Cruisemansトップ   >   キュナード・ライン   >   クイーン・メリー2   >   資料   >   2018.03.30_船内新聞_クイーンメリー2/QM2


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ボヤージ M813

2018年3月30日 ( 金 ) 日の出 : 6 : 18am 日の入り : 6 : 37pm

ドレスコード : インフォーマル 天気予報 : 24℃ 晴れ

香港へようこそ !

今夜のドレスコード ( 6pm 以降 )
インフォーマル 男性はジャケット着用 、 ネクタイはオプショナル 。 女性はカクテルドレス 、 スタイリッシュな装い 。

両替 現地通貨 : 香港ドル ( HKD )
パーサーズオフィスにて ( デッキ2 、 B階段 ) 両替ができます 。

船長より一言 船長ピーター ・ フィルポット はじめ 、 乗組員一同 、 シンガポールで最終下船される お客様がクイーン ・ メリー2 でのボヤージをお楽しみ頂けた事を心から望 んでおります 。 近い将来 、 皆様にお会いでき ます事を 、 楽しみにしております 。

入港時間8 : 00am 引き続き乗船されるお客様全員乗船時間 3月31日5 : 00pm 緊急連絡先 : Wallem Shipping Ltd . - Hong Kong 9 / F Dorset House Taikoo Place 979 Kings Road , Quarry Bay Hong Kong + 852 2876 8500 E - Mail : wshkops @ wallem . com
停泊地 : Kai Tak Cruise Terminal . 清帯我去言德母人 本船主催のツアーに参加されるお客様 集合場所 : ロイヤル ・ コート ・ シアター ( デッキ2 、 B階段 、 右舷側入口 ) 集合時間番号 ツアー名 8 . 10am N / A Hong Kong Big Bus Tour 8 . 15am 031A Magical Macau 8 . 30am 001A Grand Tour of Hong Kong 8 . 45am 002A Scenic Highlights 9 . 00am 016A Hong Kong Panoramic Drive 9 . 00am 029A Lantau Island Uncovered 9 . 30am 021A A Local Hong Kong Experience 10 . 30am 034A Crystal Bus Experience

上陸について 本日パスポートの携帯は不要ですが 、 写真付き証明書をお持ちいただくことを
お勧めします 。 クルーズカードをご持参下さい 。

車椅子のアシスタント 車椅子での移動 、 乗下船の補助は
乗下船口のみとなります 。 乗下船時以外の本船乗組員の補助は ございません 、 予めご了承下さい 。

集合場所 : ターミナル外 、 駐車場エリア 下船後のバス駐車場エリアで集合となります 。 ターミナルなどを通過しますので 20分前には船をご出発ください 。 ターミナル出口を出て右に曲がり 、 建物の端 、 バ ス乗り場 ZONE A ( Coach Bay 4 - 20 ) までお進みください 。 集合時間 番号 ツアー名 12 . 20pm 033A Hidden Hong Kong 3 . 35pm 008A Hong Kong by Night 4 . 00pm 030A Hong Kong at Night by Vintage Tram 6 . 20pm 006A Evening Harbour Cruise 6 . 20pm 013A Open Top Bus by Night


客室内テレビ 30チャンネル
美女と野獣 4 : 00am , 6 : 15am , 8 : 30am , 10 : 45am
1 : 00pm , 3 : 15pm , 5 : 30pm ローグ ・ ワンスター ・ ウォーズストーリー
7 : 45pm , 10 : 00pm , 0 : 15am

※ツアーチケットは封筒から出しツアースタッフにご提示下さい 。 ご家族 、 グルー プなど同じバスで行動を希望される場合はグループごと一緒にチェックインして下 さい 。 同じバス番号のシールを貼ります 。 チケットは客室に届き次第 、 ツアー 名 、 実際ツアーに行かれる方の氏名 ( ローマ字 ) と客室番号を必ずご確認下さい 。

無料シャトルバスのご案内 カイタック ・ クルーズターミナルから尖沙咀イースト ・ ウォーターフロントへの無 料シャトルバスが運行されます 。 ここからはGarden of Star 、 シャングリラホテル ( 徒歩すぐ ) 、 スターフェリーターミナル ( 徒歩10 - 15分 ) でアクセス可能 。 港からの始発 9 : 00am 港への最終バス出発時間 : 8 : 00pm 片道の所要時間は片道約45分程度 ( 交通状況により 、 遅れが生じる場合もございます ) 時間帯によっては混雑が予想されますので 、 お時間に余裕を持ってご計画下さい 。 ※港のシャトルバス乗り場 : ターミナル出口を出て右に曲がり 、 建物の端 、 バス乗り場 ZONE A ( Coach Bay 4 - 20 )

日本語デスク 日本人ホステス 、 山本悦代の
お手伝いが必要な際は オフィス 22343 までお電話の上 、 「 ジャパニーズホステスプリーズ 」 と
お伝え下さい 。



レストフンオープン時間 本日のおすすめエンターテイメント
プリンセス & クイーンズ ・ グリル ( デッキス 、 D階段 ) 朝食
8 : 00am ~ 9 : 30am デッキ輪投げ大会 」 今夜のショータイム ランチ
12 : 00pm ~ 1 : 30pm 中国民俗ショー ディナー
6 : 30pm ~ 9 : 00pm 「 アクロバディック & マジック 」 ブリタニア ・ レストラン ( デッキ 2 & 3 、 C & D階段 )
8 : 00am ~ 9 : 30am ランチ
12 : 00pm ~ 1 : 30pm ディナー1回目 6 : 00pm ( ラストオーダー6 : 30pm )
ディナー2回目 8 : 30pm ( ラストオーダー9 : 00pm ) スポーツホスト主催
ワインライン 10 : 00am ~ 1 : 00pm ( 事前オーダーは22062 ) 時間 5 : 15pm
ベランダ ・ レストラン ( デッキ8 、 D階段 ) : 時間 8 : 45pm & 10 : 30pm デッキ 12 、 B階段 ロイヤルコートシアター
12 : 30pm ~ 2 : 00pm ( $ 20 . 00 ) 屋外 ・ 左舷側 デッキ2 & 3 、 B階段
6 : 30pm ~ 9 : 00pm ( $ 249 . 95 )
ご予約は 8am ~ 6pm の間 、 25400まで 社交 & ラテンダンス音楽 DJクリスと一緒に
キングスコート ・ ブッフェ ( デッキ7 、 B階段 ) コンチネンタル朝食 」
5 : 00am ~ 6 : 30am 朝食ブッフェ
6 : 00am ~ 11 : 30am ヘルシーコーナー朝食
6 : 00am ~ 10 : 30am ランチ
11 : 30am ~ 3 : 00pm ハンバーガー & ホットドック 11 : 30am ~ 3 : 00pm クイーンズルーム オーケストラの生演奏 、 午後のスナック
3 : 30pm ~ 5 : 30pm DJクリスの選曲で
マイケル ・ バークの歌声を ディナーブッフェ ( 前方左舷 ) 6 : 00pm ~ 10 : 30pm ナイトクラブで
お楽しみ下さい 。
ピザ & パスタステーション 6 : 00pm ~ 9 : 30pm 楽しみましょう !
お夜食 ( 後方 )
11 : 00pm ~ 2 : 00am 時間 10 : 45pm ~ 11 : 30pm 時間 9 : 45pm ~ 12 : 00am G32 クイーンズルーム
キングスコート ・ オルタナティブ ( デッキ7 、 C階段 、 右舷 ) デッキ3 、 D階段 ( デッキ3 、 D階段 )
コリアンダー ( インド料理 ) 7 : 00pm ~ 9 : 00pm ( $ 19 . 50 )
ご予約は 8am ~ 6pm の間 、 25400まで テーマレストランのご紹介 本日のテーマは 、 “ コリアンダー ” ( インド料理 )
バー ・ ラウンジオープン時間 ・ お一人様 $ 19 . 50 営業時間 7 : 00pm ~ 9 : 00pm
Coriander カリンシア ・ ラウンジ
7 : 00am ~ 11 : 00pm ご予約は電話 25400 ( 8 : 00am ~ 6 : 00pm )
軽食 8 : 00am ~ 10 : 00am , 12 : 00pm ~ 2 : 30pm , 3 : 30pm ~ 5 : 00pm キングスコート ・ オルタナティブ ( デッキ7 、 C階段 、 右舷側 )
4 : 00pm 〜 遅くまで お写真のご注文締め切りについて
チャート ・ ルーム
4 : 00pm 〜 遅くまで 香港で最終下船のお客様は 、 本日9 : 00pm
4 : 00pm 〜 遅くまで までにお写真や DVDをご注文下さい 。 また
ゴールデン ・ ライオン ・ パブ 10 : 00am 〜 遅くまで 今クルーズの全写真はシステム上消去され
パブランチ 12 : 00pm ~ 2 : 30pm ますので 、 引き続き乗船されるお客様でお買い求めを
G32 ( 18歳以上 )
9 : 30pm 〜 遅くまで ご希望のお客様はフォトギャラリー担当者にご相談下さい 。
パビリオンプールバー 10 : 00am ~ 7 : 00pm フォトギャラリー ( デッキ2 、 C階段 )
サー ・ サミュエルズ
9 : 00am ~ 10 : 00pm 香港で最終下船されるお客様の清算について
テラスプール ・ バー ( 天候次第 ) 10 : 00am ~ 12 : 00am 3月31日に香港で最終下船なさるお客様で 、 以下のサービスをご グリル専用ラウンジ 11 : 00am ~ 2 : 30pm , 6 : 00pm ~ 12 : 00am 希望の方は 、 3月30日 11 : 00pmまでにパーサーズデスク ( デッ キ2 、 B階段 ) でお済ませ下さい 。
船内施設オープン時間 ※3月30日に最終下船されるお客様は3月29日 11 : 00pmまでに お済ませください 。
ブック ・ ショップ
7 : 00pm ~ 9 : 00pm ・ ご登録済みのクレジットカード変更希望の場合
8 : 00am ~ 8 : 00pm ・ クレジットカードご登録済みでも現金でご清算希望の場合
アート ・ ギャラリー
7 : 00pm ~ 10 : 00pm ●客室の会計付けで現金の引き出しや外貨両替をなさる場合
クローズ 、 クレジットカードのご登録がなく現金のみでご清算 、 または現金で
フォトギャラリー の両替は 、 下船日当日もご利用になれます 。
9 : 00am ~ 9 : 00pm 図書室
9 : 00am ~ 6 : 00pm 香港で最終下船なさるお客様へ図書室よりお知らせ
メイフェア ・ ショップス
8 : 00pm ~ 10 : 30pm 本日2 : 00pmまでに図書室の本をご返却下さい 。
9 : 00am ~ 11 : 00am , 4 : 00pm ~ 6 : 00pm
※緊急時は⑧999または911までお電話下さい エレベーター一時停止のお知らせ
9 : 00pm ~ 6 : 00pm 本日香港停泊中 11 : 00am ~ 11 : 30am ごろ 、 エレベーターの緊
ツアー ・ オフィス
5 : 00pm ~ 7 : 00pm 急作動確認作業を行います 。 アナウンスも流しますが 、 この
ボヤージ ・ セールス
9 : 00am ~ 11 : 00am 間 、 エレベーターはご利用いただけませんのでご了承くださ



Tonight ' s dress code : Informal Weather : 24°C ( 76°F ) Mostly Sunny

Queen Mary 2 Voyage M813 Friday , 30 March 2018 Sunrise 6 . 18am Sunset 6 . 37pm

Daily Programme . M2 2018
In the port of Hong Kong

From the Navigator . This morning Queen Mary 2 will end her sea passage and join one of the approach channels in towards Hong Kong . After safely navigating through the various
traffic separation schemes which are in place to control the large volumes of shipping traffic , we will arrive at the Kai Tak Passenger Terminal , where we will remain alongside overnight .

Arrival Time : 8 . 00am
All Aboard Time : 5 . 00pm , 31 March The first settlers to Hong Kong are believed to have arrived in the 3rd millennium BC , but for the early part of its history , Hong Kong saw only nomads . Hong Kong primarily consists of Hong Kong Island , Lantau Island , Kowloon Peninsula and the New Territories . The Kowloon Peninsula is attached to the New Territories to the north which eventually connect with mainland China across the Sham Chun River ( Shenzhen River ) . In total , Hong Kong encompasses a collection of 262 islands in the South China Sea . Ap Lei Chau is the most densely populated island in the world .

Premiere Movie .
' Lost In Translation .

Starring Bill Murray , Scarlett Johansson & Giovanni Ribisi .

Chinese Folkloric Hebei Acrobatic and Magic Show .

A faded movie star and a neglected young woman form an unlikely bond after crossing
paths in Tokyo . Rated R . Duration : 102 minutes .
At 2 . 00pm ,
8 . 00pm & 10 . 30pm Illuminations 7 , Deck 3 , Stairway B

Tonight a local troupe of entertainers present an evening of sensational entertainment . This is a show not to be missed . Presented by your Assistant Entertainment Director , Christopher Thomas .
8 . 45pm and 10 . 30pm Royal Court Theatre , Decks 1 , 2 & 3

Protestant Good
Friday Service . With Reverend James Conn .
4 . 30 pm , Royal Court Theatre , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway B

Rock This Way
With DJ Chris . Come and join our resident DJ for some
classic rock anthems G32 , Deck 3 , Stairway D

Ballroom & Latin Dancing .
Dance to the Queens Room Orchestra in the majestic setting of our ballroom . Under the musical direction of Blake Waters .
From 9 . 45pm to 12 . 00 am Queens Room 7 , Deck 3 , D Stairway

Good Friday Liturgy .

With Father William Gold .
4 . 30pm , Illuminations , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway A


Voy Today ' s activities .

For Guests On Tour Please check in with the tour staff and have your tour tickets ready to show the tour staff at check in . If you are travelling with friends , please meet beforehand and check in at the same time so that you are allocated the same group . Tours meeting in the Royal Court Theatre . 8 . 10am Hong Kong Big Bus Tour 8 . 15 am 031A Magical Macau 8 . 30am 001A Grand Tour of Hong Kong 8 . 45am 002A Scenic Highlights 9 . 00am 016A Hong Kong Panoramic Drive 9 . 00am 029A Lantau Island Uncovered 9 . 30am 021A A Local Hong Kong Experience 10 . 30am 034A Crystal Bus Experience

Officer Profile - Entertainment Manager : Amanda Reid Amanda was born in Kent in the U . K . where she still lives today . Amanda first started classical ballet classes at the age of four and after completing her academic schooling , she studied professional ballet in London for three years . Having passed her Advanced Classical Ballet exam and her teacher ' s qualification , Amanda set out on a career of dance , performing in London , Barcelona and Jersey in the Channel Islands , as well as working with an English ballet company . Amanda ' s career at sea began when she joined QE2 , where she was Dance Captain for twelve years , during which time she also enjoyed occasionally assisting as Social Hostess . As well as QE2 . Amanda also danced on Cunard Countess , Cunard Princess , Vistafjord and Sagafjord where she was the assistant and right hand to singer , dancer and choreographer , Peter Gordeno . When Peter Gordeno was invited to join Celebrity Cruises in 1990 . Amanda joined him as Dance Captain until she decided to hang up her dancing shoes to become Social Hostess two years later . During her time with Celebrity she was part of the start - up team on all nine of their ships , until she joined Silversea Cruises in June 2003 again as Social Hostess . She worked on Silver Cloud and Silver Shadow cruising in the Mediterranean , Australia , New Zealand , Vietnam and the Far East , but it wasn ' t long before Amanda felt the tug of her Cunard roots . She returned to the Cunard family by joining Queen Mary 2 in May 2004 as Social Hostess , and within two years she was promoted to the position of Assistant Entertainment Director . She was delighted to be a part of the Queen Victoria inaugural team , joining the ship at the Fincantieri shipyard in Marghera , Italy . Amanda was promoted to relief Entertainment Manager in 2008 and in April 2010 , she became a permanent Entertainment Manager .

Tours meeting on the Pier Ashore . The following tours will meet at the bus parking area ashore . Please allow at least 20 minutes to get ashore , because it is a long walk through the terminal . When reaching the terminal exit , please turn to the right and walk all the way down to the bus loading area of ZONE A ( Coach Bay 4 - 20 ) , at the very end of the terminal building , 12 . 20pm 033A Hidden Hong Kong 3 . 30pm 008A Hong Kong by Night 4 . 00pm 030A Hong Kong at Night by Vintage Tram 6 . 20pm 006A Evening Harbour Cruise 6 . 20pm 013A Open Top Bus by Night

Last minute tickets are available for shore excursions today . Please do not hesitate to contact the Tour Staff during tour dispatch hours in the Royal Court Theatre or on the pier ashore .


6 . 00 am Good Morning Queen Mary 2 Your guide to today ' s entertainment and activities , with Entertainment Director , Amanda Reid , and guests . Stateroom TV , Channel 23 ( repeated continuously until 12 . 00pm )

6 . 00 am Movie : Jungle Yesterday ' s theatre movie , repeated continuously . Stateroom TV , Channel 24

From the Purser ' s desk . Ship ' s Agent For emergencies while ashore . Wallem Shipping Ltd . - Hong Kong 9 / F Dorset House Taikoo Place 979 Kings Road , Quarry Bay Hong Kong , China Telephone : + 852 2876 8500 Fax : + 852 2876 1500 E - Mail : wshkops @ wallem . com


8 . 00am Arrival Queen Mary 2 arrives at Kai Tak . Please listen to announcements for updated information on the location of the gangway . To go ashore , all guests are required to have their ship ' s identification card with them .

9 . 00am Christian Fellowship Gathering ( unhosted ) Boardroom , Deck 9 , Stairway A ( Port )


9 . 00 am Social Table Tennis ( unhosted ) Pavilion Pool , Deck 12 , Stairway B

Berth . Kai Tak Cruise Terminal . 请带我去启德码头

9 . 30am Solo Travellers ' Meet Point ( unhosted ) Meet other independent guests to plan your time ashore . Outside the Golden Lion Pub , by the Post Box , Deck 2 , Stairway C

Currency . Legal tender in Hong Kong is the Hong Kong Dollar ( HKD ) . Foreign exchange is available from the Purser ' s Office on Deck 2 . Grand Lobby . Queen Mary 2 deals in US Dollars .

10 . 30am Morning Trivia Who will be crowned today ' s trivia champions ? Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) 11 . 00am Social Shuffleboard ( unhosted ) Sports Centre , Deck 13 , Stairway B 2 . 00pm Social Golf ( unhosted ) Sports Centre , Deck 13 , Stairway B


Postage Service . Postcards and letters can be mailed at the Purser ' s Office . Our flat rate service charge for the current voyage is $ 2 . 90 per postcard / letter . If you already have a stamp on your letter or postcard , we can still post it for you at the Purser ' s Office or you can use the post box outside the Golden Lion Pub .

2 . 00pm Movie : Lost In Translation Please see the front page of the daily programme for more details . 7 Illuminations , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway A

2 . 00pm Social Bridge and Whist ConneXions Rooms 4 & 5 , Deck 2 , Stairway A


VW Today ' s Activities .


3 . 00pm Killer Darts Who will be crowned champion of the board ? Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard )

9 . 45pm Live Music with Purple Haze G32 , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 10 . 45pm )


10 . 00pm Pub Team Trivia Join the Entertainment Team for some classic pub trivia fun . Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 . Stairway C ( Starboard )

3 . 30pm Queens Room Afternoon Tea Featuring harpist Fiona McGee .
Queens Room , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 4 . 30pm ) 4 . 00pm Friends Of Bill W . Boardroom , Deck 9 , Stairway A ( Port ) ( until 5 . 00pm )

10 . 00pm Pianist Andrew Cavendish - Grey Commodore Club , Deck 9 , Stairway A ( until 12 . 00 am )

4 . 15pm Afternoon Trivia With a member of the Entertainment Team . Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard )

10 . 30pm Movie : Lost In Translation Please see the front page of the daily programme for more details ,
7 Illuminations , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway A 10 . 30pm Showtime : Hebei Acrobatic and Magic Show Presented by your Assistant Entertainment Director , Christopher Thomas . 7 Royal Court Theatre , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway B

4 . 30pm Protestant Good Friday Service With Reverend James Conn .
Royal Court Theatre , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway B

10 . 45pm Rock This Way with DJ Chris G32 , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 11 . 30pm )

5pm .

4 . 30pm Good Friday Liturgy With Father William Gold .
7 Illuminations , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway A 5 . 00pm LGBT Social Hour Commodore Club , Deck 9 , Stairway A ( Starboard ) ( until 6 . 00pm ) 5 . 15pm Jewish Sabbath Service With Rabbi James Lebeau . ConneXions Rooms 4 & 5 , Deck 2 , Stairway A

10 . 45pm Pub Duo ' Amethyst Join our resident pub duo Amethyst in the most traditional British pub on the seven seas . Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) ( until late ) 11 . 30pm Live Music with Purple Haze G32 , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 12 . 30am ) 12 . 00am Dance Music For Enthusiasts Recorded ballroom and latin music . * Queens Room , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 12 . 30am )

5 . 15pm Deck Quoits Tournament Deck 12 , Stairway B ( Outside , Port )

5 . 15pm Imprezza String Quartet Carinthia Lounge , Deck 7 , Stairway B ( until 6 . 00pm )

12 . 30am All Request Express with DJ Chris G32 , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until late )

5 . 15pm Pianist Miklos Szabo Chart Room , Deck 3 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) ( until 6 . 00pm )

SpaClub .

/ pm

5 . 30pm Solo Guitarist Paul Garthwaite Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) ( until 6 . 00pm ) 7 . 00pm Pub Duo ' Amethyst Join our resident pub duo ' Amethyst ' in the most traditional British pub on the seven seas . Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) ( until 7 . 45pm ) 7 . 45pm Imprezza String Quartet Carinthia Lounge , Deck 7 , Stairway B ( until 8 . 30pm )

7 . 45pm Pianist Andrew Cavendish - Grey Chart Room , Deck 3 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) ( until 8 . 30pm )

7 . 45pm Pianist Miklos Szabo Commodore Club , Deck 9 , Stairway A ( until 8 . 30pm ) 7 . 45pm Recorded Ballroom & Latin Dance Music
7 Queens Room , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 9 . 45pm ) 8 . 00pm Early Evening Trivia Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard )


8 . 00pm Movie : Lost In Translation Please see the front page of the daily programme for more details . 7 Illuminations , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway A

Fitness classes . 7 . 30am Stretch and Relax - Full Body Stretch 8 . 00am Yoga - All Levels
Queens Room , Deck 3 , D Stairway 9 . 00am Pilates - All Levels 4 . 00pm Pilates - All Levels * 5 . 00pm Abs Express 5 . 30pm Fitness for Your Feet
Open Deck next to the Boardwalk Cafe , Deck 12 , C Stairway * $ 12 fitness pass and previous sign up required . Wellbeing seminars . 9 . 30 am The Science of Life and Healing Learn how to balance the mind and body . Treat anxiety , stress and insomnia , in the most natural way Connexions Room 2 , Deck 2 , Stairway A 10 . 30am How to Increase Your Metabolism - Fitness Seminar Connexions Room 2 , Deck 2 , Stairway A 11 . 00am Chiropractic Clinic Now Open A chiropractic treatment works on various health issues , as well as preventive care . and includes restoring the bodies mechanical disorders through manual therapy . Canyon Ranch SpaClub , Deck 7 , Stairway A 12 . 30pm Laying the Canvas to Beautiful Hair Is your hair saying the right things about you ? Join our expert hairstylist as they demonstrate various options in achieving the ultimate look . Spa Salon , Deck 8 , Stairway A 1 . 15pm Thai Demo and Workshop Join our authentic Thai therapists Tammy and GiGi to discover the history and benefits of this ancient practice . Canyon Ranch SpaClub , Deck 7 , Stairway A 2 . 00pm Spinal Health for Life Join Dr . Luchelle and discuss back pain , sciatica and arthritis A complimentary consultation will be given for all those who attend . ConneXions Room 2 , Deck 2 , Stairway A 3 . 00pm Eat More to Weigh Less Lifestyle seminar to a better you with our fitness expert . Connexions Room 2 , Deck 2 , Stairway A

8 . 45pm Showtime : Hebei Acrobatic and Magic Show Presented by your Assistant Entertainment Director , Christopher Thomas . 7 Royal Court Theatre , Decks 2 & 3 , Stairway B


9 . 30pm Pub Duo ' Amethyst Join our resident pub duo ' Amethyst ' in the most traditional British pub on the seven seas . Golden Lion Pub , Deck 2 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) ( until 10 . 00pm )

9 . 30pm The Jazz Club With the Mark Hodgson Trio . Chart Room , Deck 3 , Stairway C ( Starboard ) ( until late )

9 . 45pm Imprezza String Quartet Carinthia Lounge , Deck 7 , Stairway B ( until 10 . 30pm )

9 . 45pm Ballroom & Latin Dance Music Dance to the Queens Room Orchestra in the majestic setting of our ballroom . Under the musical direction of Blake Waters , featuring vocalist , Michael Burke . Queens Room , Deck 3 , Stairway D ( until 12 . 00am )


Queens Grill , Princess Grill and Britannia Club . Dress requirement : Informal . Breakfast
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . 00am to 9 . 30am Cocktail dress or stylish separates for ladies . Jacket required , tie Lunch . . . . . . . . . . .
12 . 00pm to 1 . 30pm optional for gentlemen . No jeans or shorts . Please note that after Dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 30pm to 9 . 00pm 6 . 00pm , shorts and blue or worn denim ( for men and women ) : sandals
and sleeveless tops ( for men ) are not considered appropriate within Britannia Restaurant .
the ship . Any guests wishing to dress more casually are welcome to Breakfast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . 00am to 9 . 30am
dine in the Kings Court buffet on Deck 7 , relax in the Carinthia Lounge , Lunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 . 00pm to 1 . 30pm
and enjoy live / DJ music and dancing at our night club , G32 . However First sitting dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 00pm , last order 6 . 30pm
please do not use other areas within the ship , including our Verandah Second sitting dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . 30pm , last order 9 . 00pm Wine Line . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . 10 . 00am to 1 . 00pm
Restaurant and Alternative Dining Restaurant , out of respect for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pre - order your wine for the voyage by calling 22062 .
other fellow guests and the ambience of the evening . Kings Court Buffet Deck 7 .
Your Security And Safety Ashore . Continental Breakfast . . .
. . . 5 . 00 am to 6 . 30am
Whilst we do not wish to restrict your movements ashore today Full Breakfast Buffet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . 6 . 30 am to 11 . 30 am Chef ' s Galley Healthy Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 30am to 10 . 30am
and in our upcoming ports , we do suggest taking the following Lunch Buffet
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . 30 am to 3 . 00pm
precautions : Chef ' s Galley : Burger & Hot Dog Station . . . . . . . . . . 11 . 30 am to 3 . 00pm Do not stray from the main tourist areas . Afternoon Snack , Forward Starboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . 30pm to 5 . 30pm . Do not wear any jewellery that is likely to attract attention . Chef ' s Galley : Pizza & Pasta Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 00pm to 9 . 30pm . Be careful to secure personal possessions in pockets , wallets Dinner Buffet : Deck 7 . Forward Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 00pm to 10 . 30pm
and handbags as pickpockets can operate in all cities . Late Snack , Buffet Aft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . 00pm to 2 . 00am We advise you to be careful if you are taking any high value Gluten Free and Lactose Free items are available at the aft buffet from
items , including cameras ashore . 7 . 00 am through to 3 . 00pm . Afternoon Tea and Dinner options are available
• Maintain an awareness of your surroundings at all times . on request at the forward main buffet , please ask the Head Waiter . Kings Court Alternative Dining C Stairway ) . Elevators temporarily out of service . A $ 19 . 50 cover charge applies . For reservations please dial 25400 Please be advised that whilst in the port of Hong Kong we will between 8 . 00am & 6 . 00pm .
be testing our Emergency Diesel Generators from approximately Coriander . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . 00pm to 9 . 00pm 11 . 00am to 11 . 30am , today , 30 March . During this time all elevators
will be out of service for a short period of time . Announcements The Verandah Restaurant .
will be made to advise you when this will take place . Dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 30pm to 9 . 00pm Cover charge applies for Dinner $ 49 . 95 .
Settlement of On Board Accounts - Applicable for For reservations please call 25400 between 8 . 00am & 6 . 00pm .
Disembarking Guests Only Boardwalk Café , ( Outside on Deck 12 , D Stairway , open weather permitting )
Guests who are disembarking in Hong Kong , 31 March , will have Fast Food Grill Items . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . 12 . 00pm to 4 . 30pm
their on board accounts settled to their registered bank card on
the morning of disembarkation . This settlement is an automated Bars & Lounges .
process so there is no requirement to visit the Purser ' s Office . Carinthia Lounge . . . . . . .
7 . 00am to 11 . 00pm
However , guests who wish to settle all or part of their account in ( Light snacks from 8 . 00am to 10 . 00 am 12 . 00pm to 2 . 30pm &
cash must do so prior to 11 . 00pm , 30 March . 3 . 30pm to 5 . 00pm ) Champagne Bar . . . .
. . . . . . . 4 . 00pm to late
Library books . Chart Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 4 . 00pm to late Commodore Club . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 . 00pm to late
All guests who are disembarking in Hong Kong are reminded that library Empire Casino Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As per Casino opening hours books must be returned to the Library no later than 2 . 00pm today . Golden Lion Pub
. . . . . . 10 . 00am to late Pub Lunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 . 00pm to 2 . 30pm
Shuttle Bus Service . G32 . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . 9 . 30pm to the wee small hours ( Guests under the age of 18 are not permitted in G32 )
Cunard Shuttle service will be in operation from 9 . 00am between Pavilion Pool Bar . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . 10 . 00 am to 7 . 00pm the ship ( berthed at Kai Tak Cruise Terminal ) and Tsimshatsui Sir Samuel ' s . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 00am to 11 . 00pm East Waterfront . This drop off point is connected by footbridge to Terrace Pool Bar ( weather permitting ) . . . . . . . . . . 10 . 00am to 10 . 00pm Garden of Star , Tsimshatsui East ( near Kowloon Shangri - La Hotel ) : Grills Lounge ( Grills guests only please . )
as well as Star Ferry ( approximately 10 - 15 minutes leisurely walk . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . 00am to 2 . 30pm & 6 . 00pm to 12 . 00 am along Salisbury Road . ) Facilities and Retail .
Transfer time is approximately 45 minutes each way , depending on Book Shop . . .
Closed the traffic . Last departure from the city will be at 8 . 00pm . Canyon Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . 00 am to 8 . 00pm There will be one adapted vehicle in service - departing from Kai Clarendon Fine Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Closed
Tak terminal at 9 . 00am , 11 . 00am , 2 . 00pm , 4 . 00pm and 7 . 00pm ; and Empire Casino . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Closed
departing from the city at 12 . 00pm , 3 . 00pm , 5 . 00pm and 8 . 00pm . Images Photo Gallery . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 00 am to 9 . 00pm
This accessible vehicle is mostly suitable for regular wheelchairs ( Interactive photo screens open 24 hours ) Internet Centre ( assistance ) 8 . 30am to 10 . 30am & 5 . 00pm to 9 . 00pm
electric wheelchairs need to be checked by the driver before Library ( with assistance ) . . . 9 . 00 am to 11 . 00am & 4 . 00pm to 8 . 30pm
boarding due to special requirements they need to meet . At peak Mayfair Shops . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Closedh ours queues are expected , we kindly ask for your patience . As an Medical Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . 00 am to 10 . 00am & 4 . 00pm to 6 . 00pm alternative taxis will be available . ( For medical emergencies only please dial 911 or 999 )
In order to find the Queen Mary 2 Shuttle loading point when Sports . .
. . . . . . 9 . 00 am to 6 . 00pm Tour Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . 00pm to 7 . 00pm
reaching the terminal exit , please turn to the right and walk all the Voyage Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . 9 . 00am to 11 . 00 am way down to the bus loading area of ZONE A , at the very end of the
terminal building . Zone A Coach Bay 4 - 20 will be used for Queen Baby Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . 00pm to 5 . 00pm & 6 . 00pm to 11 . 00pm Mary 2 shuttles and tours throughout the day . Please be advised Play Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . 00pm to 5 . 00pm & 6 . 00pm to 11 . 00pm that there will be other shuttles running out of various nearby Kids Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . 00pm to 5 . 00pm & 6 . 00pm to 11 . 00pm shopping malls , but those services are unconnected to Cunard . Night Nursery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 00pm to 11 . 00pm

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Discover . . .

Getting the most from your voyage .

Friday , 30 March 2018 On board Queen Mary 2 . . .

Internet End of voyage special .
Last minute plans ? Check in lor flights ? 30 minutes for $ 14 . 95

Scenic Highlights .

Visit the Internet Centre in ConneXionsl lor more
information .

This popular tour introduces you to many of of Hong Kong ' s famous highlights : Victoria Peak , Stanley Market and Aberdeen where you will have an opportunity to take a
Sampan boat ride . Stop by the Tour Office , Deck 2 , Grand
Lobby to secure your reservation .


New 2019 - 2020 voyages .
On sale now . Glittering Festive Celebrations in Auckland .
Melbourne to Melbourne - 14 nights 22 December 2019 to 5 January 2020

SpaClub .

Experience the majestic beauty of New Zealand with its towering mountains and verdant valleys , washed by tumbling waters - interspersed with blissful time aboard
Queen Elizabeth .

Last Day Special . Choose one of the following 50 minutes treatments :
Tension Zone
Thai Massage Aromatherapy Full Body Massage
Canyon Ranch Massage
Today , only $ 99
Call 27008 / 9 for bookings . Canyon Ranch SpaClub , Deck 7 , Forward
( Terms & conditions apply )

Melbourne , Burnie , Dunedin , Christchurch , Wellington , Auckland ( overnight on New Year ' s Eve ) ,
Melbourne .


Enjoy 5 % Cunard World Club member
discount before 30 June 2018 and receive onboard credits of up to USD $ 400 per person when you reserve
your Festive Voyage onboard .

The earlier you book the more choice of staterooms or suites will be available for you to choose from
for your voyage .

Visit your Voyage Sales Specialists on Deck 2 ( Port Side ) or call 22339 ( Yoyo ) or 22347 ( Chris )
to arrange a private appointment to book your next voyage .


Last Minute Tour Bookings .

If you would like to join a tour departing today ,
please follow the meeting arrangements in your Daily Programme for your desired tour , and be prepared to depart . If space is available , we will write you a ticket , and
charge it to your onboard account .





Dine at Coriander .

Coriander Indian Cuisine

We kindly remind our disembarking guests , that all photographs and DVDs must be ordered before 9pm today .

Coriander offers traditional Indian cuisine
ranging from exquisitely simple vegetarian dishes to full - flavoured meat , chicken and fish concoctions made with dozens of ingredients
and spices .

All the photographs captured this voyage are available to view on the PhotoNow screens in the Photo Gallery .

Coriander is located within the King ' s Court Buffet , Deck 7 , Stairway C , Port side , open from
6 . 30pm to 9 . 00 pm . Please note that a $ 19 . 50 cover charge per person will apply .
Call the reservations line 25400
to reserve your table .

All voyage photographs will be removed
from the system so we also remind transitting guests to come to the gallery and talk to one of our photographers .

Cunard Commemorative Sake Gift Box .


The Wine Line .

Made with the utmost care , this Sake is the pinnacle of the craft . Being undiluted it retains the rich depth that typically is diluted to soften and smooth the natural heartiness of Sake . Fruity nose of pears , green vanilla with hints
of ripe melon and marzipan , this Sake has a distinctive creamy texture with a well integrated umami , and mineral flavour enabling it to be
enjoyed throughout the meal . Single varietal Yamadanishiki Sakerice , polished to 40 % of the original grain size .
$ 28 . 00 . Service charge is included . Speak to one of our friendly bar staff for more details .


To assist you in selecting the perfect wine or wine package to complement your fine dining experience , we have a dedicated Wine Line . Telephone 22062 , from 10 . 00am to 1 . 00pm , to speak with one of our knowledgeable Sommelier ' s .

Hire a camera kit for use on board or in port .

Hlave you claimed vour intemet
minules ?

Rentals are available for single day at $ 50 or at a discounted
weekly rate of $ 200 .
Kit Items include :
D7500 Camera Body Camera Lens with UV Filter Camera Bag and Accessories
Battery and Charger
SD Card ( yours to keep ) For further information please speak with our professional photographers .

Each individual Gold , Platinum
und Diamond member receives complimentary internet . Purchase the plan online and it will be automatically
relunded .

Gold Members - 20 Minute Plan Platinum Members - 240 Minute Plan Diamond Members - 4S0 Minute Plan

Clarendon Fine Art - Award Winning Gallery

Visit the Internet Centre in Canne Kionsl for more

Our award winning gallery on board Queen Mary 2 is proud to showcase an eclectic range of original and limited edition artwork . Including artists such as L . S . Lowry , Sherree Valentine Daines and Philip Gray , our collection changes on a daily basis . Visit the gallery to meet your art experts and begin your voyage of
artistic discovery . Clarendon Fine Art Gallery , Deck 3L ,
Cor D Stairway , Starboard Side

Stay Connected





Cruisemans でできること










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