stretch and Relax 8 . 00 am Yoga - All Levels Queens Room , Deck 3 , D Stairway 9 . 00 am Pilates - All Levels * 4 . 00pm Indoor Cycling * 5 . 00pm Total Body Conditioning 5 . 30pm Fitness for Your Feet Knightsbridge Room , Deck 1 , C Stairway * $ 12 fitness pass and previous sign up required . Wellbeing seminars . 9 . 30am Acupuncture for Arthritis and Back Pain Acupuncture is effectively used to help to decrease pain and increase mobility , it can remove inflammation very quickly ! ConneXions Room 2 , Deck 2 , A Stairway 10 . 00am Thai Live Demo and Workshop SpaClub , Deck 7 , Stairway A 10 . 15am Ladies Fun Facial Bar Take part in this interactive session and learn what products work best for your skin . step by step procedure will show you how to ensure your youthful glow . Spa Salon , Deck 8 , Stairway A 11 . 00am Fitness After 50 Seminar It is never too late to get back into fitness and explore your health goals ! ConneXions Room 2 , Deck 2 , A Stairway 12 . 30pm The Magic Touch of Colour Get the most from your make - up routine with this super - informative Deliliah session . Spa Salon , Deck 8 , Stairway A 1 . 15pm The ABCs and 123s to a Healthy Spine Join Dr . Luchelle and discuss common spinal problems , sciatica , arthritis and many more . SpaClub , Deck 7 , Stairway A 2 . 00pm Burn Fat Faster - Fitness Seminar ConneXions Room 2 , Deck 2 , A Stairway 3 . 00pm Treatments from the east ! Meet our onboard team as they explain the history and benefits of these treatments . ConneXions Room 2 , Deck 2 , A Stairway
Dress requirement : Formal . Evening or cocktail dress for ladies . Dinner jacket , tuxedo or dark suit with tie for gentlemen . A range of gentlemen ' s formal wear is available to hire on board . Please note that after 6 . 00pm , shorts and blue or worn denim ( for men and women ) ; sandals and sleeveless tops ( for men ) are not considered appropriate within the ship . Any guests wishing to dress more casually are welcome to dine in the Kings Court Buffet on Deck 7 , relax in the Carinthia Lounge , and enjoy live / DJ music and dancing at our night club , G32 . However please do not use other areas within the ship , including our Verandah Restaurant and Alternative Dining Restaurant , out of respect for other fellow guests and the ambience of the evening .
Seder Dinner Sign Up If you wish to attend our Seder Dinner on 30 March or 31 March in King ' s Court , please sign up at the Purser ' s Office by 6 . 00pm this evening .
Planetarium - ' Stars Over The Atlantic Tickets are available from the Connexions desk , Deck 2 , A Stairway , at 9 . 00am . Please enter Illuminations on the Starboard side .
Alternative Dining , Our select dining theme this evening is Bamboo offering traditional Pan Asian cuisine with dishes from Thailand , Vietnam and China amongst others . Bamboo is located within the Kings Court Restaurant , Deck 7 , Port Side open from 6 . 30pm to 9 . 00pm . Reservations can be made by dialling the Kings Court reservation line on 25400 between the hours of 8 . 00am and 6 . 00pm . Please note that a $ 19 . 50 cover charge per person will apply .
Queens Grill , Princess Grill & Britannia Club Restaurants . Breakfast . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . 00am to 9 . 30am Lunch . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 . 00pm to 1 . 30pm Dinner
. . . . 6 . 30pm to 9 . 00pm Britannia Restaurant . Breakfast . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . 8 . 00am to 9 . 30am Lunch . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 . 00pm to 1 . 30pm First sitting dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 00pm , last order 6 . 30pm Second sitting dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . 30pm , last order 9 . 00pm Wine Line . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . 00am to 1 . 00pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pre - order your wine for the voyage by calling 22062 . Kings Court Buffet Deck 7 ( B Stairway ) . Continental Breakfast . . . . . . . .
. . 5 . 00am to 6 . 30am
am to 6 . 30am Full Breakfast , Buffet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 30am to 11 . 30am Chef ' s Galley : Healthy Corner . . . . . . . .
. . 6 . 30am to 10 . 30am Lunch , Buffet . . . . . .
11 . 30am to 3 . 00pm Chef ' s Galley : Burger & Hot - Dogs Station . . . . . . . . 11 . 30am to 3 . 00pm Afternoon Tea , Forward Starboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . 30pm to 5 . 30pm Chef ' s Galley : Pizza & Salad Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 00pm to 9 . 30pm Dinner Buffet : Deck 7 , Forward Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 00pm to 10 . 30pm Late Snack , Buffet Aft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . 00pm to 2 . 00am Gluten Free and Lactose Free items are available at the aft buffet from 7 . 00am through to 3 . 00pm . Afternoon Tea and Dinner options are available on request at the forward main buffet , please ask the Head Waiter . Kings Court Alternative Dining C Stairway ) . A $ 19 . 50 cover charge applies . For reservations please dial 25400 between 8 . 00am & 6 . 00pm . Bamboo ( Pan - Asian cuisine ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . 00pm to 9 . 00pm
The Verandah Restaurant , Lunch . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 . 00pm to 1 . 30pm Dinner
. . . . . . . . . . 6 . 30pm to 9 . 00pm Cover charges apply Lunch $ 20 . 00 / Dinner $ 49 . 95 . For reservations please call 25400 between 8 . 00am & 6 . 00pm . Bars and Lounges . Carinthia Lounge . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . 00am to 11 . 00pm ( Light snacks 8 . 00am to 10 . 00am 12 . 00pm to 2 . 30pm & 3 . 30pm to 5 . 00pm ) Champagne Bar . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . 00am to late Chart Room . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . 00am to late Commodore Club . . .
. . . . . . . . 10 . 00am to late Empire Casino Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As per casino opening Golden Lion Pub . . .
. . . . . . . . . . 10 . 00am to late Pub Lunch
. . . . . . . 12 . 00pm to 2 . 30pm G32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 30pm to the wee small hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( Guests under the age of 18 are not permitted in G32 ) Pavilion Pool Bar
. . . . 10 . 00am to 7 . 00pm Sir Samuel ' s
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 00am to 11 . 00pm Terrace Pool Bar ( Weather permitting ) . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . 00am to 10 . 00pm Grills Lounge - Grill guests only please
. . . . . . . . . . 11 . 00am to 2 . 30pm & 6 . 00pm to 12 . 00am Facilities and Retail . Book Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 00am to 1 . 00pm & 2 . 00pm to 6 . 00pm Canyon Ranch . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . 8 . 00am to 8 . 00pm Clarendon Art Gallery . 10 . 00am to 4 . 00pm and 6 . 30pm to 9 . 00pm Empire Casino Cashier : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . 00am / Tables : 11 . 00am Images Photo Gallery
. . . . . . . . . 9 . 00am to 3 . 00pm Internet Centre ( 24 hours ) Assistance : . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . 30am to 12 . 00pm ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . 00pm to 5 . 00pm & 6 . 30pm to 9 . 00pm Library . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . 9 . 00am to 6 . 00pm Mayfair Shops
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 00am to 9 . 00pm Medical Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 00am to 11 . 00am & 4 . 00pm to 6 . 00pm
. . . . . . . . . . . . . ( For medical emergencies only , please dial 911 or 999 ) Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 00am to 6 . 00pm Tour Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 00am to 12 . 00pm & 3 . 00pm to 6 . 00pm Voyage Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 30am to 12 . 30pm & 3 . 00pm to 6 . 00pm Baby Zone 10 . 00am to 12 . 00pm , 2 . 00pm to 5 . 00pm & 6 . 00pm to 11 . 00pm Play Zone 10 . 00am to 12 . 00pm , 2 . 00pm to 5 . 00pm & 6 . 00pm to 11 . 00pm Kids Zone 10 . 00am to 12 . 00pm , 2 . 00pm to 5 . 00pm & 6 . 00pm to 11 . 00pm Night Nursery 6 . 00pm to 11 . 00pm
Promenade Deck , Partially Closed . The forward section of Deck 7 , external promenade deck will be fully closed from dusk to dawn and guests will not be allowed access to this area during this period . The reason for closing this area is to allow our Watchkeepers on the Bridge to maintain full night vision without any backscatter of deck lighting as there are a significant number of smaller fishing vessels which are poorly lit in these waters .
Deck chairs . Deck chairs operate on a first - come , first served basis and cannot be reserved . For the consideration of all guests , please ensure you take your belongings when leaving a deck chair for a period of time , or they will be removed and taken to the Purser ' s Office for collection .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Jogging on deck 7 . Please be advised that jogging and power walking on deck is not permitted before 8 . 00am or after 8 . 00pm as this disturbs guests sleeping below . Thank you for your co - operation .
World Voyage 2018 - Country Fayre Donations . On the last part of our world voyage , Queen Mary 2 will be holding a Country Fayre in order to raise money for our world voyage charities . Amongst the many stalls and events , there will be a second - hand stall . If you are looking to lighten your luggage load , then please consider donating to charity . All items such as : Cunard ship memorabilia ( past or present ) , books , bags , bottles , brica brac , shoes , souvenirs , and clean , pre - loved clothing can be left at the Purser ' s Office at any time . Please be sure to bag them and clearly label them as intended for the Country Fayre .
Guest identification cards . Please be aware that your guest identification card is magnetised . These cards can easily become de - magnetised if they are held next to another magnet . For example : a credit card , magnets on a handbag , mobile phones , cameras or if two identification cards are held next to one another .