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Refrections Rudesheim

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THE MEDIEVAL CASTLES OF THE ROMANTIC RHINE FACTS OR FAIRYTALE For Rhine River travelers , it ' s fairly common knowledge that the Neuschwanstein Castle famously served as the inspiration for Disneyland ' s Sleeping Beauty Castle , and that the Grimm Brothers ' fairytales were inspired by the dense Black Forest that runs alongside the Rhine . With its steep slopes and medieval castles , the " Romantic Rhine , " aka the Upper Middle Rhine Valley , has inspired painters and poets since the German Romanticism of the late 18th and early 19th centuries . Nowhere in Europe can you find as many castles so close together as along this dramatic 40 - mile stretch , one of the most magnificent and oldest cultural landscapes in Europe .

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The Rhine begins as an Alpine stream , churning through deep gorges and plunging some 75 feet over the spectacular Rheinfall waterfall . But it ' s the Middle Rhine flowing through the Rhine River Gorge from Bingen to Rüdesheim and Koblenz that has exercised such a powerful influence on the literary scene . Here you ' ll find the setting for many of the bedtime fairytale stories of your youth , castles filled with princesses and Prince Charmings , dark valleys and woods where Hansel and Gretel lost their way . With its vineyards , hilltop castles and medieval villages , the seductive beauty of the Romantic Rhine is one of the most common themes in the literature of German Romanticism . However , travel back in time and you ' ll find that fiction is quite different from fact .




According to Thomas Hobbes , life in the Middle Ages was " nasty , brutish and short , " the countryside the domain of outlaw bands and armies , the only difference being how large they were . The fact is that most of the castles along the Rhine began not as palaces for princes , but as armored bunkers to protect the fiefdoms of landowners . They had all the romance of a fallout Shelter ; their lofty towers used only to spy trespassers before they arrived at their door . However , with the Thirty Years War and conflicts of the 17th and 18th centuries , the castle fortresses became obsolete , ineffective protection against the ever - growing armies and cannons , and most of them fell into ruin or were destroyed .

Suddenly in the late 19th century , everything changed . A wave of nationalism swept Europe . Under the Prussian leadership of Bismarck , the Germanic cluster of mini - states came together as a single powerful nation . A great surge in German patriotism prompted a more fanciful interpretation of Germany ' s " roots . " Ruins were rebuilt . mosaics replaced , and decrepitude reversed – all to make the relics of the Middle Ages look more convincingly medieval . At the same time , modern tourism also took hold , so there was not only a nationalist spirit , but also an economic incentive to rebuild . Many princes and wealthy individuals began to restore fortresses such as Stolzenfels Castle , the most outstanding work of the Romantic Rhine , and Germany ' s new romantic perspective was expressed by leading writer and poets of the time . In 1801 , Clemens Brentano created the most famous of the Rhine myths , the story of the beautiful , sad enchantress Lore Lay , when he published his ballad At Bacharach on the Rhine . The poems of Friedrich Schlegel and Adelheid of Stolterfot introduced a new , more , romantic perspective of Germany to travelers . And in England , Lord Byron made the Rhine area enormously popular with his verse narrative , Childe Harold ' s Pilgrimage .

The romantic view of the Rhine was soon shared by artists such as Christian Georg Shultz the younger , and William Turner , one of the 19th century ' s greatest landscape painters , who painted scenes of the Rhine ( heavily influenced by the Romantic novelists ) that the public wanted to see a wild and rugged terrain with solitary castles perched on steep cliffs . The most popular romantic Rhine views were the oil paintings of Nikolai von Astudin which were reproduced in postcards and other formats and distributed widely , helping to transform the Rhine into one of the most popular travel destinations in Europe .

With its rich cultural and historic background and charming Drosselgasse cobbled street , Rüdesheim itself is one of the most intriguing villages on the Rhine River Gorge . And just a few miles downriver , the Museum am Strom in Bingen has a section on how 19th - century artists created the image of the Rhine that still persists , an intriguing pastiche of the Romantic Era .

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